Chapter 15 - Photoshoot

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Andrea POV

I can't believe they are making me do this.

Right now I could be saving a life, instead, they are caking my face with makeup for the fucking cameras.

Apparently, it would be good press if I am on the cover of every magazine posing with an Avenger, they want it to be clear that I saved their lives, and that I work at Angels hospital.

The more press, the more patients.

Stark has set everything up, we are at a photography studio and they have professionals doing my hair and makeup while forcing me into a knee-length black dress and heels.

I can't wait for this to be over.

"Alright Doctor, I need you over here, we are doing a group shot first." The photographer ushers me onto a chair in the centre of the photo shooting space.

They are taking pictures with me and every Avenger in their suits and normal clothes (with the exception of Peter), so I have to pose with every single Avenger twice.

Including my ex-lover.

Yep, James is here and looking fine as hell.

The fucking gods came too, Thor and Loki, neither of whom will stop staring at me.

They even took Barton from the hospital for this, he is still recovering and his head is covered in bandages, but the photographer is convinced they can edit it out.

The photographer positions the Avengers around me, Steve is standing behind me, next to him is Bucky, on his other side is Tony, next to Tony is Natasha, Bruce is next to her, Thor is next to Bucky, Loki is next to Thor, Clint and Sam and crouching in between me and Steve, Peter and Wanda are sitting on chairs next to me.

(Hopefully, this explains better)

"Alright everyone, I want strong and heroic, Doctor I want your face to say 'I saved these people' while you all look grateful as well as strong, give me that and you get a cupcake

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"Alright everyone, I want strong and heroic, Doctor I want your face to say 'I saved these people' while you all look grateful as well as strong, give me that and you get a cupcake."

I admit that the cupcake was a great motivator.

After a few shots, we can release our poses and run to the cupcakes, or more like me, Peter, Clint, Bucky, Thor, and Sam run to the cupcakes while the others look like exasperated parents. Well apart from Tony, the look on his face says he can buy all the cupcakes in the world so he'll let us take this one.

Looking like I can tolerate these people on camera was worth it for these amazing desserts.

"Ok, after you have swallowed those whole, Doctor I need you and, hmm let's see... Mr Stark, you're up first."

I roll my eyes and shove the cupcake down my throat while walking back to my spot with Stark.

"We'll begin with the poses in your suits, then go onto normal clothes."

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