Chapter 34 - Code silver

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Andrea POV

"Cheyenne, can you get in here with some suction?" I ask as the patient's chest begins to fill with blood.

"On it, so how's life with the Avengers?" We are 4 hours into the surgery and so far so good.

It's good to talk so we don't think of how sore our feet are or if we need food and water.

"I hate it, I mean the perks like money are pretty great but otherwise not worth it."

"Really? I would probably pay just to spend a night in the Avengers tower, you have to admit some of those heroes are a great view." I snort.

"I never said they weren't attractive, it's their personalities that are the problem." That's easier to believe than one of them is blackmailing me while the other is determined to expose me. I actually like most of the Avengers, just hate the odd few.

"I have watched some interviews and they seem pretty sweet." She points out.

"Well, obviously they're not going to be assholes on live television." Oops, I'm making it out to be that they're all terrible people, I'm just going to move the conversation in a different direction and hope she doesn't take my words seriously. "You dating anyone?"

"I got a guy's number a few days ago, but otherwise, no."

"Don't worry, you'll find the right one eventually-"

I am cut off by the loud sound of gunshots echoing through the hospital causing people everywhere to scream.

"What the fuck?"

"Call a code silver!" A nurse shouts from behind us.

Someone's attacking the hospital?

Shit, what if Maddy's up there?

"Keep working on the patient, I'll check it out!" I practically sprint out of the OR, ignoring Cheyenne's screams for me to stop.

I dump my surgical gown, mask, cap and gloves as I race to the entrance. Even if Maddy was here she was last with a witch, Wanda can protect her.

I hope.

Once I push past all the people running through the halls to find a safe place to wait the shooter out, I manage to get to the entrance of the hospital where multiple dead bodies lay with even more injured and struggling to stay conscious.

There is no shooter here so either they left or are wandering around the hospital.

I ran to the closest victim who is still breathing and put pressure on his wound, his chest is bleeding profusely and there is no exit wound so I'm assuming the bullet is still in his chest causing all sorts of damage.

I keep my hands on his chest and look for all the other survivors, there are only a handful and I can already tell half of them are going to die whether I try to help them or not. So I am going to use my energy on those who will live.

I tightly wrap a piece of cloth around the man's chest to slow the bleeding so I can move on to the next victim who only has a flesh wound through her arm.

While making sure she doesn't bleed out, I use her thumbprint to open her phone and dial for Maddy. The police were contacted the moment a code silver was activated along with the hundreds of civilians running around this hospital with their phones so making sure the shooter is taken out is not my first priority right now, Maddy is.

She doesn't pick up, which both scares and gives me hope. I'm imagining she is out with Wanda getting ice cream and having too much fun to even take her eyes off Wanda and onto her phone.

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