Chapter 33 - Ditch the assassin

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Andrea POV


So much screaming.

It's deafening.

Chaos is everywhere.

People around us won't stop running, they're trampling each other.

The death is surrounding me.

Chocking me.

Her blood coats my hands.

It stains my clothes.

Her coughs have become filled with blood, the bullet punctured a lung.

She's going to drown in her blood.

I won't let you die.

Even if it means people seeing what I am.

- 5 hours earlier -

Those two are so cute.

I only had to watch them for a minute to tell they have the hots for each other.

I'm happy Maddy finally likes someone, I was worried she'd never experience being stupid and young with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

I wasn't surprised when she announced she liked girls, she's not very subtle when it comes to things like this.

After returning to my room to change into my scrubs I leave the tower to go to the hospital, I want to see if anything has gone to hell with me gone so long.

I also need to scream at Greta for the teething-baby incident.

It's nice to be able to breathe fresh air again, being in that tower with all those people who want to either expose me or use me is suffocating.

Once the taxi is paid for I get inside the hospital and instantly ask Jarvis where Greta is right now, I need to do this before my anger gets lost in the happiness of being back in my hospital.

"Greta!" When I see her, her face instantly turns shocked.

"Before you say anything, look." She grabs a small box from her pocket and holds it in front of my face.

"I am going to kill you!" People around us understandably stare at the doctor telling a nurse she is going to murder them.

"Just look at it, it's so pretty." She opens the box to reveal a necklace with the letter A in cursive writing next to a charm of a human heart.

I admit I love it.

"That won't work-"

"I also got you this for Maddy." Greta pulls out another box but this one is smaller, inside is a silver ring in the shape of a crown.

I huff out a breath of annoyance before grabbing the jewellery, putting the necklace on and shoving the ring in my pocket, Maddy isn't much of a jewellery person but she does wear them on special occasions.

Greta is wearing a victorious smile and helps connect the clasp of the necklace behind my head.

"So I'm forgiven?"

"Yes, but from now on I only babysit Ella when she's in a good mood." I grumble.

"Fair, and the cherry on top for dumping a screaming baby on you is I have a great surgery with your name on it."

"You know just how to make me continue loving you." She laughs and tells me to get ready while she finishes her work up here.

I can feel the adrenaline already pumping through my veins, it has been far too long since I've held a scalpel. People don't understand how addictive it is to save someone's life, I know the Avengers do that on a daily basis but I save lives without the guilt of knowing my presence didn't bring the danger and cause the life to be at risk in the first place.

After leaving the locker room to dump my bag and grab my doctor coat, I see something that makes my whole body freeze and wish I had forced Maddy to pinky promise to stop spending time with Natasha Romanoff because she clearly didn't get the message the first time since she just entered my hospital with her alongside Wanda.

"There she is." Wanda nods her head to me and Maddy speed walks over with an angry look on her face while the other two stay behind out of earshot.

"I am so going to get back at you for doing that to me." She hisses at me.

"I don't get why you're mad, it's clear she likes you back." I shrug and reach for the box holding the ring in my pocket.

"Wait really? Ah, that's not the point, you put me in a situation I wasn't comfortable in." She crossed her arms in frustration.

"I know baby, but to be fair there is a lot you're not comfortable with, people just need to be pushed sometimes and look how it worked out, Wanda hasn't taken her eyes off you since you walked in." I wink and make her blush at my news.


"Yep, also here is a gift from Greta, she pissed me off and regained my love with jewellery." I untuck my necklace from behind my shirt to show her while she opens the box.

"It's very pretty, can you tell her I said thank you." She safely buries the little box in her bag.

"Will do. Now, why the hell are you walking around with Romanoff when I asked you only hours ago to stay away from her?" I demand and Maddy turns sheepish.

"She asked if I wanted to visit you since I haven't been out today, I said no but she kept pushing and if I still refused it would have been rude. There was nothing I could do."

"You couldn't been rude and told her to fuck off!" I whisper yell.

"Maybe you just don't like her because you don't know her." She tries to reason, it's easy to tell she enjoys spending time with the redhead but she is too dangerous to be alone with my sister.

"Maddy this is not an issue of likability, I just get bad feelings from her. You can spend time with literally any other Avenger." Except Loki.

"Fine, I'll avoid her better." I don't put much faith in her words seeing how persistent Romanoff is and how Maddy hates being mean, but it's good enough for now.

"Good, now I have a surgery and it'll be a few hours so just try to dump Natasha and go have fun with Wanda. Maybe try asking her on a date if you're feeling confident?"

"All my confidence for today went into talking to her in coherent sentences." I laugh before sending Wanda a smile and a glare to Romanoff and walking off to the operating room.

If there is a god out there please give Maddy the strength to ditch the assassin, and while you're at it maybe help her give Wanda a little kiss.

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