Chapter 16 - Aria

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Andrea POV

After that horrifying dance, I stepped away and asked if we could speed this up since I have people's lives to save.

Of course, that was just an excuse to get away from the man that might have the power to destroy my life.

The rest went quickly.

First, it was Peter who made my mood lift a bit but I was still nervous.

He posed like he was flying around on his web things and I was sitting on his knee, he is seriously strong if he can hold my entire weight on one leg.

Next, it was Bruce, he just put on his lab coat and we posed side by side, he is a pretty good guy and smart as hell.

And lastly, it was Clint, we got toy bows and arrows and kept shooting the Avengers, I had specific targets while he just shot everyone in the head, it made for a pretty good photo, plus my arrow stuck directly on Stark's cheek and he just kind of left it there.

Once the photos in their suits were done, I persuaded the photographer that we didn't really need any in normal clothes, it took a while but he finally agreed and I am taking a taxi to see someone I haven't seen in a long time.

I was going to go to the hospital, but I've lost all my energy on this stupid shoot, and I just really want to see my old friend who has god knows how much time left.

"Who are you visiting?" A staff member asks.

"Peggy Carter."

"I'm sure she'll be happy for a visit, but she may not remember you." I'm counting on it.

She tells me the room number and I have to take a minute before seeing her again, the time I spent with these people during the war, I loved it.

"Hey Pegs, do you remember me?" She looks so frail, this is not the badass woman I used to know and love.

"No, do I- do I know you?" She seems confused, Peggy doesn't deserve this, she would've preferred to of died in battle, not be old and confused with Alzheimers.

"You used to, we were good friends." She's trying to remember, but it isn't working.

"Wh-whats your name?"

"Aria." If this was a cartoon, a lightbulb would be going off over her head.

"Delaney?" Oh crap.

"Yes, my name is Aria Delaney."

"It has been so long, I have forgotten so much." I take a seat on the chair close to her bed and drop my bag, I'm intending on being here as long as I can.

"I know, and I know you didn't deserve any of this." I place my hand on hers and rub soothing circles on her wrinkled skin. 

"How close were we?" She is fishing for answers, and I have to give her something to make her feel better.

"Very, we would always be together, in work and personal life, we fought to end the war and we succeeded." I try to give her something to feel better, we really were the best of friends.

And I don't want her to suffer.

"Wait, Aria? Bucky's wife?" Oh shit, she's remembering too much.

"Sorry Pegs, but I have to go." I grab my bag and stand, but she grabs my wrist before I can leave.

"No, wait! Please Aria!"

"I'm sorry." I unlatch her hand from my arm.

"No, you died! You burned, I could hear your screams! Please come back!" She calls for me as I run away.

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