Chapter 7 - Just tripped

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Madison POV

After that embarrassing incident with those stupid bras, I do as told and go to the doughnut shop across the street, and my mouth is watering at the thought of a glazed chocolate doughnut.

I'm really happy Andy is spending her week off with me, she would probably want to spend it doing absolutely nothing so I'll have some days for that, but I want to do things with her as we used to, and devouring food from every shop near us is one of them.

While I'm thinking of stuffing my face, a horn brings me out of my head, and I turn to see a truck seconds away from hitting me.

I'm too late to react so I brace myself for the pain, but all I feel is the pavement scraping my bare skin, someone pushes me out of the way and we both land together on the floor while the car speeds past.

I don't think that car even tried to slow down.

"Are you ok?" A woman speaks to me.

My blurry eyes finally opened to see red, thought I had a major concussion before my eyes focused and I saw it was a person.

No, it was an Avenger.

Holy crap.

Natasha Romanoff saved my life.

"Uh um yeah." I can't help but smile, she probably thinks I'm insane for smiling a minute after I was almost hit by a car.

Miss Romanoff gives me a hand to help me stand and stabilises me when I begin to wobble from dizziness.

"Thanks." I try to keep my cool, which is hard since I am talking to one of the most influential and powerful women in the world.

"Are you alone because you might have a concussion?" She guides me to a bench a few steps away.

"No uh I'm with my sister, she should be here soon."

"I'll wait with you while she gets here." That's nice, I smile and look down at my hands, which I realised are slightly bleeding.

"So why did your sister leave you alone? Seems rather dangerous." Must be her job as a superhero to make sure everyone is protected, even though I am as safe as can be.

"Well, she knows I'm responsible and I was just out of my head when I was crossing the road, I'll be careful next time." She nods, accepting my answer.

"What's your name?"

"Maddy - well Madison, you? Oh wait that's a stupid question, I know your name, everyone knows your name." I begin rambling out of nervousness.

"Maddy! He-hey you okay, what's going on? You know better to talk to strangers." Andrea comes out of nowhere looking very anxious, and looks to of ran here from the bra place.

"Uh this is Natasha Romanoff, you saved her life." I don't know how she could forget, probably just her protectiveness of me making her not fully see who she was.

"Yes, she did." Miss Romanoff says and her eyes narrow at my big sister, is there something going on with them?

I thought Miss Romanoff would be happy about seeing Andrea again, she is literately the reason she's alive.

The two kind of just stare at each other for a bit, while I look back and forth between them trying to underground why they are acting so cold.

"Come on Mads, lets get a doughnut." Andy takes my hand to practically drag me, but sadly she saw me wince from the sudden contact on my cuts.

"What's wrong?" She questions.

"Nothing, just tripped." I see Miss Romanoff glance at me while Andy doesn't believe me, and begins to examine my hands and looks angry.

"What the hell happened, because these look like you were pushed onto the ground, and I doubt she is here for no reason so why did she push you?" Andy looks very determined to find out what is going on.

"Uhh..." Apparently, I take too long to answer and Miss Romanoff feels no need to help me, so Andrea looks me over to see any other injuries.

"Oh my fucking god, you were going to get hit by a car! How could you be so irresponsible? I told you to always look before crossing! Were you hurt, did the car clip you? Or did-"

"Slow down for a minute, how did you figure that out?" I know that was an admission of what happened, but I am very curious as to how she came to that conclusion.

"I'm a doctor." She says it like that explains everything.

I decide to leave it at that and drag her to the doughnuts.

Natasha POV

I have been watching Dr Andrea Collins ever since she did something to me, and I have learned that she has a lot of secrets she is hiding, even from the girl she claims to love as a sister.

And it was a good thing I was watching her or else that little girl would have gotten seriously hurt.

I plan on trailing the doctor for as long as I need, especially after hearing she has taken a week off.

I know she is not human, I saw her veins blacken and eyes go from a freakish pure white with no irises or pupils to her normal brown, I may have been in the middle of a surgery but I know what I saw.

She isn't what she says she is, I'm getting her blood to test and see what she is, even if I have to stab her.

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