Chapter 19 - 19 hours

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Andrea POV

My eyes open from the memory, god I want to see Bucky, I had just spent 19 hours doing multiple surgeries without a break, the second everything had calmed down I found a clean and unused gurney and took a nap, my feet hurt too much to make it to the on-call room.

"Hey Collins, you want to go home?"

"Whitfield, any new surgeries?" I turn to my side so I can face him and place my arm under my head.

"A few, but they're minor and you're exhausted, go home." I rub my eyes to wake myself up.

"No, I need to help."

"You're tired, I can do them." He tries to persuade me, but I will not budge.

"No one has ever persuaded her out of surgery Whitfield, Drea do you want me to go to your place and check on Maddy?" Greta appears.

"Please." I nod and she goes to get her stuff.

"Ok, tell me about the surgeries." I ask now that I've woken up, let's get back to doctoring.

Is that a word? I have no idea, I'm still tired, only slept 30 minutes.

You may be thinking that if I can't even remember words, then I probably shouldn't be doing surgery, but I am much better at human anatomy than the English language.

"They're small and simple." We begin to walk.

"Ok, who's first?"

"The paramedic that was driving the ambulance, has coronary heart disease."

"So we need to do a coronary artery bypass?"

"Yes, but are you sure you're up for this? It can take up to 6 hours." We are on our way to the OR and I am not missing the chance to save a paramedic.

"Andrea! H-hey." Why is Peter here?

"Uh hey Spiderman, Whitfield can you give us a moment?" He walks away, also looking confused as to why Spiderman is visiting me.

I pull Peter into an empty room so we can talk without people eavesdropping.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I heard there was an accident yesterday a-and wanted to make sure you were alright because I heard there were a lot of injured people, I would've come sooner, but didn't want to get in your way." That's pretty sweet.

"Thank you for coming, I'm sorry but I have to get to a surgery." I'm about to walk away but he stops me.

"Are you uh sure you should do surgery, you look kind of tired, have you slept at all?" He looks to be afraid of offending me by saying I look tired.

"Yep, just finished a long nap." Some people consider 30 minutes long.

"Ok, if you're sure." He hesitates before letting me pass, and as I start walking my head begins to spin.

I stagger backwards but Peter stabilises me.

"I don't think you can do surgery right now." He points out.

"No, I can, it'll pass in a minute." I step away from his hold, and the second I begin to walk to surgery again, I black out.

Last thing I knew, Peter was catching me while calling for a doctor and Whitfield comes running.

- 1 hour later -

My eyes open, and I have double vision and a headache, I'm guessing that I passed out from exhaustion and dehydration, it's not like I can take a break and get a drink while my hands are inside someone's chest.

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