Chapter 8 - Sister

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(Audra played by Emeraude Toubia)

Andrea POV

I decided to cut our shopping trip short after the doughnuts, Romanoff showing up really freaked me out.

"Why did we have to leave early again?" Maddy complains again for the eighth time since we left.

"Because you almost getting hit by a car kind of put a damper on my happy mood." It's easy enough to believe that's why I wanted to leave.

I also wanted to talk to someone I haven't seen in a long time.

"Do you mind taking Apollo for his walk? I can give you money for candy."

"Sure, but I want so much sugar I will feel like I'm high." She negotiates and grabs Apollo's poo bags and collar.

"Deal." She attaches the leash to the pup's blue collar and leaves after I hand her some money.

Instantly I go to my bedroom and take a breath before getting to business.

I begin by changing into one of my older dresses from a couple thousands of years ago, it is cotton, blue, down to my ankles, which goes with a brown corset, and sandals.

Also, add a few small braids to really bring me back to one of my old lives, I wore this in the 11th century aka the Viking period.

I save an outfit every 500 years, to anyone who sees my massive trunk full of fancy dresses and old accessories, they may think that I have robbed a museum.

Luckily I remembered to hide all electronics including my phone, laptop, and tv.

She gets freaked out when she sees anything modern, the reason why my clothes are ancient.

Double check everything is in place before letting my irises disappear, leaving my eyes pure white and my veins turning black.

In seconds a very familiar figure appears, her feet are almost fully transparent, but her knees and up are completely fine.

I am so happy to see her again.


My sister.

Who died a little under 200,000 years ago.

"Hello, Audra." I can't hug her since all my power allows me to do is see and talk to her, but I'll take what I can get.

"Little sister, it has been too long since your last summoning." The smile covering her face is massive, seems she's missed me just as much as I have her.

"Well, I wanted to catch up with you and I need someone to vent to." Her face turns to confusion and I realise I forgot I need to talk like someone from a Shakespeare play, over the years I have kept her up with how people are talking, but it's hard for her to fully learn everything and to change her way of speaking.

"Sorry, I want to speak to you about what hath befell since our last conversation." I fancy words slipped out easily.

"What hath befell thou, little sister."

"I saved the life of a hero and am now paying for it." She makes a gesture with her telling me to continue.

So I tell her everything.

And once I'm finished, all I want is to hug my sister, who I can't touch without my hand going through her

"Oh Ar-" she cuts herself off before saying my name, there's a reason I make her always call me little sister, the first name I was ever given brings back too many painful memories.

"I'm sorry thou must go through this, little sister." Audra says sincerely.

Whenever I'm in a situation involving someone finding out about me, she's the first one I go to, she has an answer for everything, if only she was the one with the curse of immortality.

"How is the girl you are caring for? Meredith?" This is a tactic she used to always use, distract me from my sadness by reminding me of something happy.

"Madison and she is great, 16 years of age and already stronger than I could ever have been." Thinking of her puts me in a much happier mood, I hate when Audra's tactics work.

"I'm sorry sister, but it's time for me to go, I can see you are losing strength with every minute we are together." She's right, I'm losing energy too fast.

"Farewell, my beautiful little sister."

"Goodbye, Audra."

She begins to fade like a ghost as my black veins disappear and my eyes turn back to normal.

I take a moment to calm my emotions down before having to return all my technology back to its rightful place and change into normal clothes, I always get really sentimental whenever I visit my big sister.

We see each other at least once every few decades, it's hard for me to see her after knowing I'm the reason she's dead, if it weren't for me she could've lived a long life and died of old age but instead she was 23 years old when that man snapped her neck.

She is proof of what happens to the ones I love when people find out what I am, they get violent, angry, and irrational.

The fear that I can survive anything makes them go mad, to them I am the most dangerous threat they could ever encounter, they don't care that I don't want to hurt people, all they care about is that I am stronger than them.

Also, others hated me because I'm an immortal black woman with the ability to talk to the dead.

"Andrea, I'm back." Shit, I was so caught up with everything that I forgot about Maddy.

How the hell am I going to explain this?

I get to work on taking off the sandals and corset, undoing the braids, and bringing out the tv and stuff.

Sadly I'm slow and only managed to bring out the tv and hide the corset.

Maddy enters and releases Apollo from his leash before looking around and settling on me.

"Why are you dressed like that?" She laughs a little as she circles me to get a better look.

"I uh, have a costume party in a few weeks and was just trying it on." She seems to believe it but questions some details, like who's throwing it, where it is, and if she can come.

"Sorry Mads, but it's a small and private party."

"Are you sure? I would look amazing as a Viking." She tries to convince me, but I stand my ground and repeat that it's private and change back to clothes from this century.

I walk back to the living room with Maddy and we put on Grey's anatomy so I can point out all the inaccuracies in it, while she reminds me it's a tv show and not real.

"I'm just saying that if a man has nails in his head and at those angles, he would instantly die."

"How would you know?"

"Because a woman once died since she accidentally set off a nail gun pointed at her face and it went to the forehead and straight through the brain, plus I'm a real life doctor while they are actors."

"Oh cool, do you have pictures?" She seems very interested with a nail to the forehead and I laugh at it.

There is a knock on the door and Maddy volunteers to get it.

"Hey, my little fur baby." I talk to Hestia as she comes to take her favourite spot which is on my lap.

"Andrea, a little help I'm freaking out!" Maddy calls for me and her message puts me on edge so I jog over to the door to see Tony Stark and Pepper Potts standing on the other side.

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