Chapter 36 - Trust me

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Andrea POV

"Okay, let's just go over this again. You want me to resurrect your sister who was poisoned by the Red room five months ago even though I have told you multiple times it is impossible?"


This woman really is stubborn.

After Wanda erased the memories of the civilians who witnessed me bringing Greta back, the three of us went to a flat that Romanoff apparently owns to discuss what is going to happen. Wanda has been filled in on everything and has swore she will not tell anyone and will help keep my secret, she knows what it's like to be experimented on so I'm guessing that played a part in her decision.

I told the two that Loki and probably Thor knew, and in return Romanoff said she made Steve suspicious about Aria but she is convinced she can stop his thoughts before they get out of hand.

An hour ago, when we left the hospital Maddy tackled me into a hug and lightly hit me for scaring her so bad. She was pissed when I suddenly said the three of us had to talk in private since she didn't want to let me out of her sight but was persuaded into agreeing once I said she could have a sleepover in my room.

Romanoff and I have been going in circles over our deal, she doesn't seem to comprehend that this most likely won't work and even if it does, I doubt her sister will be the same after being dead so long.

"Where exactly is Yelena's body anyway?" I walk around the room to try keep myself awake after this trying day while Romanoff stands still and Wanda is sitting by the window looking at the people below.

Natasha winces slightly at my question so I stop walking to look at her is annoyance. "Please tell me you at least know where her body is!"

"I know where it is, there's just the problem of getting to it." Is it a hobby of hers to give the most vague answers possible?

"What does that mean?" Wanda stops her gazing to ask.

"The Red room has a field that substitutes for a graveyard, it's where the 'disappointments' and 'weak' go. I have no doubt that's where she is."

"Well, what's the problem?" If she knows where the graveyard is then it might be easier.

"The graves are all unmarked." Well shit.

"This is impossible." I groan and shove my face into my hands to try relieve the headache forming. Romanoff walks over and sits me down so I can lean against the wall and she takes a seat next to me.

"Listen to me, you do this and I will erase all of the past information on you and eliminate the people who threaten you. If you bring her back, you can live all the lives you want without being afraid of retribution."

"You can't promise me that." I sigh.

"No, but I can promise you that I love my sister and will give anything to have her back." Now that, I believe.

"Ok, let's just start with the obvious: do the Avengers know your sister is dead? Because if she is suddenly walking around it may cause some questions." I stand up again and start asking questions so we can make a plan.

I can't believe I'm actually going along with this.

"No one but our parents and the Red room know she is dead. I made sure of it."

"And what will you tell Yelena?" I don't know this woman and I don't know if she can keep a secret.

"The truth. She won't say anything, we will make up a story about how she faked her death and went into hiding." I highly doubt the people who watched her die will believe that.

"When I do this then you have to protect me from the Red room and Hydra. It won't be hard for them to figure out I was involved in this."

"Do you have history with the Red room and Hydra?" Wanda asks.

"In a way." Better I not go into detail.

"They won't get near you, too scared now that you're living with us." She says with so much certainty I almost believe it.


Hydra and the Red room are relentless bastards who are willing to do many sick things to get what they want, so if I become their target then a few gods and assassins won't save me.

"We can't start this right away, I need rest before using my powers again. Especially if I'm going to be using my powers at this magnitude." I shudder at the thought of how painful it will be to resurrect Yelena after so many months of being dead.

I also feel pity for the woman, who knows maybe death is better than living.

I always imagined it to be peaceful, though that was probably just to make myself feel better thinking my family was somewhere beautiful.

"How long?"

"Give me a week." Romanoff nods before turning to Wanda.

"Are you sure you want to get involved in this? You can walk away any time."

"I'm not letting you do this alone, plus I can help keep the other oblivious to what Andy is." I'm glad Maddy has her for protection, she's going to need her if this goes south.

"Alright. Tomorrow we come back here and I will take us to the graveyard Yelena is in, then once Andrea is strong enough she will bring her back." Romanoff looks deep in thought, probably creating the steps in her head on how she will get her sister back.

"Slight problem with that plan," I interject
"Maddy told me she won't be letting me out of her sight for the next few weeks because of the shooting."

"Can you convince her you need space?" Wanda offers.

"Nope, doesn't matter what I say she will hold onto me like a baby koala." She gets clingy when bad things happen, it's more for her sake than mine so she doesn't go mad with worry.

"We go when she's asleep." Natasha declares.

"She'll be sleeping in my bed and she wakes easy."

"Are you against me putting something in her food to make her more of a heavy sleeper?"

"I will shoot you." It's obvious I wouldn't stand a chance against her even if she's tied down and I have an arsenal of weapons, but it makes my point clear.

"There's no way you can avoid her?" I shake my head. Maddy can be very persistent when it comes to things like this, not even a skilled assassin can come up with a plan to stop her protectiveness.

I once gave her the slip after she became clingy because I was attacked by a drunk patient, and she tracked my phone, dragged me by the ear out of the cinema and basically locked us in the flat until we ran out of food.

Sometimes I wonder who the 'parent' is supposed to be in our relationship.

"Then we leave now." Romanoff surprises both me and Wanda by saying that. I assumed we would need time to prepare for invading a place filled with the corpses of Black Widows.

"Are you sure we can do this now?" Wanda looks uncertain with this plan and I am worried that we are moving too fast and the two of them will be killed while I will be tortured forever.

"Trust me," those words seem to be enough for Wanda to be convinced, but I still have my reservations, "it will take a few hours to drive there so lets move. Andrea, text Maddy and say you are with Greta because she is scared and that you don't know when you'll be back. Wanda, tell Clint we are having a night out and will be back tomorrow."

I turn my mind off all the hundreds of ways this could go wrong and attempt to think positively about how this could be good for me. Unfortunately positivity has never been my strong suit so I just try not to think all together.

"Looks like we're going grave digging."

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