Chapter 14 - The pirate

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Andrea POV

I just arrived at work an hour ago and I swear to god, the next Avenger I have to save, I'm letting them die.

They are so annoying, when I went to check on Barton's recovery I met his wife and children who wouldn't stop hugging or thanking me, I had to send another doctor in there to do the check-up, and I had to get out of there.

I am used to families thanking me, I like it, but not when they are superheroes who are part of a team who are making my life hell. I am so close to hurting Stark.

The urge is surprisingly strong.

I'm normally not that violent, but he makes me want to take a knife and just stab my anger out.

I run into a nurse and question her about my patient. "How is Jonah Morris? Is the radiation working?"

"Yes, there have been some small signs of improvement."

With that relieving news, I leave to go find the patient, well at least I was before I get ambushed by the people I was desperately trying to avoid.

"The hell do you want?" I send a small smile to Peter to let him know I have no feelings of anger towards him, just the people around him.

In front of me are Stark, Romanoff, Rogers, Wilson, Banner, Maximoff, and a man dressed as a pirate.

"We would like you to meet with us all, to have a little chat." Stark announces.

"I'm working." I thought that with that statement they would get the message to fuck off, but apparently not.

"Exactly why you will be examining us, to make sure we are all in top health."

"I'm not your doctor. Goodbye." Again try to leave, but they managed to slowly surround me so I'm stuck.

"Pretty sure your boss would want you to check on the world's greatest superheroes ever." Stark then points at himself.

I take a breath before beginning, and pointing to Rogers, "Dr Albir is your doctor."

Turn to Stark. "Bund is yours."

Next is Maximoff and Banner, "you're both fine."

Look at Wilson, "don't even know who your doctor is."

Romanoff, "if your walking and talking then you're safe."

Lastly, the pirate, "and I don't even know who you are."

"I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD." He states proudly.

"Yeah great." I say extremely unenthusiastically while the pirate does not look impressed.

"I think you forgot one, Collins, and he is your patient." They all look to Peter at the same time, creepy, while he looks confused as hell.

"Fine." I'm only agreeing to check on Peter because I actually care if he is hurt.

I tilt my head as a signal for him to follow me, as I lead him to his old room, which is still vacant.

I close the blinds and lock the door as he sits on the bed, and once the room is shielded from any outside viewers he takes off the mask.

"How are you? Any pain?" I question.

"Nope." He shakes his head.

"Can you please change into this hospital gown, I'll just check your chart." His cheeks turn a little pink, probably from the thought of getting changed while I'm still in the room, I just don't want to risk opening the door and someone seeing his face.

I do as said and read on his tests and see how fast it took for any recovery.

Once he gives me the ok, I turn back to see him sitting on the bed, he's fiddling with his hands, he's nervous.

I begin by looking at his bandaged thigh.

"So why don't you want to work for the Avengers?" I knew this would come up.

"Prefer to save a hundred lives than patching up a few minor injuries." After the bandages are off, I can see that he is healing extraordinarily fast.

"But what if you could do both?" I look up from the leg to stare at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"If you could come to work every day, but if we're hurt you come to the tower." That's probably the best offer I can get, but still don't want anything to do with the Avengers, or more specifically Romanoff and Stark.

"And what if I'm in the middle of surgery when you need me, am I supposed to leave the patient to die?" I know I'm making him nervous and that he is just the middleman, but I'm angry they would prefer I let an innocent person die just so I can ease their pain.

"Wh- um, you could- uh, can I just go and ask them?"

"No. I want to know what you think I should do." I demand.

"Well you could- um you can let another doctor save them?"

"There are some things only I know, only I have studied, what if the doctor doesn't know what to do?"

"Umm..." He went from stuttering to not talking at all, I think I may have freaked him out.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to be the Avengers doctor, can you try to understand that?" I sigh and he nods.

"I can- well I can try to get them to leave you alone." That brings a smile to my face, since I'm happy with how this turned out I go back to the examination.

After checking everything, I can see that he is completely fine, the thigh is almost healed while the rest of his injuries are already fixed.

"You are in the clear, almost fully healed and with no risk of infection." He looks glad to hear that.

"Do you- do you think I can see you again?" I was not expecting him to want to see me again, normally when someone experiences serious bodily harm you never want to see people involved with it due to trauma, even if they're doctors.

I smile at the thought of getting to see him again, he is sweet.


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