Chapter 1

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Tony's POV

"Jarvis, gather everyone in the conference room please!!" "Right away Mr. Stark." I get up from my desk and make my way towards the conference room to have a meeting with the rest of the Avengers.

I walk in and Natasha, Clint, Rhodey, and Steve (Capsicle) are already there. "What's up Tony, why did you call a meeting?" I look over a Natasha and smile, "wouldn't you like to know." She rolled her eyes and eventually Thor, Sam, Bucky, Banner, Wanda and Vision made their way into the conference room. "Great! Everyone is here!" I clapped my hands together and walked to the front of the conference room, all eyes on me, as they should be.

"I wanted to call you all here to inform you of some changes that will be happening around here. For starters, we have a new member." "Tony, you can't just spring a new member on us whenever you want." I receive an icy glare from Steve, who is living up to his nickname of Capsicle right now.

"Well unfortunate for you, you may run the team...but I pay for things." I take a quick pause, "Anyway, doesn't matter. The new member is my sister. Some of you, Rhodey and Nat, may already know her."

"Olivia's coming?!" Nat says excitedly.

"She is. She'll be living here with us and joining the team."

"Tony, just because she's your sister doesn't mean she gets automatic entry to this team." I roll my eyes and place my hand on my forehead. "She's not a baby deer Steve. After I became Iron Man and people started coming after me, I forced her to take self defense lessons. Then Fury showed up talking about SHIELD and how our father founded it with Carter and long story short, she ended up joining SHIELD, regardless of my protests, and worked with Romanoff over here."

"If she's SHIELD, why have I never met her."

"Because I've been undercover as Hydra for the past few years." Everyone's heads snap towards the doorway of the conference room. Nat sprung up from her seat and ran over to Olivia, engulfing her into a hug. "Nice to meet everyone, I'm Olivia Stark."

"Yea, we know. Because one Stark just isn't enough." Steve mumbled & Natasha slapped him upside the head. Thanks Romanoff.

Olivia's POV

I immediately hugged Nat back as she approached me and looked around the room, "Nice to meet everyone, I'm Olivia Stark." I smile at everyone in the room and hear Steve mumble something causing Nat to slap him upside the head.

"Olivia." Rhodey smiled and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug, "I missed you. I can't deal with your brother alone." I laughed and Tony rolled his eyes.






"Clint, but you already knew that." He smirked at me and looked at Nat who was smiling.

"Steve." He mumbled looking down at the ground, with his arms crossed.

"Olivia. Good to see you." Bucky smiled at me and gave me a hug. Steve and Tony's eyes practically bulged out of their heads. "How do you two know each other?" Tony pointed an accusatory finger between us. "Olivia helped me escape from Hydra." I smiled and Steve scoffed. "So let me get this straight, you knew he was alive and being used by Hydra the entire time you and no one had thought to mention that to me?" I shrugged, "it was a need to know basis."

"You and Fury didn't think I needed to know?" He raised his voice a little and glared at me. "No, Captain, you didn't need to know. You would have compromised the entire mission."

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