Chapter 26

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Friday took off with me in the suit and I was freaking out, naturally. Some of Ultron's robots had tried to follow but were shot down by either Tony or Rhodey. "Tony, I swear to god when this is over I'm going to murder you." I yelled.

"You know a 'Thank you for saving my life, Tony! You're the best older brother ever' would be nice." He said sarcastically. I could still hear the explosions coming through the comms as everything transpired. Eventually, Friday landed on a helicarrier in the middle of the ocean and disengaged the suit. I stepped out quickly and was met with Nick. "Liv. Great of you to join us." He said. He turned around and I followed him inside. "I thought Steve destroyed all of the helicarriers?" I asked as I followed him. "He did. The ones I wanted people to know about. She's a little dusty, but she'll do." He tapped one of the walls as we walked into the control center.

"Nick the city is rising, fast." Maria said, looking at a monitor. "Tony?? Please tell me you have a plan?" I asked. "Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface." He replied.

"Tony, I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve said. "The impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice." I hung my head slightly at Tony's response. "There are civilians on this rock. We're not blowing it up."

"Cap...we might not have a choice. Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there." Nick replied. My heart was racing. If Tony blew up the city...Steve, Nat, Clint...they would all go with it. Steve would never leave. Not with people there.

"Fury, I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." And there it was. I looked at Nick. "Please tell me you can get this thing in the air??" He nodded and looked at Hill. "Take us up." The helicarrier quickly climbed into the air and flew towards the floating city. "Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing." Maria reported. "Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve laughed slightly as he looked at the massive helicarrier. "Thought you destroyed them all back in DC didn't you?" Fury quipped and I rolled my eyes.

I sat off to the side with Maria and Sharon walked up to us. "Olivia." "Sharon." This wasn't awkward at all. She cleared her throat and looked at Nick. "Lifeboats are secure to deploy." Nick nodded, "great. Disengage in three, two... take 'em out."  I watched as the lifeboats fly towards the city. "Let's load 'em up."

Rhodey and Tony were flying around, keeping Ultron's army of robots away from the lifeboats and helicarrier so that the civilians could board safely. One by one the lifeboats returned and civilians were escorted to safety and injured individuals were taken to the medical wing where Doctor Cho was on standby. "Number six boat is topped and locked. Or, uh, or stocked, topped.'s full of people." One of the agents replied. "Shit! Incoming!" Maria yelled. One of the robots quickly crashed through the helicarrier window and flew straight at me. I pulled out my gun and shot at it, though that didn't do much. It swiftly picked me up and carried me back towards the city. "TONY!!!" I screamed. I didn't have an earpiece so I was unable to communicate with any of the team. I saw Sam appear behind the robot and shoot it out of the sky, catching me again. "You good?"

"No." I shook my head quickly and he flew down, setting me down next to Steve and Bucky. "What the hell is she doing off the carrier?" Steve said, throwing his shield at a robot and recoiling it back to him. "So sorry that being kidnapped by robots is an inconvenience to you." I mumbled. He glared at me slightly. "Gotta go." Sam blasted off, back into the sky and I looked at Steve. "Come on, Tony needs us at the core."

We joined the rest of the team and Tony pointed to the core made out of vibranium. "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Everyone nodded and Ultron himself showed up. "Is that the best you can do?!" Thor yelled at him. It didn't take long for Ultron to summon his army of robots. "You had to ask??" Steve glared at him and looked back at Ultron.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron's arms were spread out as the army of robots descended towards us.

"Well, like the old man said. Together."

We all started fighting robot after robot as they attacked us. Each one trying to get to the vibranium drill to drop the city. I was fighting alongside Nat as we worked together to bring down a few robots. "Little help!" I yelled, straining against a robot. Bucky reached out with his metal arm, ripping the robot's head from its body. "Thanks." I took a deep breath and he held out his hand, helping me up. "They're retreating!" Clint announced.

"They'll try to leave the city." Thor swung his hammer and went flying off into the air. "We're on it." Rhodey replied, him and Sam flying off after Thor to shoot down the stray robots.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you." Steve said. Everyone nodded and ran off towards the lifeboats. "I meant you too." I shook my head and smiled. "I'm not leaving you." I took his hand and he looked at Wanda. "Protect it."

Steve pulled my hand and we went off as we looked for any stragglers, getting them to the final lifeboats. "Tony? Status?" Steve asked. I couldn't hear his reply as Steve lifted me onto the lifeboat to go back to the helicarrier. "Was this the last of them?" Thor asked, flying down to Steve and I. "Yea. Everyone else is on the carrier." Thor nods in response and flies off to carry out Tony's plan of blasting the core with lighting. Suddenly, the rock starts to drop.

"Steve!" I shouted. He jumped and I caught his arm as we watched the rock plummet towards the ground. "Clint! Buck!" I groaned. Clint and Bucky ran over and helped me pull Steve up on the boat.

Steve laid down on his back, breathing heavily, and I laid down next to him. "You're heavy." I groaned. Steve laughed and we stayed there until the boat docked with the helicarrier. Steve and I stepped off and walked into the control room. "Is it done?" Steve asked. "It's done. Trying to get in contact with Stark." My heart dropped and I rushed up to the comms. "Tony??" No response. "Tony? Are you alright?" I asked again. No response. I dropped my head slightly and felt Steve's hand on my shoulder.

"Thor's landed." Maria said. We all quickly made our way to the landing strip of the carrier and saw Thor with Tony. "Tony!" I yelled running over to them. "Friday?" I asked, setting my hand on his arc reactor. "Damage minimal." She replied. I sighed and popped off his helmet so I could try to slap him awake. I watched his eyes flutter open and he groaned. "Liv, what the hell?" I let out a breath of relief and helped him sit up. "God, I'm hungry." I laughed slightly along with the rest of the team. Leave it to Tony to announce he's hungry.

"Have you ever tried shawarma?"

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