Chapter 6

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"Have you found him yet?" I looked at Nick as he paced around the room. "No, but we have a feeling he's working with them again."

"Great. Just great." I felt my heart rate start to increase as memories of Hydra flooded my mind. I had been undercover for three years. Over time, I was able to make my way up in their ranks, integrating myself with Pierce...before he got killed...

"Have you told anyone else that Rumlow escaped?" Fury shook his head. "You're the first one. Figured if anyone could find could." I groaned and put my head in my hands. Fury let me have a moment of silence to think it over.

"What do you need from me?" I look up at him, a grim expression on his face. "We've got a lead on one of Hydra's old weapons operatives." He started. "He's been operating under the radar for years, selling weapons. We believe he can lead us to Rumlow. We finally found him and have a chance to take him down, but I need you to do it."

"What makes you think he won't already know who I am?" Nick sighed and sat down at his desk. "I don't. But it's a risk we need to take. Best case scenario, no one told him about you since he's been underground. Worst...well, let's not think about that right now." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. My heart rate increased again at the thought of going back undercover, but this time, basically going in blind. "I don't know Nick..." I looked up at him and he sighed.

"I know it's a big ask, but this is our chance to take one piece of the puzzle down for good. Without Hydra's main weapons dealer...they'll crumble. I need someone he might trust and someone I know can get the job done." I took a deep breath, considering my options.

I knew he was right. That he and Hydra needed to be stopped. "Okay." I finally said, meeting his gaze. "I'll do it. But I won't go at it blind, or alone. Don't ask me to do that. You of all people know Hydra, and Rumlow, want to see me dead." He nodded.

"You have my word. We will be monitoring you every step of the way. I want you to go with Barnes." I gave him a confused look and he continued, "there could be a chance he doesn't know Barnes can't be controlled anymore and is no longer the Winter Solider. With that being said, I need him to go in as the Winter Solider with you."

I sighed and gave him a nod. "I know it's not ideal but you're the best two people for the job. You both know Hydra better than anyone else and have experience working together." "Have you talked to him?" He shook his head and gave me a smile, "I have not. I'll brief him." I nodded and stood up, walking towards the door.

"Olivia?" I turned around to look at Nick. "I think this goes without saying but..." "Don't tell Tony. I know."

"Or Rogers."

Well shit...that one will be harder.

"Not a problem. Let me know when you need me to go." He nodded and I walked out of his office, past Maria Hill. "Have you seen Rogers?"

"He had somewhere to be, should be back in an hour." I nodded and made my way back to the quinjet. I raised the back and decided to close my eyes until Steve get's back.

"Liv?" I felt someone nudging my arm and I opened my eyes to see Steve standing above me. "You ready to go?" I sat up on the bench and looked at him. "Yea." He nodded and walked to the front of the jet, taking off. I remained on the bench, staring off into space. "Liv? Olivia?" I shook my head and looked back at Steve who was now crouching down next to me. "Are you good?"

"Yea, I'm fine." "You don't look fine. What did you need to talk to Fury about?" He asked, his voice full of concern. "Nothing important. He just needed intel on a few Hydra agents." He nodded and sat down on the bench besides me. "You know, for an undercover agent, you're not being a very convincing liar."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "It's classified." I mumbled. "What? Why?" "Because it just is. Can't have too many people trying to get in the way." I groaned and stood up, walking away from him. "Liv, what's going on." He asked, his voice tinged with frustration. "I just said I can't tell you, Steve."

His eyes narrowed at me, "Can't or won't?"

I looked up at him as he approached me, "both." He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. "Liv, if it's something important you have to tell me. You wanted to be apart of this team." I huffed and looked at him, "your so called team has more secrets than I can count. What's one more." He started pacing, messing up his har. "So what? One meeting with Fury and you're already back to being his lap dog?"

"God. You're literally impossible! Why do you have to know everything, Steve?!" I yelled.

He put his hands on his hips as he clenched his jaw. "If it puts your life at risk I think I deserve to know." I scoffed and glared at him, "just because you put your hand in my pants doesn't mean you deserve to know shit." I watched at his jaw ticked with anger again before he shook his head in frustration, "fine." His voice was cold. "Do whatever the hell you want. I assume you would've anyway, typical Stark behavior. Don't come running back to me when things go south." With that he turned away, walking back to the front of the jet.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the flight, the tension palpable. I knew I was out of line for some of our argument, but I couldn't have him get too close and feel the need to protect me. It would only make things more difficult, especially with Bucky coming on the mission with me.

When we finally landed in New York, Steve stomped off the jet while I made a beeline for my room not wanting to deal with anybody else for the day. But of course, when does anything ever go my way.

"Hey, sis!" Tony said, falling into step besides me. "You look grouchy...did you and Steve have a lovers spat in the jet?" I snapped my head towards him, "What?" He put his hands up in mock surrender, "just a joke...chill out a little."

"What do you want Tony?" I snapped. "Woah, take it easy there tiger. I just wanted to ask how your meeting with Fury went."

"It went fine." I said curtly. "Just leave me alone." Tony raised an eyebrow, "ooh, someone's a little touchy." I glared at him. "Why does everyone have to be so damn nosy?! Can't I just have a little privacy?!" I yelled.

Tony's expression changed as he carefully put a hand on my shoulder. "Olivia, calm down. You know I'm just looking out for you." I shrugged his hand off. "And yet you can't seem to mind your own damn business." I spat out bitterly.

Tony sighed, "look, I get the hostility, but don't take it out on me. Just talk to me. You can't keep everything bottled up inside." I shook my head and began walking towards my room again, "I don't want to talk about it." Tony remained in place in the hallway. "Okay, I'll back off. But just know I'm here for you okay?" I waved at him and entered my room, slamming the door behind me.

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