Chapter 17

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I stood at the hangar as the quinjet containing Tony, Steve, Thor, Wanda, Clint, and Nat took off. They were going to confront Klaue about vibranium and possibly Ultron. Bruce stayed back, not wanting to unleash the Hulk by accident and holed himself up in his lab. "Pouting because your boyfriend left you?" Bucky teased, nudging my shoulder with his. "No. And he's not my boyfriend...not technically at least..." I mumbled. "He hasn't asked?" Bucky seemed shocked. "No. We just said we both wanted to see where it goes...there was no official 'Olivia be my girlfriend'." I shrugged and started walking away from him. "He said he was going to take you out? Did that not happen?"

"Nope. The whole super soldier serum thing happened and then this whole Ultron thing. I think he forgot." I said, slightly sad that Steve and I hadn't actually been on a date. Only hooking up in secret. "Liv, he likes you. A lot. He's just stupid. I'll let him know." I laughed and shook my head. "It's fine, Buck, really. He's Captain America, he's busy." "Yea, busy doing you. So I'll knock some sense into him." Bucky draped his arm around me as we continued walking through the hallway.

"Where are Sam, Rhodey, and Vision?" I asked. "On a smaller mission. Looks like it's just you and me Livvy." "Greatttt." I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him. "Why did you stay?" He looked at me nervously. I scoffed and started walking away from him. "Come on Liv, I told you he was stupid." "I cannot believe him! He asked you to keep an eye on me, didn't he?!" I spun around and threw the nearest pillow at Bucky from the living room couch. He caught it and held it up as a shield in case I threw something else.

"Yes, but Liv...he means well. Plus It's been a while since it was just the two of us..." He set the pillow down and walked closer to me. "Steve is your best friend..." I whispered as he got closer. "I know...he wouldn't mind." "Bucky." "Olivia." I backed up until my back was against the nearest wall. Bucky right in front of me. "Bucky..." "Olivia..." He smirked and backed away, laughing. "I'm just messing with you Liv. I couldn't do that to Steve." I glared at him and picked up a cushion, smacking him repeatedly. "You're. Such. An. Ass!!!" I said with each hit. He was still dying of laughter as he held his hands up. "Okay, okay. Quit!" He laughed. I threw the pillow back on the couch.

"Does he know?" I asked as Bucky flopped down on the couch. "About what? That you and I used to hook up?" I nodded slowly. "I haven't told him. Have you?" I shook my head and walked into the kitchen, grabbing us both bottles of water. I walk back over to him and threw him the water. "Tony kinda knows. He asked but I asked him if he really wanted the that was kind of the answer."

"You know, I'd be lying if I said I didn't still want you, Liv. Steve just got to you first. I see the connection you two have. I'd be stupid to try to get in the way of that." He said. I sat down next to him on the couch. "Buck..." "It's fine Liv, really. You're a great girl. Steve deserves that." "So do you..." He looked over at me and gave me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "They're all scared of me, it's fine though. I'm fine." I couldn't stop myself. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, catching him by surprise.

When I broke Bucky out of Hydra. We spent a lot...and I mean a lot...of time together. I helped him hide from Hydra and helped him regain control of his mind once Nick figured out how to reverse the conditioning Hydra put in his head. Spending that time together, we really grew to care for one another.

I felt Bucky kiss back as his hand grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer. The kiss deepend for a moment before Bucky pulled away. "Bucky, I'm sorry." I whispered. "Don't be. I'm sorry for bringing it up." He said back. The next few minutes were a little awkward until Bucky opted to go to the training room. I sighed and leaned my head back on the couch. I never even thought about how Bucky might feel with me being back here. I felt like shit.

I'd always care about Bucky...but Steve. God, I really like Steve. I laid on the couch alone for a while before deciding to get up and find Bucky. If I was going to be stuck here with him, I didn't want things to be awkward. I found him in the training room, punching the punching bags. Just like Steve does when he's stressed. "Are you just going to stand in the doorway or actually come in?" Bucky said, his back still to me as he repeatedly hit the bag. I sighed and walked in. "Buck-" "I'm fine, Liv." He cut me off.

"Clearly." I mumbled but I knew he heard me. He kept hitting the bag until it flew off the chain. His hand was bleeding slightly and he had beads of sweat dripping down his face and neck. I take his hand in mine and pull him across the room and run his hand under water. "Liv, I'm fine." "So you've said. But the blood on your hand says otherwise." I avoid his eye contact as I wash off the blood and wrap his hand in a clean ace bandage. "You have a staring problem." I whisper. I hear him huff a laugh as I finish. "Good as new." I drop his hand and force myself to look up at him.

His eyes remained locked on mine. I cleared my throat and took a step back. "Well. I think we should do something about this awkwardness." I motioned between us and smiled. "I don't feel awkward around you, Olivia. You're Steve's girl and what we had is in the past. We're friends." He said. "Okay...I feel awkward because I kissed you." "Livvy, I promise, we're good." I nodded and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. "Right. Fine. It's all fine." I smiled at him once more but who was I kidding. I wasn't feeling fine. I was feeling conflicted. On one hand, I really liked Steve...but Bucky and I have a history. I wasn't expecting him to confess that he still felt something for me. I certainly wasn't expecting to kiss him...but I I'm confused. "Olivia?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. The way his hair was slicked back with sweat. The way it glistened off his forehead. The way his lips looked so...kissable. I couldn't control myself. I leaned forward and kissed him.

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