Chapter 29

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"It's been two weeks Steve." I mumbled as we laid in bed. "He's just processing things, Liv." I groaned and rolled onto my back. "I just want my annoying, cocky, sarcastic, playboy, philanthropist brother back."

Steve laughed and I turned my head to glare at him. "What?"

"I just never thought I'd hear you wishing for your cocky and annoying brother." I smiled and rolled back into his side. "When I was born, he tried to get rid of me." I whispered. "What??"

"Yea. When he was like seven or eight he put me in a box and put me on the neighbors doorstep." Steve snorted with laughter and I smiled. "He didn't." "Yea. The neighbors of course brought me back. Our parents thought it was so funny that they weren't even that mad at him. I mean he did get in trouble but still." I laughed as I remembered hearing the story over and over from our parents. "It took him a while to warm up to me. He wasn't exactly thrilled to no longer be an only child. God forbid he had to share anything of course." Steve laughed and I looked up at him.

I leaned forwards and pressed our lips together in a kiss that grew more and more passionate until we were broken apart by the alarm going off. Steve groaned and got off the bed, a visible tent in his pants. We made our way out of the room and into the meeting room where everyone, including Tony, was gathered.

"What's going on?" Steve asked, his Cap voice in full effect now. Fuck me.

"You're not gonna like it Cap." Sam said, patting his back as Nat projected various images up onto the screen. I gasped when I looked at the image of a man, his head resting next to him with the Hydra logo spray painted on the wall he was resting up against. "Jesus." Clint mumbled. Various other images popped up...all with the same theme...Hydra.

"When were these taken?" Steve asked. "This morning." Nat replied. Steve nodded and kept looking at the photos. "I thought we took down all of the bases after the Triskelion went down and then Rumlow was captured?" Rhodey asked, looking around the room. Obviously not. "Do we have any idea who could have done this?" Steve asked no one in particular.

"Liv?" Tony asked, looking at me. That's the first time he's spoken to me in a week. "Uh. I don't know. Hydra doesn't leave bodies like this. This has to be someone trying to send a message." I looked at Steve who was already looking at me and then to Bucky. He gave a subtle nod and I looked back at Tony. "I'll talk to Nick." Tony nodded and everyone dispersed. Steve followed me out of the room and grabbed my arm. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing." I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he raised his. "Liv..." "Steve. Can I talk to Liv?" Bucky interrupted him and Steve glanced over at him. "Yea. Fine." Steve let go of my arm and stomped, yes stomped, away. I followed Bucky back into the meeting room, shutting and locking the door behind me.

"There were seven." He said after a few minutes of silence. "Seven bodies. Each body had a letter painted next to it." He pulled up the screen and the images reappeared. "See this one. Has an S next to him. Then an O...Liv...I think it spells out Soldier. It can't be a coincidence that the one with the S was killed first and the one with the R was killed last. They were killed in order of the letters."

I looked at the images closely. "So whoever this is wants you?" I turn to look at him but his face is pale. "I'm not the only one Liv..." Bucky whispers. "What?"

"The only soldier created by Hydra..."


"You want me to send you where?" Nick raised his eyebrow as he looked between Bucky and I. "Siberia. I have reason to believe that whoever did this knows about the soldiers in Siberia. He could wake them Nick..." "And why am I finding out about this now?" He glared at us slightly. "I didn't know." I whispered. "And I didn't want to bring it up. Look. We have to get there before he does. Kill them."

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