Chapter 3

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I walked downstairs the next morning and found Nat, Steve, Wanda, and Sam in the kitchen. "Good morning!" Wanda said, passing me a cup of coffee. "Thanks." I took a small sip and watched as Sam put some eggs on a plate.

"Nat, Wanda, do you girls want to go get some drinks tonight?"

"Yea." "Sure!" They said and I smiled. "Soooo a night out equals new dresses...right..." I smirked at them and Nat rolled her eyes. "Not every occasion has to become a shopping trip Liv." "Well needing to get over someone and under someone else sounds like a perfect new outfit occasion to me." I smiled and Sam gave me a subtle fist bump and I grabbed an apple from the counter next to him.

"Come on...Tony's paying..."

"What because depleting one trust fund wasn't enough for you right?" Steve scoffed under his breath but I still heard him. I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "My trust fund is perfectly in tact Rogers. Thanks for the concern." I snapped and looked back at Nat and Wanda. "So..."

"You had me at Tony's paying." Nat smirked and Wanda nodded in agreement.

A few hours later and many, many bags later we found ourselves walking back into the Tower. "What did you buy out an entire store on my card or what?" Tony said as he abruptly stopped, looking at all the bags. I walked up to him and kissed his cheek, "Thanks for the new clothes Tony." He groaned and resumed his path towards his lab. I looked back at the girls with a shrug and a quick laugh before we made our way towards our rooms.

"I have to grab late lunch with Vis, I'll meet you girls later." Wanda smiled and walked into her room. "I'll see you tonight. I expect another hot dress." Nat winked and entered her room. I glanced across the hall and saw Steve sitting at his desk, glaring at a piece of paper. I gently set my bags down in front of my room and walked into his doorway.

"Glaring at it won't put anything onto the page Rogers." He snapped his head towards me. He huffed and looked back at the paper. "Yea." He mumbled and I continued looking at him, noting how his seemingly always perfect hair was falling into his face and how his back muscles flexed through his tight grey t-shirt. "You seem stressed." He glanced over at me again, remaining silent. "Okay, be mute." I sigh. After a few more seconds of silence, I go to turn around and walk back across the hall to my room.

"I've just got a lot on my mind." He mumbles, pausing my movements. "Like?" "Everything." He mumbles and starts moving his pencil on the paper. "You know, the world doesn't have to be on your shoulders Rogers. Live a little." He huffed and I saw the corner of his mouth form a small smirk. "Your brother often tells me to get a life." "And in most cases, I would tell you he's full of shit and to ignore him." "And what would you say now?" He looked into my brown eyes deeply with his blue ones. "I would say maybe he's onto something. Enjoy your sketching Rogers." With that, I turned on my heel, walking back across the hall and into my room with my bags.

Steve's POV

"Live a little." She said and I huffed and glanced back down at the paper where I was trying to find inspiration to sketch. "Your brother often tells me to get a life." I say, glancing in her direction. "And in most cases, I would tell you he's full of shit and to ignore him." She smiles wide and I stare into her big brown eyes, "And what would you say now?" "I would say maybe he's onto something. Enjoy your sketching Rogers." She gave me one last smile before turning around, heading across the hall and into her room. I heard the door shut and looked back at the blank page in front of me.

I mindlessly started sketching, not knowing for sure where my hand would take me.

"Steve?" I looked up from my sketchbook as the image started coming to life on the paper. Shit. I looked into the hallway to see Olivia walking towards my door. I shut the sketchbook just as she entered the room in a tight black dress with one long sleeve.


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Wow...She looks stunning...Tony's gonna hate this.

"Steve?" I shake my head and look at her, "Yea?" "I said, can you zip my dress?" "Oh, yea." She turned around and pulled her long brown hair over her right shoulder, exposing her back and shoulders. I ran my hand along her back before reaching the zipper, pulling it slowly back up to the top. I glance at the small tattoo delicately resting on her left shoulder blade, resembling Tony's arc reactor. I gently run my fingers over it, "It's so he's always with me. Even when he's not. I got it on my 21st birthday shortly after he got home from being held captive in Afghanistan. God that was like 7 years ago." I smile and she turns around, fixing her hair.

"No snarky comment? Are you feeling okay Rogers?"

I smile and shake my head, "no snarky comment. I think it's great. Meaningful."

I watch as she pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth for a brief moment. "Well -" "Liv!!!" Nat screams, cutting her off from whatever she was about to say. She gives me a small smile before heading out of my doorway and into the hallway where Nat was screaming. "Nat why the hell are you screaming?! Aren't you supposed to be a spy." I laugh at her comment as Natasha rolls her eyes at Olivia. "You weren't in your room." Nat shrugs and Olivia rolls her eyes again.

Wanda soon joins them and they get ready to head out, "be careful." "Roger that, Captain." Olivia smirks and salutes towards me. "For the love of god, Liv. Put on more clothes." Tony groans as he enters the hallway, spotting the three girls. "Don't expect me home tonight, so hold off on sending out any search parties." She pats his cheek and they all walk out of the building. Tony turns to me, "did you see what she was wearing? It like she wants me to go to jail for murder." I shrug and walk back into my room, resuming my sketch of...Olivia.

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