Chapter 20

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"Sharon." I let out a breath of air that I didn't realize I was holding in. "Olivia." She gave me a small smile. I looked at Steve for a moment before looking back at Sharon who hadn't made an effort to move away from his desk. "Um, can I talk to you?" "Can it wait?" Steve asked. My heart dropped for a moment and I looked down at my shoes. "Yea. That's fine. Sorry to interrupt." I gave Steve one last look, sadness in my eyes, as I shut the door.

I was in a daze as I walked back to my room. Tears formed in my eyes. He really just brushed me off like that. I slammed the door behind me and pushed back the tears. I'm not going to cry. He's acting like an ass for no reason...well for a reason but he actually hasn't expressed that to me. I only know from overhearing his conversation with Bucky. Regardless, I deserve better than that. I wiped the stray tears that fell and pushed myself off the door and walked into my closet. I'm Olivia Stark. I don't need him.

I was throwing things around, looking for the perfect outfit. I quickly changed into a black bra-like top and high waisted black shorts, throwing a blazer over myself before pulling on silver boots.

He wants to act like an ass, fine

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He wants to act like an ass, fine. I fixed my makeup and hair and grabbed a matching purse before walking towards the elevator. "Woah, where are you going dressed like that?" Tony asked, stopping me in the hallway. "Out. Now get out of my way." I said, pushing him aside. "Olivia!" I ignored him and stepped into the elevator. "Liv, at least take the R8 so I know you can get home safely!" He yelled after me. Tony's R8 was the only one of his cars that had built in technology where Jarvis, well Friday now since Jarvis got destroyed, could drive automatically. Though if they ever decided to just turn evil one day while driving, I'd be screwed. "Friday, have the R8 brought to the front." I spoke to the AI. "Right away Ms. Stark."

The elevator reached the parking garage and I stepped out. Tony's jet black Audi R8 was waiting for me and I got into the driver's seat. "Friday, let me drive." The car switched to a manual driver and I floored it out of the garage and drove myself to one of my favorite bars in the city.

Steve's POV

I watched as her eyes got a little glossy and she shut the door behind her. I knew I was being an asshole to Liv, but I was just so pissed off. How had neither of them ever mentioned that they hooked up in the past.

"What was that about?" Sharon asked me. "Nothing. She just has information on Klaude." Sharon nodded and moved her body closer to me. "So I was thinking, maybe we could go out sometime? Or maybe do something a little more fun..." She reached out to me and ran her hand up my arm slowly. I nodded slowly and sighed. "Sharon...I've um, I've actually been seeing someone. We had fun those times but I'm just not interested anymore."

"Oh yea, that's fine. I just thought since we- never mind. We could just go as friends then maybe?" She moved back a little and played with her hair. "Sure." I smiled at her and she walked out of the room.

I groaned and looked back down at the blank mission report. I'd been meaning to work on it and then Sharon came in. This wasn't getting done today. I wanted to see Liv. She was so happy to see me when we got back and then she tried to see me multiple times and I was an ass. Good going, Steve. I put the report in my desk and stood up. I went to my room first to change out of my suit and then walked across the hall to Olivia's. Her door was shut so I knocked gently. "Liv?" No response. I knocked again. "Olivia?" Still no response. I opened the door slowly only to find her room dark and empty. Maybe she's with Nat or Tony.

"Hey Nat, Bruce, have either of you seen Olivia?" "What did you do?" Nat asked. "Nothing." She rolled her eyes. "We haven't seen her. Try Tony." Nat replied and I walked across the hall into Tony's lab. "Hey Capsicle, what can I do for you?" "I'm looking for Olivia, have you seen her?" "I have. What do you need her for?"

"I just wanted to apologize. I was a bit rude before we left on the mission." I lied. "I knew she was in a pissy mood. But she's gone. Took off out of here like 30 minutes ago." Shit, what have I done? "Thanks, I'll just see her when she gets back then." He nodded and went back to whatever he was working on. I turned around and walked back to my room, laying down on the bed. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, opting to send her a quick text. I typed and deleted things a few times, unsure of what to even say.

Done with my mission report.

I groaned as I read the text. "Idiot." I mumbled. My phone went off and I glanced at it, seeing a text back from Liv.

Good for you.

Oh god. What have I done? Steve you idiot. She's even using punctuation, she's pissed. I'd be pissed at me too for how I blew her off. Not once, but twice. Three times if you count the hangar, but we were around other people.

Can we talk?

Sorry, out.

Okay, be safe please.

She didn't reply to my last text and I threw my phone onto the nightstand. I've royally screwed up. She probably thinks I'm being an ass for no reason. She doesn't even know that Tony told me about her and Bucky. I'm overreacting. I probably just pushed her right back over to him.

Olivia's POV

"Can I get another tequila shot please?" I pushed my shot glass towards the bartender. He nodded, topping the small glass off with some more tequila. "Thanks." I mumbled, taking the shot quickly. "Rough day?" The bartender asked. I huffed and shrugged. "I guess." "I mean that's the 4th shot you've taken without salt or lime..." I smiled and pushed the glass back towards him. "5th." He said, pouring another shot.

"Just a lot going on." "Guy troubles?" I nodded and took my 5th shot of the evening. It wasn't even 6pm. "Can I switch to vodka? Just vodka on ice with a lemon." He nodded and prepared a lowball glass with ice, vodka, and a small squeeze of a lemon. He pushed it towards me before moving to someone else. I felt someone walk up and lean forward against the bar. The bartender came back over, nodding at him. "Beer." He nodded in response and the man turned so he was leaning against the bar, facing me. I was met with a pair of bright blue eyes and a charming smile.

"What's a gorgeous girl like you doing drinking alone?" He asked. The bartender sat the beer down in front of him and he passed him his card. "Keep it open." The bartender nodded and he looked back at me. "Names, Johnny. Johnny Storm." "Olivia Stark." I smiled, swirling the vodka in my glass and taking a sip. "And to answer your question, I'm avoiding someone." He nodded and took a sip of his beer. "That someone a guy?" Johnny asked. I laughed and took another sip. "Guy's must be an idiot then. You're hot." I took a good look at him. He was incredibly attractive. His face looked like it was perfectly sculpted with chiseled features. It was also obvious he had a toned body under his leather jacket.

"You're not so bad yourself, Storm." He went on to finish his beer and ordered a second one as we continued flirting. We were sitting close together, our bodies touching as the heat between my legs grew. "A skilled pilot and race car driver, huh?" I ran my hand up and down his arm. "The best baby." I could feel heat emanating from his body and found myself getting more and more turned on. Johnny leaned in ever closer, his breath hot against my ear. "You know, I think I could stay here all night talking to you," he whispered. "But would you want to get out of here?"

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