Chapter 7

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Steve's POV

I stormed off the jet immediately, ignoring the agent trying to give me paperwork. "I'll handle it later." I snapped.

I made my way towards Bucky's room, frustrated and confused. I couldn't believe after everything that just happened between Olivia and I that she would just blatantly lie to my face like that. I knocked on Bucky's door and he answered it, hair disheveled like I just awoke him from a nap. "Is now a bad time?" Bucky shook his head and opened the door more, allowing me to walk in.

I made my way into the room, unable to shake the feeling that something changed between Olivia and I. I can't deny that I had felt a strong attraction to her, despite her being Tony's younger sister.

"What's going on, Steve? You look tense." I huffed and ran a hand through my hair. "I got into a fight with Olivia." "Olivia, what were you doing with Olivia?" His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "She had to go talk to Fury in DC and since I was already taking the jet to DC, she came with me." Bucky gave me a look but remained silent.

"What happened in the quinjet, Steve?" I felt my jaw tighten as I remembered our moment in the jet and then our argument. "I just said, we got into a fight." He rolled his eyes at my stubbornness. " A fight about what?" He pressed.

I groaned and looked up at him. "About her talk with Fury. All she told me is that 'it's classified' and that I would get in the way. Who the hell does she think she is??" "Olivia Stark." He quipped and I gave him a short glare. He held up his hands and sat down on the foot of his bed. "Look, I've known Liv...she can be closed off. You haven't known her for that long. Do you really expect her to just open up to you right away?"

She kinda already did...

"...and you know how Fury is." He continued.

I snorted and looked at him, "it's not just that. First I find out they lied about you, now they're lying about something else. When do the lies stop?!" I got up out of his desk chair and started pacing.

"God she's just so....infuriating!" I yelled. "It's like she doesn't trust us! She's lying to us, all of us, probably even Tony. It's driving me insane. She won't speak up about her time undercover with Hydra, she's always so defensive...and god she's just so stubborn!" I continued to pace around the room, rubbing my temples.

"That's not all is it...because from where I'm seems like something else is going on." I grit my teeth and look at him. "Like what?" He simply shrugged and I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" He shrugged once again. "Nothing. It's just, I know you, Steve. There's something there, isn't there?"

I felt my heart skip a beat at his words, knowing he was right but unable to admit it. I rolled my eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about." Bucky shook his head with a chuckle, "Sure you don't. Look. I won't push you." I gave him curt nod, not wanting to discuss it any further. He stares at me for a moment until his phone rings. "I need to take this." I nod, "Yea of course." I make my way out of his room and see Olivia and Tony arguing in the hallway before she storms away from him and slams her door.

"She been like that since talking to Fury?" Tony looks over at me and I give him short nod. His brows furrow together, "interesting." He walks past me, patting my shoulder, "Later, Cap." "Yea, later." His footsteps slowly receded out of the hallway and I took one last glance at Olivia's room. I shook my head, forcing the need to knock on her door out of my head and I walked into my own room.

Bucky's POV

I stare at Steve for a moment after his rant about Liv as my phone rings. I look down briefly and see a name pop up on my phone. Interesting.

Incoming Call: Nick Fury

I look up at Steve briefly, "I need to take this." "Yea of course." He nods and walks out of the room. I take a deep breath and slowly bring the phone to my ear.

"Fury, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Barnes. I have a mission I need you on." I heard him sigh on the line.

"Does it have anything to do with Olivia?" I asked.

"How'd you know that?"

"Steve said she flew with him to DC to have a meeting with you, so I assumed."

"Yes. It's with Olivia. I need both of you to go undercover as Hydra." My breath hitched in my throat for a moment. "I know this might bring back a lot of memories, and I'm sorry, but I can't send her alone when she's wanted dead. I hope you understand."

I took a deep breath, "I understand. What do you need from me?"

"For starters Brock Rumlow escaped our facility where we was rehabilitating. His first priority will likely be killing Olivia and revenge on Steve, he might even try to go after you. Anyway, we have a definite lead on Hydra's main weapons dealer who's been underground for quite some time. I understand you've meet with him a handful of times."

"I have."

"Well, there's a good chance he doesn't know Olivia's true identity. He might also have no idea you escaped Hydra and are no longer the Winter Soldier. We need to capitalize on that, bring him in, and hope he can lead us to Rumlow and what's left of Hydra."

He paused for a moment as I thought it over. I knew I couldn't let Olivia go alone. She needed me there. I sighed, "Alright. I'll do it."

"Great. Liv has already been briefed. I have a jet coming to pick you both up tomorrow."

"I'll be there."

"And Barnes...keep this to yourself. I don't need Iron Man and Captain America jeopardizing this mission. It stays between you, Olivia, and a team handpicked by myself."


The line went dead as I ran my hand through my hair. Shit. So this is why Olivia lied to Steve and why he was so worked up...fantastic.

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