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Eva is my character. All other character belong to Fox and 911

I shut off my car and looked ahead, down the road I saw the firestation all was quiet for now. I walked to the back of my car to cross the road when all of a sudden a police car pulled up infront of the fire House and drove away with with lights and sirens after letting someone out. I looked in both directions before starting to cross. Out of nowhere a truck came speeding round the corner I tried to pick up my pace but the truck hit my right leg and knocked me to the ground.

The driver did see me just too late he got out of his truck and picked me up off the ground and put me in the passenger seat then made the 20 second drive to the fire House just a few metres away. He told me to stay in the car as he rushed into the fire House and came back with two other people and a stretcher. I tried to protest that I was fine but the guy picked me up and placed me on the stretcher. As the two other people checked my leg another guy appeared to see what all the commotion was about he saw me on the stretcher, he introduced himself as Captain Bobby Nash-Grant as the Captain of the 118. I looked around but didn't see my brother anywhere.

I was on my way here actually im looking for Evan Buckley. The guy who hit me his face went pale and the others just looked at me, after about 30 seconds Bobby walked back into the fire House.

Buckley get down here now someone's here to see you.

I learn that the two other people are called Henrietta and Howard but everyone call them Hen and Chim and they are friends of Evan's. I also learn that the guy who hit me was Eddie and he's Evan's bestfriend. Just then my twin brother Evan walked up to the group. He saw me and instantly gave me a bone crushing hug.

Eva what are you doing in LA? Does Maddy know your here? How long are you staying? Why are you on a stretcher? Do mum and dad know your here? then repeats a previous question. Why are you on a stretcher?

Evan mate I'm so sorry.....

He hit me with his truck it was completely my fault and then he rushed me here. Am I gonna be okay?

I think your anklets broken so we will get you to the hospital just to get you checked it's a precaution. Okay I guess I'll be back later.

Yes yes you will and we will finish this conversation later i'll call Maddy she'll meet you at the hospital.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now