Future Tense

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Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder?
E: Good morning whats up??
Evan: Maddie has finally agreed to let me baby proof the apartment going round there later, you coming?
E: Why what am I gonna do?
Evan: Well you could help them with the crib I know they're setting that up today. Or you and Maddie could just sit and be waited on hand and foot, I just wanna see you both together.
E: All right fine I'll be there but you have to tell Maddie and it will just be me and the boys, Millies at the bakery today with Albert.
Evan: Sweet I will see you then.
Later at Maddie and Chims.
M: Hello, come on in sorry ignore the mess.
E: Its fine, we're all good, okay here Jack go to your Aunt Maddy.
Evan: You made it, im almost done with this cupboard would you like a drink? I dont know what they have but.
E: Water is fine thanks, hey Chim loving the crib.
C: Thank you although I think we mixed up the spacers with the supports.
M: But they look the same.
E: Thats how its supposed to be chim. He's not listening to me is he?
M: No he is not.
C: Buck, did you steal the screwdriver again?
Evan: Yeah. Its all yours. I am finally finished babyproofing this house.
E: Its an apartment not a house.
Evan: whatever, I wonder if we should put some alarm sensors on these windows.
C: You know we live on the second floor, right?
Evan: But what if the baby trys to get out?
M: Buck i said you could babyproof the apartment, not turn it into an unescabable fortress.
E: This is exactly why we didn't let you babyproof our house.
Evan: I just don't want to underestimate the curiosity of my new nephew.
M: Uhmm we don't know if its a boy, could still be a girl.
E: Yeah im team girl all the way.
C: They are right the last ultrasound the baby was in the wrong position to tell the sex. Maddie said it looked like the baby was mooning them.
Evan: Ah, well, hey, deffinately yours, then. Well, if it is a boy, I had some name ideas.
E: Oh here we go.
Evan: I was thinking Buck or, uh, Buckley. The kid could be an Evan.
C: Really dug deep for those huh.?
E: And if its a girl there's Eva, or uhm Evie.
Evan: Evie isn't event your name and no one calls you that.
E: But its close enough.
M: sighs Seriously, Buck? Its an upper cabinet. How's the baby gonna reach that?
E: Buck 2.0 strikes again here take your nephew. Mads im coming to help you.
C: Has your new girl-friend seen this side of you? Has she met fire Marshall Buckley yet?
E: That was a bit low, here you go two glasses.
Evan: Yeah, hey, about that. Um..... I dont have a girl-friend.
M: Wait, what? Eddie said that you met this girl who was now a friend girl-friend.
Evan: I did meet a girl, she's a therapist. Okay yeah go back to mama. I'm seeing her professionally no friendships formed.
E: Does Eddie know this?
Evan: Yeah thats why he's not getting jealous.
M: Okay. But why would you lie?
C: Yeah. Come on. We've all had our turn in the hot seat. Its the cost of doing our jobs, its not a big deal.
Evan: She's not a department shrink. Uh, and its not about the job. Its-its about me.
M: What about you?
Evan: Chuckles I dont know, um just- just stuff. I mean everyone has issues, right?
E: Just stuff? Come on.
C: Seriously. Hey maybe instead of college funds, new parents should strat therapy funds.
E: Yeah we didn't get any.
Evan: There you go thats stuff. Also now I know what I'm getting you guys got a baby gift.
C: I thought that's what the baby latches were.
E: This didn't get awkward at all.
Evan: Yeah uhm thanks but I'm gonna go, Eva?
E: Yeah i'll get going too dont wait for me this could take a while.
After a little bit in the corridor outside.
M: I'm gonna go round and talk to him you coming?
E: I was just gonna say the same thing we can take my car i'll drop you back off afterwards.
M: Chim im going to Eva's for a bit i'll ser you later.
At Bucks.
Evan: Uhh wasn't i just with you two?
M: Yeah we just, you know, wanted to come and talk about the therapy thing.
Evan: Okay but I was just with the both of you.
E: Yes we know and we thought maybe...
M: you didn't feel comfortable talking about it infront of Chim, so here we are.
E: We're alone now so you know, tell us the truth.
Evan: Theres nothing to tell. You know its all your fault Mads.
M: Wha- What?
Evan: You called me sad and lonely.
E: Wait what when was this?
M: That was months ago before him and Eddie got engaged.
Evan: Well its the kind of thing that sticks with you. Honestly, you, uh- you weren't wrong at the time.
M: But now I am wrong because your happy with Eddie.
Evan: Yeah but that one comment kept eating at me soooooo here we are. I know I've got a great life a job I love, people I love. Just- I just never felt like I can trust it. I still felt sad and lonely even though im happy and with Eddie. The world is an uncertain place Evan, you have to protect yourself. Chuckles Thanks, Mom and Dad.
E: When did they say that??
Evan: The night Maddie got me out of there.
M: Have you talked to them about this?
Evan: No. You know how they are.
M&E: Yeah.
Evan: Hey, look this is not a big deal. I'm fine. Just I wanna be finer.
M: You know that I'm here for you right?
E: We both are, this is what you get for being the middle kid you get it from both sides.
Evan: I know I just don't think we can fix this like old times. We've all been sad with Doug and Dominic. Its good to have someone outside my family. Not that I don't love you all to the moon and back. Right now you know get outta here im going round to Eddie's in abit go.
E: Love you too Buck.
M: To the moon and back.
Later that night. Eva is on the phone with Buck.
Evan: Eddie has banned the Internet at his house, think I'm going to keep my apartment a little longer.
E: What?Why?
Evan: We went on a call the other day to a smart home and now he's paranoid as hell.
E: Oh god, how Chris taking it?
Evan: Not the best.
E: Who could blame him.
Millie: EVA!!!!!
E: Sorry Buck I gotta go, whats up baby?
Millie: Look at this. There's a news article on about the volcano erupting in Texas.
E: Oh no, have you spoken to Mia?
Millie: I can't get a hold of her.
E: Maybe there just still busy cleaning up the aftermath. They're gonna be okay all of them.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now