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E: Eddie where is he?
Eddie: Gym do you want me to be there?
B: Diaz dinners ready.... oh sorry Eva didn't know you were here.
E: Its okay look Eddie go eat and I will talk to him. WAIT why is he not eating with you?
Eddie: Said he wasn't hungry.
E: Do me a favour save him a plate he will be up in a couple of minutes.
Eva heads on into the gym.
Evan: 165,166,167.....
E: 168,169,170 you done yet?
Evan: What are you doing here?
E: Eddie called said you were in a mood and asked if I knew what was wrong.
Evan: It's just I wasn't expecting to find that out today, then we didn't even talk about it.
E: Evan this is my choice its hard for me because of how they were conceived.
Evan: I get that and im not trying to tell you what you should do its your body.
E: Can we talk about this after your shift? Do you think you can work today?
Evan: Maybe if you promise to talk to me and I'll talk to you.
Eddie: Sorry but cap wants to know if your staying for dinner?
E: What is it?
Eddie: Grilled salmon and potatoes and veg.
E: Thats a hard no.
Eddie: I can make you some chicken pasta if you prefer. Its cooked chicken so won't take long.
E: Dont worry Eddie I'll get something when I get home.
Evan: No please stay, it will be such a laugh.
E: Okay fine are you sure you don't mind Eddie?
Eddie: Nah I've already eaten anyways.
Evan: Come on then, what are we going to tell cap?
E: He knows i don't like fish Evan and I'll explain that Eddie has kindly offered to make me something else.
H: Hi Eva.
E: Hey Hen.
B: I take it your staying?
E: Yeah but I'm not having salmon, I don't like fish but Eddie has kindly offered to make me some chicken pasta so there's that.
C: Are we in a better mood?
E: Dont set him off again Chim.
Evan: I shouldn't have snapped i just found some news out i wasn't expecting im all good now.
H: Are you going to tell us this news?
Evan: Uhmmm no not yet.
B: As long as your okay to work.
Evan: I am.
118 please respond ice skating show gone wrong. After 1 hour they return.
E: wait what Bobby used to ice skate?
C: Yeah apparently had a partner and everything.
Evan: Yeah and we're going to find her and get a photo.
E: Okay thats too far leave the poor man alone, it helped you guys on the call didn't it?
C: Yeah?
E: So be grateful.
Eddie: What was even better was trying to watch Buck ice skate!!
Back at Bucks apartment after their shift
Evan: So I'm just going to come out with it dont hate me, are you keeping them?
E: I don't know Buck. What do I tell them when they start asking about their dad. Can I really raise two kids on my own? What if they end up looking like him or taking after him?
Evan: Hey calm down okay take a breath. When they start asking you tell them the truth that he died in a car crash. You're not on your own you have me and Maddie and the 118 and Athena and Millie. All you can do hope is they get your looks and not his I can't really help you there. You will raise them right and they won't end up like him.
E: I have some serious decisions to make Evan. Promise me you won't go off the rails whatever i decide.
Evan: I promise.
During there next shift.
E: I get being angry at Shannon but street fighting, really Eddie?
Eddie: Its not like I planned it. I could have done worse.
Evan: Eds stop.
C: Since when has it been Eds?
H: Evan Buckley tell me its not.
B: I'm confused?
E: they're dating!!
B: You two know i need you to sign some paperwork right?
Eddie: I figured.
E: I'm so happy for you both but I must leave, I've got to get to the hospital see you all soon.
H: Bye Eva. From all of us.
At the hospital.
E: Good morning how are we today?
Mia: She's grumpy today.
E: Millie whats up?
Millie: I just want to get out of here.
TK: And we've had to tell her that we need to get back to Austin tomorrow.
E: That will do it.
Mia: She can stay with you right?
E: Of course she can I'll sort something out. Also do you guys think you can come back in about 15 weeks?
Carlos: I'm sure we can sort something out.... why?
E: okay you can't tell anyone but it will be for our gender reveal.
TK: Eva Buckley!!! What?
Mia: Please tell me this is not a joke.
E: Nope found out a couple of days ago, that day I was throwing up that was the first morning sickness im on tablets now so its not as bad.
Carlos: Is it?
E: Yes Dominic is the father but we don't need his permission with him being dead and everything i can let Millie adopt them they will be as much hers as they are mine.
TK: You said they?
E: Its twins!!
Mia: I'm so happy for both of you we will be here im sorry TK but I will fight your dad if I have to im finally going to be an aunt.
TK: Hey I'll be right behind you.
E: Again don't say anything until you get back im telling Maddie tomorrow and then after that rhe 118 because if I tell the 118 first Chim won't be able to keep ot a secret.
Carlos: Hear that baby mouth zipped.
Doctor: Ohh full room.
Mia: Yeah we're going soon.
Doctor: Thats why I'm here Millie you are being discharged, just need you to sign the papers.
Mia: Sorry Millie but doc are you sure she's ready?
Doctor: She's been in here a couple of weeks and her vitals have been good for the past couple of days. Plenty of rest and no strenuous activity for a couple of weeks she will be okay.
Millie: Thankyou, can I still stay with you?
E: Yes I'll sort it.
Doctor: I'll need you to put the address on the form.
E: Will do, your coming home.
Millie: Things are looking up.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now