Gender reveal

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It's been a couple of weeks you had the gender scan and its been about a week the party is on this Saturday.

Hey brother there's a whole new world to rediscover.
E: Hey Buck.
Evan: Hey has Maddie called you? Have you heard from her?
E: Not today why?
Evan: Somethings going on at dispatch her and Josh are not answering their phones.
E: Right so whats happening now?
Evan: Well Chim is with Athena and they are going to 911 dispatch to check it out.
E: Evan I know you what are you thinking?
Evan: I'm going to go to 911 dispatch and check for myself.
E: Not on your own your not come and get me.
Evan: You need to rest.
E: Evan Buckley come and get me!!!
With Athena and Chimney
C: so this is nice us being partners and everything.
A: Nu uh your here so I can keep an eye on you make sure you don't do anything stupid.
Car speeds past
A: Is that who i think it is?
Puts on lights and sirens
E: Its Athena i told you to stick to the speed limit.
Evan: Okay now dont be mad...
A: I said you guys would be the death of me out now... NOW.
Evan: Hey Chim.
E: Hi Chim.
C: Hey Buckley's.
A: Did you three tell anyone else whays going on at dispatch?
All: No
A: Good because I'm running out of room in here.
Time skip to after dispatch is saved.
A: Hey I thought you two would be over there with your sister.
Evan: She has everything she needs.
E: She really loves Chim huh?
A: She loves you two too and she needs both of you, go hug your sister.
E: She's right.
Evan: She usually is.
E: Come on Buck lets go.
Evan: Room for two little ones?
M: Of course come on group hug.
E: We were so worried about you.
M: I was worried about me too.
Its later and Eva is getting the third degree off Millie. Its Saturday morning and today is the gender reveal.
Millie: Do we have everything we need?
E: Everything we need? We literally just need ourselves.
Millie: I'm going to call Athena maybe they need someone to pick up the cake or something.
E: Okay 1 you need to calm down and breathe, 2 as if Athena is going to let one of us be the one to pick up the cake and 3 Athena and May have it all covered just relax.
Millie: This is the first time WE are having a gender reveal and its for our twins I want everything to be perfect.
E: I'm sure it will be Athena and May are in charge, plus they can have everyone else helping them without them knowing the gender.
Millie: So you think I'm being too upfront and need to calm down?
E: YES, come her sit and watch this show with me until later, we don't need to be going yet.
Millie: What about outfits?
E: MILLIE, we both picked our outfits out way before now I ironed them both yesterday they're hanging up.
Millie: Right okay im calming myself down right now.
A little bit later
E: Come on millie let's go get ready.
This is Eva's outfit

This is Millies outfit

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This is Millies outfit

E: Come on lets get going to Athena and Bobby's

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E: Come on lets get going to Athena and Bobby's.
1 hour later
A: Hey you two, come on in people are already here.
Millie: Thank you for doing all of this Athena.
A: No problem. Everyone's excited to find out the gender of the twins. EVERYONE THEY'RE HERE.
E: Athena that was very loud.
B: Hey there they are. Everyone's out in the garden.
E: Whats the plan?
A: we are going to do the gender reveal and then start on the food.
H: There they are im so excited to find out the gender of these two (puts hands on her stomach.)
A: Okay everyone gather round okay the way we are doing this we are playing a kind of tic tac toe but each box has "it's a boy" or " its a girl" once we have 3 boxes in a row of one thats the gender of twin 1 then we have the gender reveal cake cutting we have two cakes one for each twin. After that Buck and Maddie will pull one gender reveal cannon and Eva and Millie will pull the other. Then we will go back to tic tac toe for the second baby.
Millie: And twin number one is..... ITS A BOY.
M: Twin one is a boy.
A: Ok onto the cake cutting.
B: Okay let's count them down 1,2,3

E: BOY, wait does that mean its 2 boys??Millie: I'm so confused? A: All will be revealed onto the gender reveal cannon

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E: BOY, wait does that mean its 2 boys??
Millie: I'm so confused?
A: All will be revealed onto the gender reveal cannon. Who's doing this one?
E: Buck and Maddie, come on guys on 3 1,2,3.
M: Its a boy wait what?
A: Let me explain, we now know that one of them is a boy so now we are going to do them all again to find out the gender of baby number 2. So Tic Tac Toe.
Millie: Okay I've never had to work so hard to find out the gender of a baby before.
E: Tic Tac Toe results... its a boy again.
Evan: Could you both have made this a little easier Athena?
Eddie: Right my beers going warm.
M: You two stop complaining and let them get on with it.
Millie: Tha cake cutting says ITS A GIRL!!!!
A: Okay so now it is on to the gender reveal cannon, whatever colour confetti is in this cannon is the gender of baby B.
B: Come on Eva, Millie its your turn. On 3 everyone 1,2,3......

 On 3 everyone 1,2,3

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E: ITS A BOY....
Millie: Does that mean its 2 boys?
A: YES, you two are having two baby boys.
Mia: Congratulations 2 boys I wonder if there identical or not?
TK: We will have to wait and find out oh im so pumped and excited I can't wait.
Carlos: I'll be back in a minute you two mingle i'll find you.
Evan: I'm going to have 2 nephews!!
Carlos: Hey you okay?
E: I just what if they do end up looking like him Carlos.
Carlos: You always knew that was a possibility.
E: But I put it to the back of my mind tried to kid myself into thinking they wouldn't.
Carlos: Eva calm down okay if they do look like him there's nothing we can do about that. It will be hard ofcourse it will but you have all of us out side to help you move past it. You need to see them as what they are your boys don't think of them as his because there not, there yours and Millie's. Come on take my hand so I can get you up of the floor. You got this Eva Buckley.

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