the one that got away

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Its a couple of days later.

E: All im saying is we all suffered from hyperthermia Eddie was the worst off and now you two are jumping from roofs of buildings.
Evan: Yeah to save a life.
Eddie: I wasn't happy about it either but once Buck mentioned it Bobby wouldn't let it go.
Evan: the most important thing is we're both okay. This is why I said we shouldn't tell her.
Eddie: Yeah and if we hadn't someone else would have and then we would be in even more trouble.
E: If you two are going to fight do it outside or even better at your house  I don't need a babysitter.
Eddie: Millie asked us to come and check on you is that okay with you?
E: Not even in the slightest go NOW I'm going back to bed.
2 days later
E: All i'm saying Buck is you met this guy in a bar and got drunk with him now your trying to find his wife that he hasn't seen in 20 years??
Evan: Red is a good guy im just trying to help a fellow firefighter so that he doesn't die alone.
E: Anyways its our birthday soon whats Eddie got planned for you??
Evan: I have no idea he won't tell me.
E: Ohh I love a good old mystery and I am doing nothing else why don't I try and find out and if I do I'll tell you.
Evan: you know what sure it would give you something to do anyways.
Later that night Millie and Eva are watching TV.
Knock knock.
Millie: I'll get it... its Eddie.
Eddie: Is Maddie...
Knock knock
Millie: Its Maddie.
Eddie: I need to talk to both of you, its really important.
Millie: Okay thats my que to go upstairs.
Eddie: you don't have to.
Millie: I'm trying to put together the cribs anyway in our room.
Eddie: Well me and Buck can come round on our next day off a couple of days before your birthday and help please.
Millie: Okay you have twisted my arm what's this about?
Eddie: As im sure your aware its Eva and Buck's birthday soon and I want to get your permission to marry Buck.
E: Eddie Diaz are you going to propose..
M: to my little brother.
Eddie: Yes that is the plan yes.
E: you have put me in a tough position here ya know.
M: what do you mean??
E: I told Buck that I would find out what Eddie had planned for our birthday and tell him and now I can't.
Eddie: Ohhh good luck with that tell me how it goes.
3 days later
E: Morning Eddie whats up?
Eddie: Remember how me and Buck were supposed to come help you and millie set up things for the twins?
E: Yeah...
Eddie: Well Buck has gone out with red to see his exwife.
E: ughh thats okay not your fault.
Eddie: we will come and help it will just have to be after your birthday.
E: Dont worry about it we will sort something ill talk to you soon Eddie.
3 days later
Eddie: I don't know whether I should propose tonight or not.
M: Why would you not propose?
Eddie: Because of what happened with red, he's dead.
E: yeah but at least red didn't die alone, thats what Buck and red wanted, Buck didn't want red to die alone. Maybe proposing is the best thing Buck won't want to die alone like red almost did.
Eddie: Okay that was alot.
M: She's right Eddie propose tonight before it's too late.
E: Wow that was morbid.
Eddie: OKAY enough im proposing to Buck tonight right now, before I have to listen to anymore of this.
E: Thats the spirit, go on then get out there.
B: What is going on?
M: Shhh just watch.
Eddie gets down on one knee
Eddie: Evan Buckley when I moved to the 118 at first we didn't get along but then after the tsunami you drove me to see my son and ever since then I fell in love with you will you marry me?
Evan: Yes, yeah I'll marry you.
B:Ohhh thats what was happening. Did you two know this was happening?
M: Yes of course we did.
E: He asked us for our permission because obviously he didn't want to ask our dad because of the issues between them.
Eddie: Thank you guys for keeping it a secret and not telling anyone.
E: it was hard but congratulations,we told you he would say yes.
M: yeah please never ask us to do that again.
Eddie: Well I would hope i didn't have to ask you to do that again.
M: Congratularions to both of you.
H: I can't believe you didn't tell us you were planning this.
C: Yeah Diaz how did you manage to keep this a secret from all of us.
Eddie: It was not easy but I wanted it to be a surprise.
Evan: Thanks for all the congratulations im just going to go talk to Eva.
H: Where's Millie?
M: Said she was running home.
With Buck and Eva
Evan: Hey.
E:Oh hey congratulations by the way I said it to Eddie but not you.
Evan:uhm yeah thanks, so did you know?
E: Yeah me and Maddie knew but obviously I couldn't tell you what he was planning, sorry.
Evan: Whats up have I done something to upset you because I feel like your giving me the cold shoulder.
E: It's nothing im fine just tired.
Evan: its not that late.
E: I'm 29 weeks pregnant with twins how do you expect me not to be tired.
Evan: Fair point, I need to apologise for the other day, me and Eddie were supposed to come and help and we didn't and thats on me.
E: Honestly Buck its fine if you hadn't have gone with red the other day you wouldn't have seen him before he died. We can do the setting up on your next day off, we have a little bit of time.
Evan: So you sure your okay?
E: I'm sure go celebrate with your fiancé and the 118.
Evan: Thats wierd for me to hear.
E: Then get married sooner rather than later then you would be husbands.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now