2 of 3 Buckley siblings in the hospital

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The next day everyone comes back to the hospital to see you, they have to take it in turns because they are all on shift but they come by and thats enough.

E: Hey nurse do you think you could pass me the remote for the TV.
N: Oh yeah her you go, hope you don't mind I just need to check your vitals.
E: Thats okay, I hope you don't mind if I put the news on, just want to find out whats going on out there whilst I'm in here. Oh no please tell me im not seeing this.
N: Hey your heart rate has spiked i need you to calm down whats going on what have you seen.
E: It's my brother Evan, he's he's a firefighter and the news is covering a story. Thats him thats my brother underneath that fire truck, no one's helping him why is no one helping him.
N: I think it's got something to do with that person standing over him with what seems to be a bomb.
E: your supposed to be helping i don't think this is helping. Can you just go i want to be alone.
N: Maybe I could do better, come on I've just got word that they will be coming here so you can go wait in the waiting room you just have to take the drip with you.
E: you know what i take that back you are helping you are helping.

30 minutes later the 118 shows up with Buck on a gurney, along with Maddie, Athena and Bobby.

M: Eva what are you doing here? How did you know?
E: I saw it on the news, did you know the news was there?
Eddie: I saw some news reporters at the scene, that must be how you knew because we were all preoccupied in saving Buck.
M: yes yes it was actually.
Ali: I'm here to see my boyfriend Evan Buckley... never mind I see his sister.
Hi Maddie.
M: Ali hey your here we can't see him yet but you can wait with us.
E: I'm sorry who's this? How do you know Evan.. Buck?
M: Eva this is Ali her and buck are dating.
E: Oh hi im Eva Bucks twin sister, got in town a couple of weeks ago.
Ali: wow here only a couple of weeks and your already in the hospital, I can tell you two are twins you have the same personality. Always getting hurt.
E: Yeah we're pretty much the same im that area good luck is all I can say.

N: Evan Buckley's family?
M: Yes thats us and whatever you have to say to us you can say infront of everyone here.
N: so its a crush injury, we've put his leg in a cast and we have it elevated. He's probably going to be here for at least a week, but you can go see him.
E: Thankyou nurse.
M: Okay Eva Ali come with me are you guys alright to wait here for news and updates.
Carla: So where does that leave me?
M: Eva this is Carla you remember Carla right she looks after Chris.
E: I know who she is maddie, why don't you come with us a group of 4 that should be okay right? Come on lets go.

1 hour later Maddie and Ali have gone to get coffee's, Buck wakes up.

Evan: Carla? Your really here?
Carla: I'm here, hell if I see my friend getting crushed by a firetruck I'm here.
E: Hey, yoohoo I'm here too ya know.
Evan: yeah I see that, shouldn't you be in your room resting.
E: your kidding right I was here way before you, the first one to be here for you.
Ali: Oh your awake how are you feeling are you okay im here im here for you.
M: I'd like it noted that we are also here or are we invisible now?
Carla: Girl i don't even think he knows we're even still in the room.
E: No no he does not.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now