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Just a general reminder to understand my stories you need to also watch the shows. These stories are more about my characters where as the TV shows cover all the other characters.
Millie: So how's Maddie doing?
E: Think she's getting a little impatient now.
Millie: I'm not surprised. She's over 2 weeks late.
E: Wish these two would have been late or on time just not early.
Millie: Well we better get to the bakery.
E: Kim thankyou for this. We might actually get some work done.
K: Its okay go we will be fine, go.
Later on.
E: Hey boys we're home.
Millie: Where's my little boys?
K: First day away from them?
Millie: How did you guess?
K: Just an educated guess. I'm gonna head out i will see you guys tomorrow?
E: Yeah thank you.
After the boys have gone to bed.
E: I'm gonna go to the shops we need some essentials like bread and milk, we might need to think about doing a full shop on Sunday.
Millie: Okay drive safe, I love you.
E: I love you more. I won't be long.
Eva ends up in the pile up caused by the drunk driver on the 710.
E: Help me please!!!
Man: Hey miss it's okay, can you get out?
E: No my legs are pinned.
Man: Theres a fire behind you but I'm sure help is on the way.
E: crying.
After Chim has gone to the hospital with Athena, Before they find out about Albert.
Bobby: Okay 3 more cars lets go.
Eddie: Hey, sorry what we got over here... Eva?
Man: She's been alert the whole time she just can't get out her legs pinned. I've been keeping pressure on her head wound.
Eddie: 118!!
Bobby: Diaz what you got?
Eddie: 29 year old female Eva Buckley legs are pinned.
Evan: Eva!!
E: Hey Buck, think I'm gonna be okay?
Evan: Hey come on you've got the best first responders round you.
Eddie: Buck i got the spreaders. Let me in there.
Bobby: Lets get her out of there.
Eddie: Almost there Cap. Its off she's ready.
Hen: Help me get her on this back board then onto the stretcher.
Bobby: Lets get her to the hospital. Eva you sure you good i need Buck but we have called Millie she's on her way to the hospital.
E: What about the twins?
Bobby: Said she had called Kim back round or something.
Evan: Wait, who's Kim?
E: Our new nanny pretty much.
Eddie: Carla's sister?
E: Yeah.
Hen: We will see you soon.
Bobby: Right lets re-group.
At the hospital the next morning.
C: Hey, Buck. Its good to see you. The hospital has a strict no- visitor policy right now.
Evan: I-I know. Hey, Chimney...
C: The girls are both doing great. Maddie was a warrior in there. Oh, hey, where'd you get that? Is Albert here?
Evan: Uhm Y-Yeah he is just as a patient. After you left the scene last night we got a call from dispatch hed been caught up in the front of the pile up. He was trapped in his car, lost alot of blood. Hen and Eddie almost lost him in transit. Chim I'm so sorry he's in the ICU.
C: I need to go and see him.
Evan: I just wanted to bring you this, im here to pick up Eva thats how I got in.
C: Eva??
Evan: Yeah she was also in the pile up towards the back, her legs were pinned but she called said they're discharging her, but Millie's at the bakery so I said I'd come and wait with her.
C: I can't believe it, does Maddie know yet about Eva?
Evan: No. But I can go get Eva and then we can stop by Maddie on the way out just for a few minutes.
C: Sure if they'll let you. Me i need to get to the ICU.
After hen and Karen's scene before Buck and Maddie's scene That afternoon.
Doctor: Okay Miss Buckley you are discharged you've got your crutches and pain meds, some bandages for your head, your ride. A couple a follow up appointments in a couple of weeks. We'll be in touch, I'll walk you out.
Evan: whispers. Damn I wanted to stop by Maddie's room.
E: Maddie's room?
Evan: She had the baby, a little girl.
E: I wanna meet her.
Evan: Yeah well apparently we've got a wait. Let's get you home.
At home.
Evan: I got the door, plonk yourself on that couch.
Kim: Omg, no offence but you look like shit.
E: Ha thanks.
Knock at the door.
Evan: I got it, come on in it's Athena.
E: I can see that.
A: Hey how we feeling?
E: Like my legs got crushed.
A: I'm glad your okay.
Evan: Me too.
Evan: Hey buddie, hey Ed's.
Chris: Auntie Eva!! Are you okay?
E: I will be in a couple of weeks bud.
Chris: When dad told me I made him bring me round.
E: Aww that was nice. Kim you can get off now I've got more than enough people here and Millie will be home soon. I feel bad that you had to have them last night.
K: I wasn't doing anything, I didn't mind.
E: Go home, I'll see you tomorrow.
K: I'm still needed?
E: Yeah I can't do much im on crutches and Millie's gonna have to take over the bakery solo for a couple of weeks before I'm back hopefully.
Evan: Just so you know im moving in to help you and Millie, you do realize that.
E: And whilst that's great you still have work.
K: I'll be here.
A: So what happened?
E: I realised we needed some essential bread, milk stuff like that. Me and Millie have been kinda putting off food shopping. So I went out whilst the kids were in bed, I was on my way back when the crash happened. All I saw was the car infront of me swerving then I saw the car in front of that mangled and mashed. I tried to turn but it was too late. Then there was another car who went into the back of my car.
Eddie: I'm just glad that man was there.
E: Me too.
Evan: I'm glad you weren't as bad as Albert.
E: I heard  its so heartbreaking.
Eddie: Well we better go let you get some rest, see you soon.
A: Yeah I think I'll go too just wanted to come and check on you.
E: Thank you i appreciate it.
After they leave Buck calls Maddie via facetime.
Evan: Awww I just wanna hold her you know.
Maddie: Soon. Dr. Heller just wants us to wait a few more weeks. Then you get to meet your Uncle Buck and Aunt Eva. Man. I can't  believe Chimney just missed the first "Uncle and Aunt" moment.
Evan: Its, uh... its okay. Knowing him, im sure we're in for about 10,000 more of those.
E: Truth.
Maddie: How are you holding up sis?
E: I've not moved from this couch in days, kinda loving it.
C: Okay... I am clean and ready to hold my girl.  " Uncle Buck, Aunt Eva." Was i the first one? I was the first one, right?
Evan: Uh huh yeah, yeah
Maddie: Absolutely.
E: 1000%.
Evan: Kay we will go and uh leave you guys to it.okay bye we love bye bye bye.
Maddie: Oh okay.

Eva BuckleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ