Telling the world

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E: Yeah stay with us, I'll see you later Buck. Bye.
Millie: Are you okay?
E: Yeah something with Hen it'll be okay.
TK: You sure because you look like you've just seen a ghost.
E: I don't know my head is mashed. Buck says its fine for you to stay with us. You get the bed, he's having the sofa and I'm getting the floor.
Mia: No you can't sleep on the floor, what about when you get more pregnant.
E: Well this is just temporary whilst we find somewhere.
Millie: She's right we should just share the bed I mean we are a couple.
E: We're taking it slow that doesn't mean sharing the bed straight away.
Mia: Leave her Millie she'll change her mind when she's more pregnant.
E: Come on lets go to the apartment and get settled before Buck gets home.
Mia: Will you both come to the airport in the morning to say goodbye?
E: We will be there.
The next morning
Millie: I can't believe your actually going.
Mia: Hey we will see you again soon.
E: Take care all 3 of you and there's always facetime.
TK: Yeah that works both ways, both of you.
Carlos: He's right dont disappear on us.
Millie: As if we could, take care of each other.
Flight 8:30am to Austin Airport final call for boarding.
TK: Sorry Mia but thats us.
Mia: Yeah Bye.
Millie: Bye, I'm going to miss you.
Mia: Feeling's mutual.
E: Go or you really are going to miss your flight.
Mia: I'm going, look after her.
E: Always, see you soon Mia.
TK: MIA lets go.
Eva and Millie watch as they walk out of site.
E: So i can drop you off at the apartment or you can come with me to the fire House.
Millie: Can I come with you? I don't want to be on my own.
E: Okay but you know something happened at the 118 it might not all be sunshine and rainbows.
Millie: I'm not coming for sunshine and rainbows im coming because I don't want to be on my own.
E: Okay come on then.
At the station
E: Hey guys anyone here?
B: Hi Eva, Millie what are you both doing here.
E: I came here to talk to Buck plus there's nothing else to do. And she didn't eat to be on her own.
B: Well come on the teams upstairs, guys we've got visitors.
C: Hey Eva, and Millie how are you doing?
Millie: Better after two weeks in the hospital. I didn't get to thank you guys on the scene.
Eddie: You don't need to thank us.
Evan: we were just doing our jobs.
C: Do you want to hear about this call we went on earlier. This woman had a meteor through her.
E: Like actually through her? And she was still alive?
Eddie: Yeah who would have thought that having a weighted blanket would save your life.
Millie: Not me, i'm definitely investing in one though.
Later on at tea time.
E: Chim, Buck, Eddie we will meet you guys at the restaurant in half an hour?
C: See you there.
30 minutes later
E: Maddie, Chim im so glad your here.
Millie: Hey Maddie I'm Millie I don't believe we've met yet.
M: Is this Millie the one I've heard so much about.
E: Yes this is her, you already know Chim.
M: I hope you invited Buck and Eddie because they just walked in.
E: Yeah we invited them, Hey Buck hey Eddie.
Eddie: Should we sit?
M: So what's all this about?
E: Can we not just come out to dinner?
C: You said you had news.
Millie: To be fair you did tell them that.
E: Don't freak out.
M: Feeak out about what?
E: Maddie you are going to be an aunty.
M: Wait your pregnant, since when?
E: Found out about a week ago that I was 10 weeks pregnant.
C: Congratulations, wait who knows?
E: Just you guys so far and Mia, TK and Carlos.
C: I hope you were planning on telling Bobby soon because I can't keep this from him.
E: I'm going to come in and tell him when you guys are next on shift.
C: Good because I wouldn't be able to keep this from him.
E: I know why do you think I've told you guys together.
M: Are you going to be ok? Are you going to be able to do this?
E: It's going to help that I've got you guys... right?
M: ofcourse you have us always.
E: Anyway what about you are you okay? After today.
M: I tried to help someone, they didn't take it. So now I just have to let it go, and do therapy.
E: I think all 3 of us need therapy for something.
Evan: Not me, I don't need therapy.
C: Says the happy kid.
After dinner
Evan: Eva, Millie did one of you drive?
Millie: No we took an uber.
Eddie: Well we are going to pick Chris up then coming back to the apartment. Why don't we just give you a lift.
Millie: Who's Chris?
E: Oh you are going to love him.
Evan: He's Eddie's son, he has cp but he doesn't let that slow him down.
Eddie: Evan has always been like a second dad to him even before we got together.
E: Bye Maddie, bye Chim see you soon.
C: Goodbye guys see you all soon.
At the apartment afterwards
Chris: Eva can we play a video game. Dad's are being boring.
E: When are they not being boring? Ofcourse we can put the game in you want to play and set it all up.
Millie: Can I play too?
Chris: Yes it's a multilayer game anyways.
Chris: Ha you can't get me.
E: This is so unfair im sure your cheating.
Millie: Your just not very good at Mario kart haha.
E: I am too, it's this map. It doesn't like me.
Chris: Yay I win, I win.
E: So not fair.
Evan: Sound like you 3 are having fun.
E: I knew she would get along with Chris, just didn't expect them to team up against me.
Eddie: Oh Mario kart give me a go.
E: Here Buck you can have my controller, I need a drink... of juice before you start.
Evan: I wasn't going to say anything.
Millie: I'm going to bed goodnight guys.
Eddie: Goodnight Millie see you soon?
Millie: I'm sure you will.
E: I'll be up in a bit goodnight love.
Chris: Bye Millie your really fun, can we play again soon?
Millie: Of course we can I would like that.
Their next shift
E: Hey guys.
C: Hi Eva.
Evan: Hey sis, (whispers) Bobby's upstairs.
E: Right Well then that's where I am going.
Millie: And I'm coming with you.
E: Hey Bobby.
B: Hi Eva what's up?
E: I thought I should tell you before someone else does.... I'm pregnant.
B: Congratulations or not?
E: They are Dominic's but it's happy were being happy.
Millie: It is twins so its gonna take all of us can we count on you?
B: Of course you can and Athena.
E: Oh she doesn't know yet.
118 please respond truck fire in tunnel..........

Eva BuckleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz