Whats next??

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Its 3 weeks after the twins were born, even though its only being like an hour Eva had both twins at home with her on her own whilst Millie went to pick up Mia, TK and Carlos from the airport.
E: Oh thank god your back they won't stop crying everytime I get one of them to stop the other one starts. I've fed them changed them hugged them I don't know what they want.
Millie: Okay take a breath we're her now.... why don't we put them.in their pram.and go for a walk see if we can get them to sleep?
Mia: Sounds like a good idea.
TK: No offence but you look like shit.
E: Ha you don't say.
Mia: TK!!! What did I say? Come one's go.
Eva's phone starts ringing whilst on the walk.
E: Hi Eddie, whats up?
Eddie: Buck's gone off the deep end.
E: What??
Eddie: We responded to a bad train accident and Buck's ex was on the train they separated on awkward terms. He's promised her he will get her fiancé off the train but he's pinned and its him or another citizen. The other citizens vitals are better we can't get them.both out and now he's on about going on the outside of the train, but the car isn't secure if it falls on him iys going to be worse than having the fire truck fall on him and I can't talk to him.
E: Okay WOW, if he's hellbent on doing this you aren't going to stop him, no one will apart from maybe Maddie.
Eddie: Eva.... he's already on the outside of the train.
Bobby: Diaz come.ofg the phone i need your help.
Eddie: I got to go.
E: Let me.know your all alright when its over..... please..... EDDIE!! Damn.
2 hours later. Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder.
E: BUCK!! Are to alright?
Evan: Yes.
E: Is the rest of the 118 okay?
Evan: Yes.
E: Did you get both citizens out?
Evan: Yes.
E: Then what the hell were you thinking. You know you can't promise stuff like that to the people that you help and their families even if they are your ex. Do you still want to be a firefighter?
Evan: Yes.
E: Then why would you almost throw all that away, I know its your job but why when everyone else is moving away from the danger and telling you its not a good idea do you insist on running towards it and doing it anyway? You could've gotten really hurt and not been able to be a firefighter anymore or worse.
Evan: I know all that, look I know Eddie called you because be was worried but I'm okay.
E: Yeah Eddie was worried but how do you think I've felt for the past 2 hours?
Evan: I'm okay seeing Abbie again threw me a little bit but I'm okay.
E: I'm going to bed I'll see you next week Buck, night.
One week later.
A: Hi all.pf.you come on in no.ones here yet.
Mia: Oh are we early?
E: No they told us earlier so thay could get some cuddles in with the boys before everyone else gets here. Right?
A: Maybeee, sorry.
Millie: No im glad you did these 3 adults are driving us insane her they can mingle with others.
Carlos: Uhh RUDE!!
Bobby: Oh its going that well is it?
E: You have no idea.
Arguing in background.
E: Guess I'm getting the twins and all their stuff, you 4 not going to help me.... no okay.
May: Come on I'll give you a hand.
E: Thanks May.
Everyone else arrives.
Evan: Eva can- uhm can we talk?
E: If this is about the other day leave it Buck.
Evan: But I don't want to leave it i was being a ( Whispers) dickhead.
E: You won't here an argument from me.
Evan: Please just lets talk outside.
E: Sure the twins are with Hen and Chim and Maddie at the moment anyway.
Evan: Seeing Abbie again it messed with my brain, when she left she said she was coming back. It took me months to realise she wasn't coming back. Eddie was the first person I've wanted to move on with but it took me months and she's already engaged and so close to being married.
E: Buck so are you... your engaged to Eddie, so what if it didn't take her as long to get over you it means she didn't love as much as you loved her which means finding out earlier rather than later was better.
Evan: Whag would i do without you?
E: I don't know probably fall apart....
Evan: Ha thanks sis.
E: Your welcome bro.
Eva and Buck go back inside.
E: Who's got the twins?
Millie: Uhmmm.
E: Oh come on.
A: Hey don't worry we've get them me and May.
E: Okay well they're going to need feeding soon so they might start getting fussy.
A: Noted.
2 weeks later
E: Mads whats all this about?
Evan: Yeah couldn't you have said whatever over the phone?
C: We wanted to tell you in person.
Eddie: Tell us what?
Millie: okay the twins are asleep.
E: We've got about an hour.
M: Me and Chim, were going to have a baby.
Evan: What!!!
E: Oh my god sis that great news.
Eddie: I'm happy for you both.
Millie: Me too, do you know how far along you are?
M: Its very early in the pregnancy.
E: So not like me then?
M: No thank god I need nine months to work out how its going to work.
C: And wrap our heads around the fact that we are going to be parents.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now