The new normal

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6 months later.
E: This isn't working Millie.
Millie: I know but what else can we do.
E: We aren't getting anywhere. We've only just reopened and we're already drowning.
Millie: I didn't think it would be this hard.
E: I salute single parents, this is exhausting.
Millie: Maybe Carla could have them with Chris.
E: She would love to but apparently she can't.
Millie: It will be easier when the rush dies off and we can go back to how we were.
E: Yeah, and obviously as much as I'm complaining i-
Millie: Wouldn't change them for the world? Yeah me either.
Eddie: Hey you two can I get a box of donuts for the fore house.
E: Of course you can... here you go on the house.
Eddie: Thanks, hey would you two wanna hang on Saturday, social distanced obviously.
Millie: We would love to will everyone be there?
Eddie: Probably everyone apart from Chim.
E: Is he still at Bucks place?
Eddie: Yeah Buck says its driving him up the wall now too.
E: I'll call Maddie later see how she's doing, I couldn't imagine not having Millie through the pregnancy.
Eddie: Yeah its hard.
E: Maddie is six months pregnant she needs Chim Covid or not.
Eddie: I hear you maybe you could talk to him, I better get going I'll see you two soon.
Millie: Bye Eddie.
E: Bye I'll call you later, say goodnight to Chris.
10 minutes later there's a shake.
Millie: Was that an earthquake?
Eva: If it was it wasn't a very big one.
Suddenly water comes rushing in.
E: Oh uhmm okay everyone get up stairs to the supply room go, go, go.
Millie: I got the baby bag and James.
E: And I've got Jack and the pram go.
Naomi: Now what?
E: We hope the water doesn't get to us, and wait for it to receed.
Customer: How long could that take?
Millie: Minutes, hours or even days.
E: Hey listen we are all going to be okay, we're dry and alive lets be thankful for that.
Naomi: This is from the dam.
Millie: What?
Naomi: The Hollywood dam broke its just Hollywood hills and the centre.
Customer: So our houses and Families should be okay?
E: Yeah providing you dont live in those affected areas.
Hours later Millie and Eva are at home. Eva is on the phone with Buck and Eddie.
E: But Bobby and Athena are okay??
Evan: yeah they're fine.
Millie: And what about the rest of you?
Eddie: We're all good, everyone's fine.
Evan: And Chimney finally moved back home with Mads so I am spending tonight with my boys.
E: I don't know why you don't just sell your apartment.
Evan: I hope we don't but what would happen if we ever split up.
E: you would just find another apartment.
Millie: You and Eddie love each other anyone with eyes can see that this is the next step, what better time to take it.
E: Its silly to be paying rent when you practically live with Eddie.
Eddie: They do have a point my love.
Evan: Is this you asking me to move in with you?
Eddie: Yes, Evan Buckley will you move in with me?
Evan: Yes.
Millie: Hurray!!!
E: Finally!!!
Evan: Right sis we're gonna go celebrate.
E: Okay but you'll come to the bakery tomorrow right and help?
Eddie: We will be there bye!!!
At Bobby and Athena's with Michael.
B: So Michael do you think I could borrow your expertise tomorrow?
Michael: What my architecture expertise yes.... is everything okay here?
B: Oh yeah its not the house its...... uhm.... Miva's bakery.
A: What happened??
B: The water from the dam it flooded the bakery.
May: What are they all okay?
B: Oh yeah they're all fine they've asked Eddie and Buck to go and help redecorate tomorrow and I just want to make sure its okay structual wise.
A: Preventing a disaster before it happens a true first responder.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now