Finally Happy

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It's Buck's next shift and you go into the station with him to hang out.

H: Hey Hey about time have you managed to talk her round yet Buckley?
E: He knows he messed up and he has promised me that he will make it up to me.
Evan: And she's probably going to hold it against me for a long time.
E: The longest time ever.
C: Haha it's good to see the twins back together.
B: Oh are you going to be hanging out here today?
E: Yeah if thats okay we thought it would be best, Dominic is still out there.
Eddie: We get it but last time he even came here to find you.
B: Then she's just going to have to come on calls with us. YOU STAY IN THE ENGINE!! got it?
E: Got it thanks Bobby.
B: I'll go and clear it with the chief.
H: in the meantime breakfast, let's eat.
E: You guys go ahead.
C: you still not eating?
H: wait still how long has this been going on?
E: I can't eat with him still out there id just throw it up again im fine.
Eddie: mhm.
118 rta at the crossroads of *       * and *             *. Please respond.

B: Chief says its okay come on 118. Ravi, Donato ride in the engine. Everyone else in the ladder truck.
Evan: Eva remember stay in the truck.
E: Yes Evan I got it.
Evan: Cap uhm none of us can work on the driver.
B: Buckley what are you going on about?
Evan: Cap its Dominic, none of us can work on him we're too close to Eva.
C: He's right Cap.
B: 133 driver's yours, 118 get that passenger out of there.
Capatain Metha: Driver's gone there was nothing we could DOA.
B: Have we got any id on the passenger 118.
Eddie: No id cap but she is alive.
A: Captain Nash!! What we got?
B: RTA, driver is Dominic Silver DOA. There is a passenger but we don't know who she is.
A: Is that Eva in the truck?
B: Yeah cleared with the chief whilst he was still out there.
A: No it's good im going to need her to identify Dominic, have you asked her maybe she knows the passenger.
B: I never thought of that Buckley go and get your sister prepare her.
Evan: Copy that cap.
E: Evan whats going on?
Evan: I'm sorry Eva it's Dominic he's dead, that's not the bit I'm sorry about. Athena is going to need you to identify him, and there's a passenger in the car we can't find an id so we need to know if you know her.
E: Uhmm it's okay i can do this. Can you stay with me?
Evan: I'll be right beside you.
Eddie: Eva round here first. She's alive but pretty battered are you ready?
E: Yes...... Oh that's Millie, Millie Kenwick.
H: Do you know if she has any medical issues?
E: No I don't but I can call Carlos he'll know.
Eddie: Great can you do that now?
E: Yeah give me a sec..... Uh hey Carlos I know your probably busy but I have a situation.
Carlos: Go on?
E: Long story short Millie is here in LA, she was with Dominic they've crashed. Dominic is dead she's alive, im passing you to Eddie he needs to know if Millie has any medical conditions.
Carlos: Yeah okay I can do that. You do realise me TK and Mia are going to be on the next flight to LA?
E: Yes, I'll stay with her. It's probably my fault she's even here. I got to go but heres Eddie.
A: I'm sorry to ask you to do this Eva.
E: It's okay. Hopefully the last time I'm ever going to have to see him. Show me I just want to get it over with....... Thats him, Thats Dominic Silver.
A: Thank you Eva. Well done.
Evan: Proud of you sis.
E: I'm just glad he can't hurt me or anyone else. But I feel like its my fault that Millie is here and in this position.
Evan: Hey NO. She's here because of him not you. This was not you fault you hear me?
C: Hey Eva you coming to the hospital with her?
E: Yes please, I told Carlos I would stay with her.
Eddie: Here's your phone Carlos says he will message you once they have managed to get on a flight.
E: Thanks guys I'll see you soon.

At the hospital

Doctor: what we got.
H: 28 year old female name is Millie Kenwick.
C: in the passenger seat of a RTA alive but unconscious.
Doctor: get her into bay 4 if you could wait in the waiting room I will let you know when we have any news.
E: Okay i have to let her sister know she's trying to get a flight.
Doctor: As soon as we know anything.
3 hours later
Doctor: We had to rush her into surgery she was bleeding internally. Theres uhm some bruises that are not consistent with the crash.
E: uhm she was in the car with my abusive ex. I think she was with him because of me. He should have been in prison but he got out after the tsunami. I wouldn't put it past him to take her to get me back.
Doctor: Okay well she's out of surgery, you can go in and see her but she's not awake yet.
Phone buzzing
E: sorry I have to take this I'll go and see her after?
Doctor: she's just down the hallway.
E: Yeah thank you..... hey Carlos.
Carlos: Hi we've just got on the flight and took off from Austin, we should land at LAX in about 3 hours. How's Millie.
E: She just got out of surgery something about internal bleeding the doctor says I can go and see her she's out of surgery but not awake. I'll let you know what I can do about someone or me coming to get you.
Carlos: yeah just let me know there's me TK and Mia.
E: Okay well I'm just going into her hospital room.
Carlos: Okay bye. See you soon.
E: See you soon.
Eva calls Athena

E: Hey Athena I have a big favour to ask.
A: Go on?
E: I know your on shift but do you remember Officer Carlos Reyes from Austin? Millie is the twin sister of Mia Kenwick who works with TK at the 126. Is there any chance you could pick them up from LAX and bring them to LA memorial? I would do it but I still can't drive and Evan's at work. I know you are but.....
A: Eva take a breath of course I can pick them up when will they get here?
E: They should get into LAX in about 3 hours.
A: Okay let them know i will be there dont worry.
E: Thanks Athena I owe you one. See you later?
A: See you later.
Millie: Mhmm Mia?
E: No not Mia it's me Eva.... Eva Buckley.
Millie: Dominic where where is he?
E: Hey it's okay breathe he's dead. Nothing they could do.
Millie: But we're both okay thats what matters.
E: Mia is on her way as well as Carlos and TK. They will be here in a few hours
Millie: From Austin?
E: Yeah so until then your stuck with me.
Millie: Good because I think we need to talk dont you?

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now