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Its a couple of weeks after Christmas Millie is visiting Mia in Austin it was decided Eva shouldn't go this time. She stayed to run the bakery and train Albert up to be the third manager.
M: 911 whats your emergency?
Jake: I'm at Miva's bakery on LA main street and my server has just collapsed.
Sue: Maddie? Maddie the caller is still on the line. Josh quickly.
J: Hi my names Josh im going to need you to tell me whats going on again.
Jake: I just told her.
J: I know but there's a bit of confusion.
Jake: I'm at Miva's bakery on LA main street and my server has just collapsed.
Josh: Is there anyone there that knows her name?
Jake: All im getting is that its their boss. She's pregnant i know that I'm a regular.
J: 118 should be pulling up outside now.
Jake: Yeah they're here thank you.
B: what we got?
Jake: She's at the other side of the counter.
C:Lets take a look. Buckley go out and get me a back board.
H: Diaz go with him and get the stretcher.
C: Heart rate is good. Pulse is good.
H: Her blood pressure is dangerously low. Buck give me the c collar. Lets get her on the backboard.
C: On me 1,2,3 lets get her to the hospital.
Evan: Can one of you lock up and bring the keys to the 118 firehouse just up the road.
Niaomi: I'm on it, i hope she's okay.
B: Hen, Chim get her to the hospital you two we will go back to the station call Millie and Maddie. Buck im giving you the rest of shift off come with us change and go make sure she's okay.
Evan: What about the keys for the bakery?
B: One of us will pick them up and give them either Eddie or Chim.
At the hospital, Evan is sat with Eva.
Doctor: Hi is she awake yet?
Evan: Does it look like she's awake.... no she isn't.
M: Buck calm down sorry he's just stressed.
Doctor: Its okay im used to it. Ill wait until she's awake.
M: Okay and thankyou. You need to keep yourself together.
Evan: I'm trying.
M: What did Millie say?
Evan: We couldn't get a hold of her but we got in touch with Mia she said her an Millie would be on the next flight they could.
M: What are we going to do with her?
Evan: Life has this way of punishing us, things have been good for a while but just you wait this is just the start.
E: Positive as ever.
M: Eva, how you feeling?
E: Tired. What happened?
Evan: You were at the bakery and according to him you just collapsed. Hen said something about low blood pressure on the scene.
M: The doctor was in not that long ago  ill go try and find him.
Evan: Are you really okay?
E: I feel tired and have a headache thats all. What happening with the bakery.
Evan: One of your staff was going to sort it all out, lock up and drop the keys at the firestation.
E: Have you told Millie?
Evan: Her and Mia are on their way.
E: Is anyone else here?
Evan: No just me and Maddie for now. I can guarantee that Chris is going to want to come and see you. And Maddie's here so Chim will probably come after their shift ends.
Doctor: Hey heard you were awake. Ready to hear the run down?
E: Can they stay?
Doctor: Ofcourse, when you came in your blood pressure was dangerously low. This is common in pregnancies especially with twins, once they are born we can do tests to see of it was just the pregnancy or if you have an underline condition, We are going to keep you in for at least tonight. After you need to take it easy for the rest of the pregnancy.
M: Does that mean we can't do a gender reveal or baby shower?
Doctor: No you can still do all that I just mean no working. I'm going to send you home probably tomorrow with some medication it won't harm the babies in any way and hopefully it will keep your blood pressure under control but you have to help it.
E: I will thankyou.
C: Hey your awake.
E: Yes thankou Chim yeah I am.
Eddie: I have the bakery keys ill drop them off with you when you get home. Also call her will you she's really worried.
E: Who was it? Evan didn't know.
Eddie: Said her name was Niaomi.
E: I'll call her in abit.
The morning after
Evan: Morning I have someone who wants to see you.
Millie: Hey love sorry I dropped my phone when this one took me out on the lake. I need a new one.
E: We can't exactly afford that.
Millie: I know ill get looking on second hand sights im sorry.
E: Hey it's not your faults accidents happen. We're both as clumsy as they get thats why we are so good together.
Millie: Exactly, I don't need a flashy fancy phone anyway.
Mia: Hi Mia, how was the flight? It was great thanks for asking.
E: Sorry Hi Mia come give me a hug you can't get out of it even if I am in hospital.
Millie: What did they say?
E: You haven't kept them updated?
Evan: Thats for you to do not me.
Doctor: Morning oh there's alot of people in here.
Evan: Yeah I need to go get something for the house, call me when you get discharged ill come and get you.
Doctor: I'm hoping for around dinnertime blood pressure is back up and stable as long as she does what we talked about I don't see why this can't be a normal pregnancy.
E: But what about the other thing that we talked about after the pregnancy.
Doctor: Lets take it one step at a time, first make you a mum then find out what was going on.
Millie: I'm a little lost?
E: I'll fill you both in.
Doctor: I'll be back later try not to worry, no extra stress.
Evan: Listen to him sis ill be back later love ya.
E: Bye Buck love you too.
Mia: So what's going on what happened.
E: I was at the bakery serving and then everything went black I woke up in here with Maddie and Evan sat at either side. The doctor said I passed out due to dangerously low blood pressure. Its common in pregnancies with twins you can either have really high or low blood pressure. Now we have to wait until the twins are born and then they will do tests to see if it was the pregnancy or whether I have an underline condition. 
Millie: what did you talk about?
E: I have to take it easy the rest of the pregnancy no more work for me until they are born. He is prescribing me some medication to help regulate it it won't hurt the twins but I have to help myself too. I can still do like the gender reveal and baby shower and everything just not much physical activity. Nothing too strenuous. If I feel I need to lay down again I have to do it.
Mia: So you weren't feeling well before? Why didn't you just not go in or go home? I'm sure they would have coped.
E: I thought I was just tired from the pregnancy. Obviously I was wrong.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now