Christmas Spirit

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Early Christmas Morning
E: Hello?
Evan:(whispers) hey Eva it's me can I get you to help Athena and Karen.
E: It's 4 am on Christmas morning help with what?
Evan: Just call Athena she will explain thanks love you bye.
E: Buck, Evan... Millie wake up.
Millie: 5 more minutes.
E: Yeah okay if you want but I've got to get up and ring Athena.
Millie: What time is it?
E: 4 am, Merry Christmas by the way.
Millie: Ughhh come back to bed.
E: I wish I could, I'll be back in a minute.
On the phone with Athena
A: Eva hey.
E: Hey Athena Buck told me to call you said he wanted me to help you.
A: Yeah he told me that the firehouse was ordering takeaway for Christmas Dinner.
E: WHAT!! We can't be having that.
Millie: Eva please its too early for that.
A: I know tell me about it, so i have Karen on Vegetables and im doing some meats, can you do pudding? And maybe potatoes.
E: I'll get on with them all now.
A: I'll text you when we have a time and that, please just make sure your ready.
E: We will Athena thankyou.
A: Surprise Christmas Dinner is a go.
E: Haha your too excited for 4:15 am.
A: See you later Eva bye.
E: Bye Athena.
Millie: What was that about?
E: The 118 are ordering in for Christmas Dinner and me, Athena and Karen are not having that. Surprise Christmas Dinner at the firestation it is.
Millie: What do you need help with?
E: Go back to bed I'll come and wake you up at a more decent time.
Millie: What do you need help with?
E: You're the best, Athena has put us on pudding and potatoes.
Millie: So go to the bakery do two cakes and a couple of trifles. Where are we going to get potatoes from its Christmas.
E: We will have to ring round everyone see if anyone has any.
Millie: Lets go lets get to work.
A couple of hours later around 9 am.
Millie: Okay cakes and trifles are done, they need to stay in the fridge.
E: We now have potatoes so let's get some roasted and get some mashed.
2 hours later
Millie: Eva have you got the present for them all?
E: Yeah they're down here near the door waiting.
Millie: See i don't know why we were up at 4 am.
E: I told you to go back to sleep.
Millie: Do you think I could go to sleep now?
E: I wouldn't because then your just going to feel crap when I have to wake you up.
Millie: Can you help me put my chain on that you bought me.
E: of course come here. There you go.
Oh my come here give me your hand, they're kicking.
Millie: oh what lovely miracles, I can't wait to meet them.
E:Neither can I.
Phone starts ringing
E: It's Athena, Hey Athena.
A: Hi are you two ready?
E: We will meet you at the firehouse see you soon bye. Come on lets go.
At the firehouse
A: You two made it, Merry Christmas.
E: Merry Christmas everyone.
Karen: You have potatoes right?
Millie: Yep mash, roast and New potatoes.
E: Is there any room in that fridge for deserts.
A: When i put you two in charge of desserts i thought you would just go rummaging through the cupboards like the rest of us.
Millie: Nope made from scratch trifles and cakes.
Chris: AUNTIE EVA!!!
E: Hey buddie.
Abuela: Chris dont run off like that.
Chris: Sorry its just that it's Auntie Eva.
E: Sorry hi I'm Bucks sister Eva.
Abuela: Oh your Eva Chris and Buck dont stop talking about you. You must be doing something right.
M: Hey, How you doing sis?
E: Mads im okay honestly.
Abuela: Your body is growing two human lives your allowed to not be alright.
E: Well I am im fine.
Millie: Athena says they are on there way are we ready?
E: Yes we are.
B: Come back keep coming keep coming and we are good.
A: Yes yes you are captain.
B: Athena what are you doing here?
A: Well someone told me you were ordering takeout for Christmas Dinner. We can't be having that.
Evan: I did vote for Turkey.
H: Did she say we.
B: I don't know lets go find out.
C: Wow thats alot of people.
Denny: MAMA!!!
H:Wh- what are you guys doing here.
Karen: Well when Athena said she was doing this I helped her.
E: Uhmm so did we.
With Bobby and Athena
B: How did you manage to put all this together.
A: Well the Buckley's and Karen helped me. Even i have my little elf's  to help.
B: Well I better go and thank the rest of them then.
H: Buck thankyou for doing this.
Evan: Well I thought we should all get to kiss under the mistle toe.
Abuela holds the mistle toe as all couples kiss under the mistletoe. They all eat dinner.
B: Okay who made these cakes and trifles?
A: Who do you think?
Millie: Jusy so everyone knows I was rudely awoken this morning at 4 am.
E: I told you to go back to bed.
Chris: Can we open presents?
Eddie: Chris give it 10 minutes.
Social worker: Thank you for dinner and for the presents but we need to leave.
Karen: Already?
Social worker: I'm afraid so. Kids say goodbye and thankyou.
All kids chorus thankyou and goodbye.
Chris: Now can we do presents?
Eddie: Chris!!
B: Its okay Eddie lets all do presents.
H: How about we do the kids first then we can leave them doing whatever whilst the adults do presents.
C: That sounds like a very good idea.
May: Am I classes as a kid or adult?
Evan: It was worth a shot May.
Chrise, Denny and Harry get new headphones, lego's and some stationary as well as new phones as main presents off their parents/ parent figures.
May also gets a new phone of Bobby, Athena and Michael, new headphones off Hen and Karen and makeup and nail polish off the rest of the adults.
B: okay now for the adults.
Most of them get smelly sets and alcohol off everyone. Everyone apart from Eva. All the adults already did main presents between partners before hand.
Eddie: So off me now that you are well into your pregnancy I got you this Merry Christmas Eva.
E: Eddie you shouldnt have. It's a pregnancy pillow, okay you deffinately should have.
Millie: How are we going to get that home?
B: okay me, Athena, Hen, Karen and Chim are all going to club together and once you two have found somewhere we are going to put down the deposit on your house. You two have two babies on the way you can't stay cooped up in that small apartment and you need all the spare money you can get. Merry Christmas to both of you.
Millie: You guys that is too much.
H: Not for you two it isn't.
M: Eva for you I had this photo of all 3 of is framed from when we were young I know we weren't all close but we did still have photos.
Evan: And for you Millie I had a necklace done with a heart pendant engraved with your sisters name on one side and her favourite picture of the two of you on the other.
Evan&M: Now for your main presents follow us.....
M: Millie that one is your car.
Evan: And Eva that one is yours.
E: You got us cars?
Millie: Like one each?
M: Yes now there is no more getting ubers.
Evan: Or relying on me not needing the jeep.
E: You both got us a CAR and we just got you gift sets and SOCKS.
Millie: We will have to get them something else too now.
Evan: You will have to catch me first.
Eva starts chasing Evan.
C: Should we stop them?
M: Nah they will tire out eventually.
H: Yeah but she's pregnant with twins.
Millie: Good point.
M: Them twins.

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