16. El hechizo de supresión

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After what felt like an eternity, the door was unlocked and someone walked in. From the sound of their shoes, I figured that it was a woman, although I couldn't see her face. I squinted when she pointed a flashlight at me.

"It is time". She said... I recognized her voice as Abuela's.

Three people joined us in the cell. They forced me to stand and stripped me of my clothing. Then made me wear a dress with a funky smell.

They dragged me like livestock to the back where the cold air hit my skin most unpleasantly. The full moon illuminated the path for the men as they pushed ahead of them. If I don't die from this, then this would most definitely be my villain origin story.

From behind, someone put a bag over my head. I didn't know which one would kill me first, Sir Adriano's wolf, or the odor from this darn bag. Have they ever washed this thing? It reeked of everyone who has ever worn it.

Through the bag, I could see the moonlight... and as we went deeper into the forest, I could see various tongues of fire. When we finally came to a stop, I presumed we had reached the clearing.

Rough hands gripped my shoulder and tied me to what felt like a tree. I stood there, wondering what would happen next.

Sir Adriano's voice echoed. "My dear family, we have had a traitor in our midst for a year now. She was feeding information about me to my enemy, King, and his miniature gang."   There were murmurs around us. I felt his hand grab the bag and he yanked it off my head.  "This girl!"  He pointed at me, and the murmurs increased.

I looked around us and saw about ten of his cousins from that night. Kaitana was standing in the corner bawling her eyes out. Maria and Felicia faced the other way. Abuela was on her seat, watching it all unfold. But Peter? I didn't see Peter. 

Sir Adriano continued: "Now, it is time to do to her, what we did to her colleagues. It is time for retribution!"

They cheered and clapped their hands.

I blocked out everything else and focused on the happiest days of my life. No matter how unbearably painful his wolf's fangs may be, they can never wound my spirit.

Sir Adriano's eyes started glowing. He moved a few feet away from me and bared his teeth. His bones began to rearrange, his nose and ears lengthened and his canines grew into fangs...

His transformation wasn't yet complete when Peter came running through the path between the trees. "Mr. Beltran!" He stood between Sir Adriano and me. "You have to listen to me, Mr. Beltran"

"Step aside, Peter!" He said in a guttural voice.

"Read this first." Peter handed him a document. Sir Adriano snatched it from him and read through it. Peter continued. "Lana was working undercover with the NYPD. She was a valuable asset in the capturing of King and his men"

Sir Adriano turned to me. "Is this true?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I swore to silence, sir".  I made that shit up.

He returned to his human form. "Fine. Untie her" Then he walked away.

Peter untied me immediately. "Sorry it took so long" He whispered.

"What did you show him?"

"Evidence of your contract with NYPD. That was the only way he'd believe me"

"Did I ever sign such a contract"

He grinned. "We'll never know"

"Thanks." I kissed him.

Just when I think the shenanigans are over, Sir Adriano always finds a way to prove me wrong.

He stood in front of his family and made some kind of announcement. "For this heroic act, Lana will now be regarded as part of the Beltran family".  What?

They cheered and shook my hand, and sang me a welcome song.

The maids took me inside and cleaned me up. Before I knew it, I was given a fine bedroom upstairs on the same floor as the family members.

What the hell just happened? Was this part of Peter's plan?


I lay on my new bed, lost in thought when a knock came on my door. I got up and went to open it.

"Abuela". I turned away and moved as far from her as I could.

"You are angry with me."

I scoffed. "That is putting it softly. I'm furious at you. You tried to kill me tonight"

"Mí favorita-"

"Please. With all due respect, don't call me that"

She sat down on the chair next to the bed. "As you wish"

"How are you a witch and not a werewolf like your son? It makes no sense to me"

"The tradition is not for us to understand, it is for us to carry on."... "In every generation, a witch is born in our lineage. I was chosen by my grandmother to continue her work... it is our job to protect the werewolves in our family."

"By killing people"

The frown on her face showed how annoyed she was with my question. "Just because they are werewolves, it doesn't make them invincible, my powers make them invincible. I must protect my son, and that is what I have been doing. Power comes in different forms, and this is the gift I have been given. I expect you to understand that killing is part of survival. You are a werewolf after all". She gave me a knowing look.

"You knew all along"

"The day I saw you at my doorstep, I knew it is destiny. The moon guided you to me"

"Did the moon also guide you to steal my powers, Abuela?"

She chortled: "I didn't steal your powers, my dear child. Kassy came to me with an unusual request and since my family has been in business with her family for centuries, I obliged. So, yes, it was me that night, except, I looked different. I change my appearance to that of a much younger woman whenever I wish to travel. That is why Jace did not recognize me. Believe me, I did not steal your powers. That is impossible"

"What did you do then?"

"Kassy wanted to kill you but Jace wanted you to live. So, she asked me to make the mating bond between you and Jace to become null and void. There was only one way to do that... I had to make you a human."  
She stood up and walked up to the window.   "I cast a spell called el hechizo de supresión. In English, it translates to the suppression spell. Then I gave you a human essence and masked your nature as a wolf. Your wolf is buried deep down, but only you can find her"

I couldn't believe my ears. "So, I was still a werewolf all this time?"


"How can I-?"

"Get your wolf back?"


"I will help you. Now that you are a part of my family, I owe it to you, to give you back what you lost. Follow me." She led me down to the 'torture room', where I was locked a few hours ago.

I stood at the door. "What should I do now?"

"Go in"

I entered the room, but she stayed at the entrance. "Now, What?" She pushed the door shut in my face. I banged on the metal continuously. "Get me out of here!!!"

She grimaced. "Now you suffer, you gullible piece of nothing! Have a nice life, Mí favorita." Her eerie laugh continued to burn my ears even as she walked off.

How could I have been so stupid to trust a witch?! They are never reliable! Never!

I sat down and waited anxiously. I banged on the door several times but no one came to my rescue.

What the heck!

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