Dr. Sanders

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Loki and I sit on the other edge of the blue couch while we wait impatiently for the psychiatrist to start. She sits on her table, shuffling through her papers and adjusting her glasses. Until now, nobody has talked, not even a greeting flew across the room.

As the silence becomes more intense, Loki growls so low, only I could hear it and crosses his legs while leaning his back against the couch. The scent of her musky blue candle makes me even more nervous, with its flame dancing around in the orange light. I then, clear my throat and fiddle with my hands.

"For being gods, you two are very impatient beings," Dr. Sander talks finally, her face hidden behind the paper as her eyes peek up to take a look at us.

I tense up as she called me a god. Now, I'm only hoping that Steve and the others had shut their mouths about me just as they promised.

Loki chuckles darkly and leans forward with his elbows steady on his knees. His eyes pierce through her soul but the woman doesn't seem intimidated at all. "Ma'am, you are speaking with the God of Mischief. I have patience for what I am willing to scheme, this truly isn't."

She places the paper on her desk and folds her hands on them, focusing her attention fully on us. "And what is the plan of yours? Planning on conquering this planet again? Or maybe this time on Asgard?"

I curl my hands into my fists. Why the hell does Tony like her? She already has a bad impression of us. How should this even work? I stand up and slam my fists on the desk, she doesn't even flinch which leaves me impressed. I lower my head to be at her eye level.

"We all have our reasons why we do things we don't want to do. So, I suggest you keep your mouth shut if nothing professional comes out of it, did you understand, Dr. Sanders?" I flash her a fake but dangerous smile and sit back on the sofa.

I see that she still doesn't move a facial muscle. Her eyes only jump on me then back to Loki, and so on and on. That's until she scribbles down her notes and speaks without perking up at us.

"Oh, I am being professional. I just figured out that you both care for each other even if you try to hide it."

I blink in surprise, my mouth agape. Loki slouches back next to me, his eyes slightly wide and mouth also open.

"Now, I might have some different methods than other therapists but it works on you. That's the reason why Mr. Stark offered me this Job. I know, I haven't worked with other species than humans but I assume you haven't talked with a doctor either?"

Loki and I look at each other with surprised faces. We both shake our heads. And somehow I don't feel like blaming Steve or Nat for telling anybody who I truly am. Dr. Sanders certainly found it out on her own by just observing us.

"How did you two meet?"

"I beg your pardon?", Loki asks and gulps, hiding it behind his hand. He tries to play it off as if he is listening to her.

"How was your first encounter? How were you feeling the first half of the hour?"

"I can't see how this information is such a big deal for this session," Loki says with an icy tone trying to hide his concern about sharing an intimate moment.

My cheeks flush red as I try to remember what we did in the first half an hour. The first few minutes we shot insults to each other until I got bored and broke out of the cell. I got furious that he followed me but we talked a bit in my cave. Loki tried to explain that he was invading Earth and was surprised that I didn't care if he did. He still thought I was a mortal until I planted something into his mind that made him horny.

I glance at Loki's crotch next to me and notice that he too thinks of our first encounter. Yep, note to me: Ask Loki what he saw that day.

Dr. Sanders hums in response with a slight smirk. "I assume you two got sexually active and what emotions did you have back then?"

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