March 7th - Welcome aboard

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It had been little over a month since you'd joined the Astral Express crew, and none were more excited for your arrival than March 7th. From what you gathered about her, she was an energetic and optimistic person. She alone would defy the conductor and stand proud in the middle of the train car as the express took off. A daring feat to say the least, as its sheer ferocity pushed you back into your chair every single time. 

"Be careful March.." You cautioned, but she dismissed you. 

"No fair! I can do this, this time for sure." She reassured, more to herself than anyone else. 

As Pom-pom, the conductor issued a final warning for take-off, March 7th readied herself. Steeling her resolve and her stance, and yet she was no match for the pure strength of a high-powered machine that runs faster than the speed of light.

Tumbling backwards, you caught her in your arms. Wrapping an arm around her just to make sure she didn't fly into the ceiling. "Aww man, I messed up again." Dejected she began to mope, quickly dispelled by her chipper attitude. 

Breaking free from your grasp she smiled. "Thanks for catching me back there, Y/N." 

"No problem." You uttered, though finding it a bit awkward you stifled perusing further conversation. 

Lately it had become hard to ignore her bubbly attitude. It found a way to your core and began sowing seeds that unfortunately began to bloom. Finding it harder to retract your gaze from the pink-haired girl, you sufficed to stare out the window. 

Unbeknownst to you, March 7th had too, begun to notice something. More so the lack of interaction the two of you seemed to have as the days progressed. Becoming slightly worried, March 7th decided to head back to her room. Sitting down on the large pink comforter and scrolling through the many photos she'd taken on your recent travels to Jarillo-IIV. 

It perplexed her, scrolling through all the photos with the three of you, how you slowly began to gravitate away from her as time went on. Though she wouldn't admit it, she began to resent the distance the two of you had formed. 

Back on the main car you sat faced towards the large window. Staring idly as the stars twinkled in the background of a dark universe. From the reflection of the window, you could see March 7th, a shockingly downtrodden expression over her normally cheery demeanor. 

Himeko noticed the chill in the room, not just because of March 7th's six-phased ice slowly creeping around the room. "Would you two like something to drink? Welt and I just brewed tea, or coffee, respectively." She offers, though neither of you answer her. She sighs before sitting next to March 7th. 

"Did something happen between you two?" She inquires, keeping a calm voice, almost to soothe the displeased crew mate. 

"Nope! I'm not the one being all weird and distant. I mean, since when did we have two Dan Heng's? -!" She caws from across the car, loud enough for you to hear. Furrowing your brow, you cross your arms and resume staring out the window. With a large huff she does the same, mirroring you and turning away. 

"March, i'm not here to mend whatever issues you have, but if you want to talk, we can talk. Instead of you freezing the carpet." Himeko smiles. March 7th realizes the crystal ice forming around her and slightly scratches at the back of her head. 

With a big huff she walks over to you, her confident mannerisms reminding you of why you found yourself with a crush on her in the beginning. March 7th was confident, reassured in herself, she didn't need someone to help her, to sort her out. She was someone you aspired to be like- confident. 

"What's going on with you." She questions, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I just needed a little bit of space." You answer, not wanting to escalate the situation.

"Space, from me? Did you hit your head or something-?" She raises a brow. "Did I hit your head?" 

With a lack of words to explain yourself you sat there in an awkward silence, March tended to get on the offensive when she was being defensive, something that scared you to a degree of uncertainty. 

"It's just that- I didn't want to make things awkward between us. I keep seeing you, the brave and astoundingly self-assured person that you are. I'm envious." 

The dumbfounded expression on her face struck you like a train, "Self-assured." She reiterated; her face became dark. 

"My entire life is a mystery. Constantly wondering who I am, where I'm from! Instead of avoiding me because I'm so 'self-assured', get a backbone and do it yourself!" She placed her hands on her hips, leaning in. 

"What are you afraid of!? Life's too short to focus on the things we're scared of- Take charge of your life Y/N." She mellowed out slightly, thinking about her next choice of words, and whether or not to be irritated. She pursed her lips, worried that she might have offended you, though it was beyond her nature to care too much about it. 

"You're right." You smiled. Steadying yourself before you asked, "March, would you like to have some tea with me?" 

Confused, she let out a small sigh before sitting next to you. Closing the distance between the both of you, and slowly mending the gap. 


A week later, you rolled out of bed, into the train car, where March 7th stood before a large banner with a party-hat on.  It seemed like she was the only one in the train car, it being so late you assumed she'd spent all night putting this together.

"I realized we never truly welcomed you to the Astral express. So~" She hummed, practically skipping over to a small cupcake decorated with rainbow frosted sprinkles. Adjourned on the top of the cupcake was a crudely drawn image of a bat and a bow. 

"It uh, was a bit rushed-" She muttered, embarrassed, hiding her face in the crevice of her hands. 

"It's wonderful, thanks March." You brought her in for a hug, and she gladly accepted. Wrapping her arms around your torso. 

Without warning she shoved the cupcake into your face, running away with a hardly giggle as she hid from you. You laughed along with her as the two of you ran around the express, laughing and disturbing the rest of the crew. 


A/N: Ok, i get that this one wasn't a super romantic one, but I noticed how March 7th seemed to be kinda annoyed with MC on the Xianzhou. It bothered me a little because I assume the trio, MC, March and Dan Heng to be the end game besties. Kinda like Bronya, Mei and Kiana. 

I just wanted to mend the little broken part of my March 7th, fangirl heart. I promise the next ones will be more romantic!! (Kinda) Thanks for reading <3

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