Kafka - Darling (Slight NSFW)

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CW: HEAVY flirtation and  innuendos 

"Brilliant plan, dumbass." He chuckles, a terrifying pitch in his deep-seated voice. 

"It was a work in progress- you single brain-celled psycho." You huff the strand on your forehead that kept falling onto your face. 

"HAHA, make fun of me for being dumb, but what's your excuse- Genius!?" He mocked, gathering a large and gravelly breath to laugh in your face. 

A bang on the table before the warden's desk shut the both of you up. "Would you two shut it?!" 

"BARK, bark Bark BARk." Blade began to attempt to bite the man through the prison bars. Struggling to pull his hands from his restraints he banged them on the wall. 

"Shut it! I can't think if you do that. GOD you're annoying!" You shout, ready to slam your head into his so he'd stop acting like a mutt. 

The warden blinks, taking a shaky breath before leaving without a word. Though, you definitely knew that Blade would be his breaking point, as he was yours. If it weren't for Kafka seducing you into the job with Blade, you would be sitting comfortably back at headquarters. Though, to your dismay you were sitting in a cold metal prison on a hay mat, in the edge of the Xianzhou Luofu.

You knew that Kafka's mission involved you and Blade meeting with the General of the Luofu, but the last person you'd want to do it with was Blade. Deciding to lie down and come up with a strategy you begin to plan, like the diviner you were, you laid out the schematics of the Luofu in your mind. 

Having studied the map only once, you placed logical points for doors along the incomplete map until you had replicated the jail cell exactly. The positioning of the guards was easy to tell, it was well-timed and had nearly no window of opportunity. Code word- nearly. 

Following your escape from the Dyus-Prime fleet ship, it was easy to assume when and where guards would take their shifts. Efficiency often follows the patterns of repetition. While on the path of the Erudition, knowledge was your key, but working with Blade was as if all the knowledge in the world had become useless. His reasoning, his motivation, all were stringent upon a spontaneous duty-bound code that forced reckless action. A destructive force, not whim to the logistic of rational study. 

"We need to get a message to Kafka." You state plainly. 

"Got a plan in there?" He asked with a sly grin, tempting you to try and kick him. 

"You're going to have to bite that guard's neck. If you bark like a dog, then bite like one." You utter softly, he raises a brow, not interested in whatever humiliating plan you had for him. "You want to look your best for Jing Yuan, no?" 

Blade smirks, his jagged teeth widening with the parting of his hungry lips. "You'll have to tear his vocal cord out by midnight." You warn, letting yourself fall into a calculating dream-state. 

Kafka's voice humming in your ear, as you reiterate the plan in your mind. You'd see her soon, so that she could fill the shoes of Blade's babysitter. The plan was simple, once Blade went to solitary, Kafka would manage to manipulate the Astral Express crew onto the ship. The moment they were on board, the fragmentum would spread, all thanks to the kid with the stellaron in their body. 

The strings of fate were tugging tightly, leaving little room to breathe as time ticked forwards.


Opening your eyes, the day had broken. The only way you could tell was by memorizing the shift pattern among the guards in order to discern the date and time accordingly. Blade had already been moved out of the jail cell into solitary, evident by his absence and the poorly mopped up blood on the ground. The only thing left to do was get a message to Kafka before the General had time to react to your capture. 

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