Caelus - Got Ghosts?

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You were absolutely positively baffled to see a new member on the express. It had been quite a long while since any new developments had been made to the engine, nonetheless a whole new person to the crew. 

It was sufficed to say that your interest was piqued, analyzing the newcomer with rigid curiosity. You stared intently at his short grey hair, it was a strange color, though not completely unusual, seeing as March too had an interesting shade of pink hair. 

"Y/N!!" March cries, jumping into your arms and giving you a large squeeze. 

You smile, having missed the opportunity to join them on the space station as you were so busy helping re-fuel the express. "How was Asta and Arlan?" March nodded enthusiastically to your question, you felt relieved. 

"He's not still pushing himself to the limit, is he?" You wonder, remembering the last time you'd seen him he nearly ran face first into a wall. 

"Well, that's to be expected of him. Can't argue with crazy!" March laughs, you join along to her captivating chuckle before Dan Heng and the newcomer approach you both. 

"Welcome back Dan Heng, and welcome aboard- uh-?"

"Caelus." He answers, you note the oddly blank stare he gives you. You stare at his outfit; it was a nice blend of grey and golden accents with multiple hanging tassels and strings. It was truly a visually appealing design. 

"I like your outfit, it's really cool!" You mention, his eyes widen slightly as he takes off his coat and hands it to you. "Huh?" You blurt out, he just ushers for you to put it on. 

You fit his black and gold coat over your red uniform and note how nice the fabric feels, almost like multiple different energy particles were swimming through the threads. You take the time to appreciate it, turning around and picking up the back to see how much it would trail behind you. 

"Does it look nice?" You ask, Caelus nods intensely. Giving you a thumbs up. You laugh at his strange reactions, it was silent, and cute-

"Aww I wanna try~ I bet Dan Heng does too! Right Dan Heng?!" March asks, but Dan Heng only shakes his head 'no'. She seems dejected but tries on the coat right after you. 

"This thing- is- heavy-" March huffs, taking it off and handing it back to Caelus who throws it back over his arms. He fits it back onto his white shirt, which you noticed looked quite well fit over his torso. 

March and Dan Heng retreat to his room to fill out a new record of their most recent encounter with a massive beast while on the space station. You admit, you were a bit jealous that they got to see a cool monster. 

"I'll show you to your room!" You pipe up, opening the door to the caboose and show Caelus to his room. It was nice and spacious, with a single propped up bed and a large window for him to look out. 

"Do you like it?" You ask. 

"It's nice." He says before walking into the closet and closing the door. You stare for a moment, completely puzzled at his odd behavior. You wondered if he didn't understand the concept of a bed, or if he just liked sleeping in more cramped environments. 

You decided not to wait and began making your way through the train to deliver Pom Pom's dinner, it was a singular chopped carrot and a couple of leafy greens. "Pom Pom, I've got dinner. We can eat and then ask Himeko and Welt if they want to head over to Jarilo-VI or the asteroid belt in the syrus bay." 

Pom Pom eagerly takes the tray of food from your hand and sits down in the tiny chair designed specifically for them. "Hmmm, Pom Pom thinks that this is a great meal!" They said, kicking their feet playfully as they dangled over the edge of the chair.

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