Blade - Warden (AU)

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A high-max security prison, Schicksal, known to the galaxy as the most dangerous place in the universe. The location itself was enough to deter its prisoners from escaping, placed right before a swirling nebula that would destroy any passing vessel. The dark metal that encased such a large structure and kept it from being ripped apart was a metal only known to the quantum realm. 

When the idea was first proposed to you, to run such a massive prison, you jumped at the opportunity to rise in the ranks. 

"Warden Y/N, there is another fight in cell block 'C'." 

"Then deal with it. If I have to tell you how to do your job, then why should I pay you?" 

Your subordinate bites his tongue before hurrying to dissuade the inmates from beating each other bloody. It would be a lie if you told your subordinates that this job was easy, for not all the inmates were entirely human. Most possessed human-like characteristics but were far from human in their entirety. 

"Warden, it's time." Arlan informs you, one of the newest hires upon the Schicksal prison vessel. He had wide and determined eyes, you would patiently await the day those eyes resembled your own, a muted color. 

Rising from your desk, you dawned a long dark cloak and union cap. Buttoning your dark uniform and straightening your boots, you were ready. The time to receive one of the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy had arrived. Such a major threat could not be left to the attendance of such unrefined cadets like Arlan. 

"Arlan, follow closely behind me." This order he was not shy to follow, tailing closely behind in your shadow. 

There were no windows along the compound, as the two of you walked along the metal corridors, a stifling silence grew. 

"Open the hatch." 

Two enormous gates widened upon your order, revealing a single passenger star cruiser docked in your bay. 

"That tiny thing managed to bring the galaxy's greatest criminal?" Arlan seemed unconvinced that someone of such dangerous magnitude could be brought to justice in something so small. You didn't care, so long as the person inside the small cruiser was locked away forever, so he could never hurt anyone else, ever again. 

A lengthy process of over 6 vacuum sealed gates were open and shut with your passage. By the time the two of you had reached the loading bay, a staggering 12 minutes had passed. 

The one who had apprehended the criminal walked over to your guards, the prisoner in tow. Her tied up silver hair was familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. It was almost like a drill that hung off her ponytail in a spiral. 

"Arlan, keep your guard up." You warned, something about this prisoner transfer did not seem right. He straightened his back and dragged the hilt of his rifle to his great sword.

The prisoner in question, Blade, a looming presence over the small captor. His dark red eyes a crazed glare as he studied his new environment with curiosity. Though his hands were tied carefully behind his back, there was no telling how this would end. 

"Greetings Warden Y/N. I come from the Luofu with an offering of galactic peace between the Schicksal federation and the Xianzhou. This transfer as you know was requested by the general himself." The girl smiled, dawning no such Xianzhou apparel, rather a less traditional pair of shorts and near childish clothing. 

Something was already very wrong with this delivery, and yet you were in no position to refrain from accepting Blade's capture. "Search him." Arlan commanded, reading your mind somehow. The search came up empty, as Blades pockets were emptied and rummaged through. 

"Take him to cell block 'D'. And her too." You commanded, the look on the girl's face resembled an annoyance rather than shock. 

The girl was thrown into an interrogation room while Blade was being prepped for cell integration. His clothes would be stripped from his person and all belongings would be burned for safety precautions. 

You watched as they removed all articles of his clothing and threw them down a dumbwaiter to be burned. As he stood within the confines of the padded room he smiled, his gaze peering through the one-way mirror and straight into your eyes. It was unsettling how accustomed he was to these procedures, unfazed as they continued to search him for any concealed weapons. 

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