March 7th - Cute girls don't look good frozen

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The scalding heat inside the parlor car began to edge on everyone's conscience. After being stuck in the one solar system with nearly 24 different suns, the train's cooling system couldn't combat the smoldering heat.

Wave after wave of sunrays began to beat down in the metallic prison that the astral express found themselves in.


"No! I'm not going to shoot you Y/N."

"But it would be so much cooler than this." You sobbed, wanting to lean on her like you normally would, but unwilling to share the body heat between the both of you. Everyone began to push themselves to the coldest parts of the room, Caelus somehow seemed fine in the ghost corner, talking to himself. No one else would go near that place because of the sudden blanks in memory and the creepy vibes it gave off. 

"How come our bodies aren't regulating to the immense heat?" You wondered, noting how all of you were fine on Jarilo-VI.

"We're fighting against the energy of nearly 14 giant stars. Safe to say our technology can't completely repel all this heat." Himeko admitted, wiping a few beads of sweat from her face. It stung as she realized that her arms were covered in sweat as well.

"There has to be a way to get some cool air in the parlor car before it sets on fire." Mr. Welt called from across the room, fanning himself with a couple of pages from his latest artwork before it suddenly caught ablaze.

"Welt! Welt- Fire!"

Himeko rushed to fetch some water, but by the time she returned it had started to boil. "Uh oh."

"If my hunch is correct, we have about less than an hour before the temperature of the car reaches an unbearable heat, that will melt our skin off."

"You always know what to say Dan Heng. I feel so much better now." March rolled her eyes, having a sudden idea to shoot the bucket of water that Himeko brought.

Drawing her bow from her side of the car, she shot it through the can. "It worked!" Himeko shouted, getting a fork and chipping at it.

"Here." Welt raised his cane and tapped the bottom to the ground, slicing the ice with the power of the imaginary space. Himeko threw the pieces of ice towards everyone, making sure that Pom Pom had some too, all that extra fur would make for a quick kindling.

Everyone took off their coats and extra shirts, wrapping the ice chunks and using the makeshift ice packs to keep cold. "Ok this is much better." March smiled contently, giving you a high-five from across the car.

"How do we get the car working to get out of here?" You asked the conductor, who pondered for a second before having a sudden epiphany.

"We can use March's ice to cool the reactor, so it stops overheating!" The conductor says with glee.

"The reactor- was overheating?"

"We'll- yeah, it's a massive ball of energy being influenced by high amounts of heat...I thought we knew this." Pom Pom blinks for a moment.

"GO!" Himeko shouts, ushering March into the rector room so she could shoot the water around it.

You assumed that she had gotten it done, because just after that, Pom Pom launched you all towards Jarilo-VI. The astral express crew ran into the snow, practically emitting steam from their overheating bodies.

"Ah! This is the life."

"I thought, you didn't like snow?"

"I don't like ice. I prefer 'frozen crystals'." She jokes, rolling over to you in the ice and clutching onto your waist while you both lie in the snow. Finally cool enough to enjoy the warm embraces between you.

"Pretty girls don't look good when frozen!" She relents, sighing as she finally begins to cool off from the burning hot temperature.

"I dunno. My girlfriend's pretty chilly, and she still looks amazing." She pushed your face away playfully, laughing at your horrible pick-up lines.

"You're only saying that because I saved your butt from turning into a rotisserie chicken."

"Can't it be both?" She shook her head.

In response, you picked up a bunch of soft snow and plopped it on top of her head. Her shocked expression continued as you wiggled out of her grasp to start building your snow army. Rolling up giant snowmen to be your bodyguards, you laughed as she stood covered in snow, trying to wipe it off her face in a hurry.

Both of you began your snow war, your body temperatures regulating so that you could barely feel the cold. Dan Heng managed to avoid getting hit by the two professional archers as they launched attack after attack at one another.

Taking it to the next level, you both had created miniature armies and castles in the snow. Two kingdoms of lovers at war in the winter frost. 

In her final stand to defeat you for good, she took her special arrow and launched her glacial cascade, an array of Pom Pom shaped ice chunks was hurled at your snow kingdom. "Nooo!~ My snow men." You pouted, watching the bludgeoned mess of your citizens as their heads were impounded with miniature statues of the conductor.

"Wow March, i never knew how detailed these were." You complimented, picking one up to examine it when you realized it was too heavy for you to move.

"Oi- these are really hard. Were you trying to kill me?!"

"oops." She whispered, running back to the train as you playfully ran after her with the Pom Pom ice figurine in your hands.

She had hidden somewhere in the parlor car; you could hear her erratic breathing patterns. Smashing the figure in your hands to make it a bit less intimidating, Pom Pom stared at you in horror. "Is this the end?" Pom Pom ran for his operating chair, hoping to avoid your wrath. You made a mental note to apologize with a homemade breakfast for the poor guy.

Though, once you finally found March she surprised you with an attack hug. "Can't bludgeon me to death if you're too in love with me to do it!"

"Watch me~"

You wrapped your arms around her and spun her towards the middle of the parlor car. Scrunching up your noses so that they touched, listening to her giggle made your heart flutter, every single time.

"You're really cool March. You're like a portable ice box." She flicked your forehead before giving you a small peck on the lips. Turning towards her room, she dragged you along for company. Ready to upload all the photos she'd managed to take of your frosty date together.


A/N: I love March, she is absolutely everything. As much as I indefinitely adore her and all the fluff I could write. The angst is calling me, i've avoided it for too long.

The voices....the voices!!

Lmfao, so I just edited this chapter to get rid of the whole tried to explain it away sci-if nonsense. I honestly didn't think to fact check any of my 'science' mainly because I'm super lazy haha, but I fixed it! Kinda? Thanks to the person who actually did a really cool explanation for me!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it. It's good to take a break to play in the snow with your super cute girlfriend.

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