Sampo - Backseat driver

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"That's a red light!" 

"You think I don't see it?!" Calling out your shotgun passenger princess as he gripped onto the car for dear life. Pressed with his back to the seat, practically integrated with the inner stuffing of his car seat, Sampo stared at you terrified. 

"I think you should be wearing glasses- or five!" He shouts, completely winded as you started the car up like you were ready to start Tokyo drifting. 

"I can see Sampo. Just not very well..." 

"???" Audible confusion escapes his lips accompanied by screeches as he desperately clings onto the overhead handle. 

Nearly running three redlights and crashing through a couple bushes you finally make it to your destination. It was a nice restaurant that Sampo wanted to invite you out to, though if he knew he was going to be scared shitless, he probably would've ordered in. 

Hopping out of the car you pull open the passenger side door. "Get out. We're going to be late." 

"uh huh." He whispers, shakily getting to his feet as you have to help carry him to the restaurant. 

"Sampo- when you said and I quote, 'high quality fine dining', and told me to get dressed up- I was not thinking of Olive Garden." You sighed, staring at the giant chain restaurant that was usually attended in casual attire. 

"I just wanted an excuse to get you all dressed up." He smiles, finally recovering from his little heart attack. Extending his arm for you with that adorable smirk you cave in, leaning lovingly on his shoulder. 

As the both of you walked in, with such formal attire the waitress nearly thought you'd gotten lost. Though, as Sampo raised two fingers she nodded, taking you to a nice booth by the window. Laughing as you sat across from the large blue-haired man whose legs barely fit in the booth, he sighed. 

"Hey- don't laugh." Stretching his feet over to your side of the table he intertwined his leg with yours like a banana split. Sometimes you forgot that Sampo was actually quite tall, considering his hair makes you think he was no taller than 4'5. 

"What are you going to order?" 


"Hon- that comes with the entree." 

"Bread sticks." You emphasized, just wanting the steamy buns you were promised. 

Smiling as Sampo ordered a small dish for you on the side, you realized how smitten this man was with you. Taking your hands in his and rubbing them together to create a bit of friction, seeing as how your hands were cold. "Here." He said, pouring you a cup of tea while blowing hot air over your hands with his breath. 

"Thanks." You grinned, watching him take off his overcoat and place it around your shoulders. Sampo would gladly bend himself backwards and fold himself into origami just to make you smile. Knowing that he was doing a pretty good job of it today, he praised himself a bit.

"Your hair is a bit poofy today." 

"Don't like it Hon?" He asks, taking out a small mirror to check himself in. Shaking your head, you ruffled the single grey strand between your fingers. Totally envious on how he made it so soft, you ran your hand through his hair. 

"You do like it?" 

"Like is a simple word." Closing your eyes a little, Sampo debated on whether to sit next to you and let you lean on his shoulder, or to keep staring at your beautiful face. Making the choice for him, you pat the seat beside you, as he let you lean on him. 

Watching you get comfortable beside him left a fuzzy feeling in his chest, something that he would equivalate to a good deal. Sure enough, this was the best deal he ever made. Your heart for his, his heart for yours. It was nowhere near fair, as the love he felt in your arms could never compare to anything else, but he would be damned to let this go. 

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