Gepard - Captain my Captain Pt 2 (NSFW)

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You'd been on his mind like a plague. Gepard found himself constantly in a lovesick state while thinking of you. Dozing off to daydreams of you, longing for just one more taste...

His only memento of you was the drawing he made; the stick-man equivalent of wanted posters. even looking at it for too long was enough to make the knight shiver. 

He traces over the drawn outline of your lips for a moment while touching the soft skin over his own...remembering the way your sensual touch made his entire body shake. 


Gepard refused to think this way, it was completely unprofessional! You were a criminal; someone he was forced to hunt down in order to bring to justice. He was the sheriff; you were the outlaw. 

Admittedly, a very cute outlaw...

He started to make excuses for you in his mind. Justifying what you'd done with any crazy explanation he could. You had been possessed! No, threatened? 

Cursing his thumping heart for reacting to the mere remembrance of your visage, the way your lips parted, and how you smiled so brightly. In order to exorcise you like the haunting thought you'd become, he slams a fist into the table. The entire desk creaks uncomfortably as it snaps into tiny wooden fragments. 

That was it. He was going to find you. 


As if he weren't supposed to be there, he snuck from dark corner to dark corner, alley to alley. Flitting through the underground, his eyes scan the world from top to bottom searching for your familiar essence. 

If someone saw him now, they would never envision the esteemed 'Captain of the Silvermane guards' as an anxious abandoned lover. Seeking out the object of his affection as if he were a whipped dog left for the streets. 

He peeked out from behind a pole towards Natasha's clinic, hoping you'd be there. 

Gepard walks into the clinic, knowing you and Natasha had always been quite close, it felt as though he were there to ask for permission rather than just your whereabouts. The idea alone made him incredibly nervous, placing a shaky hand on the door handle as he enters the clinic. 

"Evening miss Natasha." Gepard greets with a soft salute to his chest, more of a warm gesture. 

"Oh, well if it isn't Captain Gepard? I've heard a lot about you." Natasha stifles a laugh, remembering how you came back to her clinic a blushing mess, screaming and raving about 'extremely hot blonde men!' as you had put it. 


"Oh yes. Something about lip-gloss?" Gepard's face reddens an inhumanly deep shade, his armored hand clamps over his mouth. Natasha brings and inquisitive finger to her lips and giggles. 

"They're not here right now, probably on a mission with Sampo?" Natasha apologizes, heading back to work.

Gepard thanks her with a small bow of his head, walking out into the street defeated. There was a weight on his chest that felt as though he'd been crushed. 

Watching your little lovesick puppy from the rooftop you scoff; how could he be so hopelessly in love with you already? You just had to know. Like a cheeky snake with a growing hunger, you slide your arms around his waist- and peak past his flustered arm. 

Flying away from you with a startled jump, Gepard tries to regain his stoicism. "I thought you were on a mission."

"Came back when I heard you were looking for me~!" You coo, playfully pouting your lips. Watching the rosiness in his cheeks brought a devious grin to your face, you wanted nothing more than to tease this poor man until he was a teary-eyed mess. 

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