Bronya - End of the line PT 2

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(A/N: This is the continuation of the first part. "Bronya : Finish Line" It doesn't focus much on Bronya until the end.)

"Welcome aboard the Dyus-Prime's imperial flag ship. As a recently instated android model, you will be relegated to the role of Ensign. This position comes with great responsibility- allow a brief data synthesizer?" The automated voice chimed. 

"Uh- ok?" You answer hesitantly, your eyes immediately dulling at the sensation of a prong being thrust into your neck. Your eyes were shut closed involuntarily while the system updated your basic model of all newer patches. 

"Upload in progress-" The machine answered. You could see blinding amounts of light pour over your closed eyelids and immediately knew why the system had forced them closed. The data that began to pool inside your head was refreshing, like taking a sip of water after a marathon. 

Marathon? You wondered, knowing exactly the right terminology to describe something that you had never seen before. In fact, you had never seen anything other than the capsule you were created in. Despite not having seen a marathon, you could vividly envision a place with lots of people, all with different stickers on their torsos. 

"Data transfer successful. Thank you for your patience. Would you like to engage empathy modules?" The robotic voice questioned. 

You paused, unsure about what it meant to have empathy. Would it change you? Make you feel pain? From the data transfer, you understood that most models opted to remove all empathy modules from their processors, as not being able to feel pain meant better soldiers for the fleet. 

Though, a small nagging feeling and a strange visage flashed in your mind. "Engage." You said softly. The moment you said it the clear serene surrounding turned red. "Warning, engaging in empathy modules will list you as a possible dissenter. Continue?" The voice deepened, no longer as chipper. 

Thinking about it closely, something in the back of your mind prodded you to answer, "Continue-" The plug quickly shot out from your neck, refusing to activate the modules. 

The whole room began to flash red as another android walked into the room. Only, this android didn't act like an android. They had fluid motions that worked in tangent like a model without a core stabilizer. As if they were actually affected by the shifting tides of gravity as the Fleet hurdled past different planets. 

You watched her form walk gently into the room. As she turned around to face you, the familiarity in her face caused your mind to frenzy. "Oh, stand still. I need to perform a rudimentary test." She mentions before taking a small pen and clicking the cap a couple of times. 

"Right-" You stared a bit longer and wondered why she looked like someone you had known before, despite having never met anyone while in the capsule. She had a shining head of silver hair and light grey eyes.

"Hmm, it would seem that you are still missing a couple of memories. I'm sure it's fine."   She says, flipping through the articles of your mission narrative, until she stumbles upon something. 

"Oh no-" She whispers, a sense of fear building in her as she begins to force a smile. "I- forgot something. I'll be back." 

The way she acted notified you that something was clearly wrong. You looked around nervously waiting until you heard the sounds of marching just beyond the door. You crept under the window and carefully peered outside, seeing a row of heavily armed soldiers in riot gear shuffle towards your capsule. 

"Shit." You murmur, not sure of where to go until a loud bang sends a heavy metal plate collapsing beside you. 

Just overhead, a vent that had been blasted open by a mysterious figure who ushered you above. Not finding much of a choice as the soldiers narrowed in you jumped up into the vent and began crawling along the tight metal structure. You follow the person in front of you with apprehension but decide that it would be worth the risk of whatever they were doing in comparison to what the soldiers would do. 

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