HSR X Reader - Disney world

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The Astral Express had ventured into a far crevice of the Milkyway, taking all your companions along with you for an out of galaxy adventure. The train ran smoothly until it came to an abrupt stop, March 7th, who had been standing up around the car in anticipation rolled over backwards because of the sudden break. 

"What gives!?" She complains while rubbing the back of her head. 

Pom-pom comes running from the engine with great alarm, "Terrible news everyone, the engine seems to have uh, stopped!" Pom-pom nods as if convincing themself of the lie. 

"It would seem our conductor would like to take a pause in the fourth quadrant of the Beta Syrus system. It's a truly marvelous planetary alignment with at least three different planets having similar climates to Earth." Welt analyzes the mere shapes of the planets and comes up with facts out of the blue. 

"Earth?" March questions, scratching her head. 

Without explanation Pom-pom rushes to the window in great anticipation, slightly twirling in excitement as the Planet known as D-XNEY reared into view. "Waah~!" Pom-pom bounced on the car's plush seats, eyes shimmering at the beautiful green and blue planet. The group took a moment to marvel at the sight of a planet with a supposed 'Earth' atmosphere. 

"What a familiar sight." Welt smiled, looking fondly at the floating space orb. 

"Alright gang, it looks like we're going to D-XNEY, for a short pitstop." Welt and Himeko agreed, deciding that the youngsters aboard the express deserved some rest after all their adventures. Making plans to board along the space dock, Welt instructed everyone to bring only what they needed, water, clothes, and a sunhat. 

"That means no weapons, everyone got that?" The group lets out a collective sigh as everyone leaves their weapons on the seats. Clara looked worriedly around as everyone places down any large heavy metal objects. 

"Dan Heng you too." Himeko orders, though he is extremely unwilling to do so. 

"It is for the safety of everyone-"

"We'll be much safer if you're not in a federation galactic holding cell." Begrudgingly he complies. 

Clara looks around anxiously, "Worry not Clara, I have uploaded myself into a compact communicational device that you can bring along with you for safety." Svarog reassures her, noting that the percent increase in Clara's enjoyment triples with his presence, according to his calculations.

As everyone begins taking their guns and swords off in order to accommodate Mr.Yang's request, Himeko sets some ground rules for everyone to follow, "Ok, you all need to behave, that means no fights, brawls, or fires." She stresses the last one. 

"Just to make sure that everyone is accounted for, I've set you all up into groups. Bronya will go with Seele and Clara. Y/N, Dan Heng and March will travel with Pom-Pom. If there's any problems, contact Himeko and me." Welt instructs, letting the group wander off to the loading bay. 

"Feels like we're chaperoning, huh?" Serval lets out a disappointed sigh. 

"Who says we have to babysit? I intend to enjoy this rare day off. Though I doubt I could reach the level of excitement Pom-Pom has." Himeko comments, watching the tiny conductor practically jump off the walls in anticipation of their trip to the most magical place in the galaxy. 

You did a little universal research and pulled up any files you could find on the mysterious D-XNEY planet. "Does anyone know what a M-I-C-K-E-Y pass is? It says I can't be an annual pass holder since I have no address. Is it calling me homeless!?" You exclaim in outrage, aggressively tapping your phone. 

"It appears to be that giant rat." Dan Heng points cautiously at a worn out and cut out suit of a cartoonish rat in a tailcoat. The group is silent as you cautiously pass the horrifying creature. 

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