Aeons - The Remains

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For eons you and Akivili traveled through bubble worlds from the tree of existence. From the moment of your creation Akivili was eager to wander, even if it meant leaving you behind from time to time. Though, they always returned, the more they ventured, the more Akivili longed for the stars. 

"Akivili, where are you going?" Something in you knew that this was a different kind of trip, a pit in your stomach that dared to reveal the truth. You refused to believe it. 

"You are an essential part to the trail that I blaze, but I can't keep coddling you forever." They began, stepping towards the edge of the galaxy towards the glowing tree. 

"I just want to go with you! Please don't go-" 

"Make your own path, Y/N." They placed a hand upon your head, assuming a different form in which they would travel the galaxy with. Leaving you with a single quick embrace, they ran off. 

Watching as Akivili marched to their destiny you paused, running after them through the red sand beneath you. With a wave of anger blinding your vision, you stumbled towards your twin, your best friend, as they faded from view. 

Reaching the husk of the tree you slammed your fist against it until it hurt too much to continue. Your shaking hands against the glowing trunk of an unfeeling tree. The blood that poured off your hands, creating remnants that sprawled across the ground. 

The two of you had been together since your birth on Pegana, the home of the trailblaze. While Akivili was the journey, you were the experience. In your words, you were the remains of their travels. Everything that they documented, that was what you encompassed.

"How can you do this Akivili!? We're supposed to be siblings! How could you leave me!?" You kicked and screamed at the dirt, trying to grasp your emotions properly but failing. 

 Akivili could never look back long enough to realize that they threatened to leave you alone. They wanted to forget where they had been, and who they had loved. Too enthralled with the idea of moving ahead to understand how much you needed them. 

Slumping onto the ground, it changed from the red sands before the tree of existence to the cold grey soil beneath you. Your shoulders fell as you cradled yourself. 

 Standing back up slowly to see the Aeon Fuli, standing in the corner, their face veiled under the crystalline embodiment of their chosen form. 

"Akivili has departed?" They asked, unravelling a glass scroll that swirled infinitely around the Aeon's body. You nodded, as they recorded it into their notes. 

"The others send their condolences. They knew that Akivili was not one to reason with." With that grace, Fuli left, returning to their position within the cosmos to document Akivili's journey. 

It would serve to be near an eternity to wait upon Pegana, hoping for the time where Akivili would return. Though, deep down you knew, that they would never travel back to a place they knew, when the entirety of the universe waited before them. 

You wondered how one could enjoy the spoils of adventure without the memory of its existence. To remove you, was to continue on a path they could not control, one without grounding, without an anchor. 

Akivili, did not want an anchor. Which is why they left, to never look back.

You stewed in your bitterness; waves of anger being taken out on a planet with nothing else in sight. Akivili had wanted to leave this barren wasteland because it was devoid of excitement. Though, it was all you were, a barren and empty wasteland, waiting to be filled with the recollection of adventure. Only left a smoldering junkyard since Akivili left. 

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