Part 68

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Race day.

Chaos day as Lyla had rightfully nicknamed it.

She had been late to the paddock much like a lot of other engineers, mechanics and even some of the drivers from other teams - she had even seen Toto walking into the paddock and begin to start running looking very stressed out. The McLaren team meeting had been delayed because of how late everyone was and once Daniel and Lando had finally shown up, they had a smaller amount of time to be able to talk about everything that they needed to talk about.

With it being the last race before summer started. Everyone was not only nervous for what could happen but excited for the three week gap that they got to have after this.

Out in the paddock, media cameras were dotted about left right and centre, Netflix cameras were rushing around after whichever team it was that they were following his weekend. Mechanics sporting their teams shirts were rushing around with trollies of wheels or front wings. Fans were scattered about midst the chaos trying to find their favourite drivers or team principals which meant their was lots of shouting between groups of people.

The garage was the safe haven.

Which is why Daniel, Lando and multiple mechanics were inside.

Lyla was sat with the two drivers, Isla and Henry. All of them opting to eat their lunch on the floor where they had sat the previous day because they didn't want to face the crowds outside.

"So," Daniel looks over at Lyla. "What are you doing for summer with Charles?"

"Going away." Lyla replies. "I think Pascale's planned another family BBQ."

"I'm jealous of the relationship you have with your family." Isla mutters.

"Its not all sunshines and rainbows, I. Don't worry." Lyla comments.

"Where are you and Charles off to?" Henry questions.

"Nowhere special." Lyla shrugs.

"Oh," Lando gasps. "Its a secret."

Lyla shakes her head, giving him a look at the overdramatic voice he put on when he spoke which, of course, caused Daniel to explode into laughter.

Their lunch was interrupted with the Netflix camera walking in, followed by Zac, who immediately started laughing at the sight of his staff eating on the floor and begging for the producer to put this into the show which he started laughing in agreement. Once stood up, Daniel and Lando headed out of the garage after saying their goodbyes because they had a drivers parade and drivers briefing to get ready for.

Lyla sat down in her seat with Isla and Henry, feeling the lens of the camera burning straight through her back as she worked.

"Why is the camera focussed on you?" Isla leans across to whisper to her.

"Because they want me to do one of their interviews but I keep refusing." Lyla replies back.

"They want an engineer to do an interview?" Henry questions.

"Lyla's not your normal engineer idiot." Isla deadpans causing Henry to put his hands up in mock defence. "You forget who she is."

"You make it sound like I'm fucking Kim Kardashian or some shit." Lyla laughs.

"Hey you could be at this rate!" Isla defends.

"No, I'd say she's more Princess of Monaco." Henry mutters.

Lyla shakes her head at her friends, just letting Isla ramble about how right Henry was and then proceed to turn to her and tell her about how she had to have this big princess wedding because it was her one chance to. The blonde woman just smiled at the red head, laughing when Henry started waving his arms and jumping in with his own ideas.

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