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The room descended into a state of shock and chaos, accompanied by the crashing sounds of objects being hurled through the air by Jimin's furious hands. Fragments of shattered glass and broken pieces of furniture littered the once pristine living room, a testament to Jimin's uncontainable frustration.

"He rejected me! He dared to reject Park Jimin!" Jimin's voice reverberated through the room, filled with equal parts anger and heartbreak. Each item he destroyed served as a physical outlet for the emotions he couldn't contain.

His mother, Mrs. Park, attempted to offer reassurance, her voice trembling with concern. "Baby, don't worry. We'll find another suitable groom for you-"

Before she could finish her sentence, a TV stand was sent hurtling towards her face. With a quick reflex, Namjoon managed to whisk her out of harm's way, saving her from the impact. The room fell into a stunned silence once again, punctuated by the heavy breathing and shattered remnants of Jimin's outburst.

"It was because of you!" Jimin pointed an accusing finger at his mother, his voice seething with anger. "You told me to act innocent! Do I look like an innocent person to you?"

Mrs. Park shook her head in dismay, her eyes wide with disbelief at the chaos that had unfolded before her. She struggled to find words to calm her distraught son, knowing all too well the role she played in orchestrating this ill-fated charade.

"And you," Jimin turned his attention to Namjoon. "I don't even know how to cook! I can't even boil water! Yet you told me to behave like a master chef?"

He shouted and searched for a gun to shot Namjoon mercilessly. But he couldn't find the gun.

His anger intensified as he cast blame on each person involved. "You! " Pointing towards his father.

"Jungkook has a sensitive nose, and you bought me a perfume that could knock out an elephant just to make him reject me?"

Jimin's emotions overwhelmed him, and in a fit of despair, he slammed the door shut, barricading himself inside his room. The outside world ceased to exist as he collapsed onto his bed, his tears staining the pillow.

"He looks so handsome, and the thought of someone else marrying Jungkook... it hurts my heart," Jimin cried, his sobs muffled by the softness of the pillow. The weight of rejection and shattered expectations bore down on him, leaving him in a vulnerable state of anguish and longing.

Desperation filled the air as Mr. Park pounded on Jimin's door, hoping that his impending announcement would be enough to coax his son out of his despair.

"Jimin, baby, open the door! It's time for a monumental announcement! You'll be the GROUP CEO!" Mr. Park's voice rang with a mix of excitement and pleading, his words carrying the weight of potential salvation.

Namjoon, sensing the gravity of the situation, stepped forward with a determined expression on his face. "And I'll personally ensure that Jungkook gets transferred to the most remote area possible. You won't have to see his face again!"

Mrs. Park joined in, her voice filled with determination and hope. "Darling, I promise you, we will find a groom who will make Jungkook pale in comparison. Open the door, and let us make our move."

Yoongi, ever the faithful ally, added his plea to the chorus. "Jimin, please, open the door. Together, we'll forge a new path and overcome this setback."

As the door swung open, a collective sigh of relief escaped their lips. However, their relief quickly turned to concern as they took in the sight before them. Jimin's once flawless complexion was marred by dark circles beneath his eyes, evidence of eyeliner smeared on his face. His eyes, still red and shot with unshed tears, spoke volumes of his emotional turmoil.

"I don't want to be a mere GROUP CEO, instead resign your job and make me the NEXT CEO" Jimin declared with a determined edge in his voice, causing a wave of surprise and apprehension to ripple through the room. His proclamation left them momentarily speechless, unsure of how to respond to this unexpected request.

"But baby, you're only 20," Mr. Park stammered, his brows furrowing in worry. "I can't simply appoint you as the CEO."

Jimin's gaze pierced his father's, a mixture of frustration and defiance evident in his eyes. "So, a 20-year-old can get married, but can't be a CEO?" he scoffed, his voice tinged with biting sarcasm. The injustice of the situation weighed heavily on him, and he was determined to challenge the norms that confined him.

His mother, taken aback by his pointed accusation, stumbled over her words. "AND YOU, LOOK FOR A GROOM,WHO IS MUCH BETTER THAN JUNGKOOK"

Jimin's finger shot out accusatorily, pointing directly at Namjoon. "And you," he seethed, "transferred Jungkook to Busan. I'll unleash my revenge upon him."



ARREST ME, MR JEON || JIKOOK✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora