14: Letters to home

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"Go ahead and write, y/n," Satoru whispered from behind, "do not let me distract you."

His breath fanned against your ears and neck, making you shiver as you squirmed against him. You had been sitting on his cock, unwillingly unmoving for the better part of a half hour. Elbows on his desk, you whined since every time you attempted to move around on him, he would stop you and order you to continue writing home to your family.

"Satoru, I cannot." you murmured, pressing your back against his chest in desperation.

"Yes you can, come on," he purred, leaning forward and subsequently pushing you back into focus, "finish this one to dad and I'll let you have it, that sound okay?"

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Letters from y/n!" Mai called as she ran up the path of the estate. Once she made it up to the porch, she quickly handed out the small envelopes to her sister, Megumi and Toji, and just before she handed the last which was addressed to Naoya, he snatched it from her.

"Give me that, vermin!" he spat, walking angrily inside.

"There is one more for the Master!" she called after him, and he spun around, stole the other one from her grasp and walked quickly back inside. Your family, well, all except for Toji, was quick in tearing open their letters and reading. He took his time.

Alas, he was late to the party since the rest of your cousins were staring at each other with wide eyes. "What?" he scoffed, looking down at your writing.

My dear Toji-

I am with child.

"Ah," he chuckled, "now I know why you all have that face on." Toji walked away and calmly continued to read his letter, leaving the teenagers gaping at each other.

"y/n is...pregnant?" Maki said, covering her hand with her mouth as she checked over your words for the fifth time.

"Goodness," Megumi sat down on the porch, feet imbedded into the grass, "what happens now? What of the conflicts?"

"I am not permitted to know about anything of the sort," Maki snorted, "but who cares about that?! We are going to be aunts and uncles!"

"Well...first cousins, once removed."

"Is she not like a sister to you, Megumi?" Mai teased, "I wonder what Naobito will say."

"I imagine he will drink himself to bed...should we get him some Gojo distilled shochu?" Maki cackled, making Megumi roll his eyes in response.

"He would kill us."

"Did you all read the rest of the letter?" Toji came up beside Megumi as they all shook their heads, "it says: I invite all of my cousins and nephew Megumi to the estate next Thursday if you are all available." He said it in a woman-like voice to attempt an imitation, and poor Megumi frowned in embarrassment.

"Oh, we can go? What about the Master?" Mai questioned.

"Not sure. I would not want him there either." Toji walked away for the final time, placing his letter in his son's hand because he knew he would lose it.

"Naoya as well," Megumi said, "surely he was invited."

"Damn it, you are right..." Maki trailed, "she loves him for whatever reason. Plus, I know if he saw her again he may be a little nicer."

"That is almost like saying Ryomen Sukuna would be kind."

"Ugh, just his name gives me the creeps."

"Pregnant..." Naobito said once again. It was almost as if he was in disbelief. Disbelief of the destiny he shoved upon you. "My daughter is pregnant." The man set his letter down and folded his hands together, covering his mouth with the same hands.

"Good news, is it not?" Naoya risked his voice being heard across the room, folding his own letter neatly which, in his opinion, was something that was now very dear to him. "She is doing her job well."

"Wonderful news..." he nodded with a glazed look in his eye, "you know, Naoya...when you reach fatherhood, I do hope you experience having a daughter." His son was silent at the sentiment, not entirely sure what to say.

"Is it nice?"

"Yes. Very nice," he said as he leaned back in his seat, "if you do it right, there is nothing as strong as the love you have for your daughter. The love I have for your sister is different than the love I have for you. Yes, most definitely."

Naoya gulped down his words.

"It is difficult to explain but...I am sure once you are a father, you will understand me."

"Is fatherhood in the cards for me?"

"Oh, yes," he chuckled, "you need an heir."

"Are you going to marry me off?"

Naobito laughed, "no, not for the time being. If you find a woman with good breeding somewhere in our fief, by all means do not hesitate to tell me," he finally met eyes with Naoya and sighed, "although I find it hard to believe any woman would want to be wed to you with your...temperament."

Naoya tucked his letter carefully in his box of important papers, i.e., the drawings and letters from his whole childhood. Those from your mother, from you...none from Naobito. He had to keep your letter safe. Then he heard a knock on his door, scowling when he saw his competition for the family head standing on the opposite side.

"What?" he barked.

"Were you also invited? To the Gojo estate?" he asked calmly, and Naoya nodded.

"Yes," he confirmed.

"What of the Master?"

"He is, as well."

"Oh, okay."

"Okay, then," he said, "bye." He shut the door in Megumi's face, both of them uncaring about what had transpired. Naoya sat beside his window, where blue hour had just begun, staring blankly out onto the lake.

"You miss her, my son," she whispered in his ear again. Naoya, as always, tried to ignore her, but his mother always found a way to invite herself into his life. "Your other half has been away from you for too long."

"Not my other half." he grumbled, fist holding up his chin.

"She is your sister, is she not?" she told him, "she is part of you, just as you are part of her. She is your first friend." He sighed now, screwing his eyes shut in the silence that followed.

"That does not matter."

"Naoya! Be kind to your sister!" the woman scolded him at thirteen, picking up the crying girl from the ground with a quickness. "I did not raise you to be so combative."

"She was annoying me!"

"There are other ways to ask her to change behaviors," Natsuko paced around as she carried you, "you may be your father's son, but you are also my son."


"You have it in you to be kind, Naoya. Start now," your mother set you down in front of him after wiping her tears, forcing you to face your scowling brother. "Apologize, honey."

"I will not."


The small boy huffed, crossing his arms with an embarrassed blush spreading across his face. He would never defy is mother. No, not when she loved him so.

"I am sorry, sister." he cringed, yet Natsuko reeled him up in another hug, peppering his face with small kisses that always made him laugh and kick and smile like a child should.

"Thank you, my love!" she said happily.

"I forgive you, onii-san!" you said from the ground, big smile on your face as you looked at the both of them. You always forgave him.

You were more of your mother than he could ever be.

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