Chapter 4

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As we journey through Viridian Forest, Misty's scream pierces the air once more. Insey spots a Caterpie and a Weedle, prompting her to exclaim, "Finally! I can capture my own Bug Type Pokémon!"

"Great!" Serena responds. "Go ahead and try to catch them."

Misty decides to step aside, allowing us to watch Insey's attempt to capture the Pokémon. Just as Insey is about to throw two Pokéballs, a voice interrupts us.

"Greetings, am I addressing the Pokémon trainers from Pallet Town?" A Samurai approaches us. I retort, "And what if you are? We're a bit occupied at the moment."

"So, I've found you," the Samurai declares, drawing his sword. "Hey, what's the sword for?" Serena questions.

"Your sword doesn't intimidate me," I assert.

"I am Samurai. I've been scouring the entire forest for you," the Samurai explains. "I'm here for a Pokémon battle."

"No! Come back!" Insey's cries echo as both Caterpie and Weedle slip away. She collapses to the ground, tears streaming down her face. "Why..."

My anger surges within me, and I snap, "Those two got away because of your interruption!"

"Don't blame your failure on me. You're the one who let them escape," the Samurai retorts arrogantly.

"You're not the only one with a sword, and who knows how many have perished by its edge," I growl darkly, drawing the weapon. The Samurai's panic is palpable. "Now face your fate!"

"Brother, please stop!" Insey pleads. "Yeah, he's not worth it!" Serena joins in, attempting to restrain me, while Misty watches in shock and horror.

"I just want to battle! I promise to leave you alone afterward!" the Samurai pleads, his voice tinged with desperation. Reluctantly, I sheathe my sword. "Fine."

He sends out Pinsir as I choose Pidgey. The Samurai declares, "I'll make the first move. Pinsir, use Vice Grip!"

"Pidgey, soar high and evade!" Pinsir's horn gleams as it charges toward Pidgey, but Pidgey easily evades by flying out of reach.

"Now, execute Aerial Ace with Double Team!" I command. Pidgey creates multiple copies of itself and dives at Pinsir.

"Use Superpower to eliminate them all!" Pinsir strikes, knocking out several copies, but it fails to hit the real Pidgey.

"What?" The Samurai is taken aback.

"Now, finish it with Air Cutter!" Pidgey unleashes a barrage of slicing winds, knocking out Pinsir.

"Pinsir, return! Go, Metapod!" the Samurai calls out, sending in his next Pokémon.

"Pidgey, take a break." I decide to match his choice with my own Metapod. "Metapod, I choose you!"

The two Metapods lock eyes, their battle of endurance unfolding slowly. Pikachu remarks, "Looks like things are getting interesting."

Serena adds, "No kidding. Ash's Metapod seems much sturdier. Speaking of which, I should let him witness this match." She releases her Kakuna, wanting it to observe the battle.

The Samurai's Metapod can only use Harden, providing Ash's Metapod with the opportunity to emerge victorious in the end.

Suddenly, a swarm of Beedrill approaches, and Insey cries out, "Brother! A Beedrill swarm!"

"We need to get out of here," I assert. But before we can react, two Beedrill snatch Metapod and Kakuna simultaneously.

"Oh no! Return!" Serena and I attempt to recall our Pokémon, but they're too far away, and our attempts miss their mark.

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