Chapter 17

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When we finally reach Route 9, we notice a lot of Butterfree flying in the air. Insey says, "Are those Butterfree?"

"Yeah, it's the Butterfree's mating season right now. The Butterfree are finding mates and they lay eggs." Brock says.

"And maybe we can find Butterfree a mate." Serena adds, and I flinch a little.

We manage to rent a hot air balloon and we all ride up to the sky, and we find the Butterfree around us. "There they are!" Misty says.

"You're right! And they're flying as couples!" Yellow adds.

"Butterfree! Come on out!" I say.

After Butterfree is out, he tries to find a mate, but he struggles to get any interest from the other Butterfree. "None of the Butterfree may be its type, it sure has a unique taste." Insey says.

"I wonder what Butterfree's type is." Yellow says.

We then notice that other Trainers bring out their Butterfree and release them to find their mate. Our Butterfree flies back to me and my friends. After we cheer up the Butterfree, he returned to seeking a lifetime mate.

Very soon, Butterfree falls in love with a pink Butterfree flying in front of him. He tries to appeal by dancing, but he is rejected by the pink one.

"Looks like he is rejected..." I say. Butterfree doesn't give up and keeps on trying, but the pink one eventually slaps him across the face with her wing. Being shot down, my teary-eyed Butterfree then flies away into a forest.

"Butterfree!" We chase after him, and after we find him leaning on the tree, I say, "Hey there, Butterfree, are you okay?"

"She... she rejected me..." Butterfree says.

"But you can't give up. You are awesome, I don't get why that pink one wants to reject you." Serena says, trying to cheer the Butterfree up. "How about showing her how your strength and power are? After all, you are the Butterfree who won a bunch of Rock Type Pokemon."

"That's right, Butterfree. You have to be assertive." Misty says, also trying to cheer Butterfree up.

"Do you think you should give Butterfree a new look?" I say as I take out a Yellow Scarf, tying it around Butterfree.

"Isn't that the Yellow Scarf that boosts the Contest's Toughness power?" Insey asks.

"Yeah, you can use it to show how tough you are." I say.

Then we decide to search for the Butterfree from the skies, and once we find it, Butterfree decides to show its attacks, but the pink Butterfree is still not interested. But then, we heard the sound of the helicopter, and Yellow asks, "What's that?"

Just by hearing the annoying motto and that big red R on the side of the helicopter, we groan as Team Rocket is back once more. They even prepare a big net that captures the Butterfree.

"They're stealing the Butterfree!" Misty gasps.

"We have to save them!" I say. Fortunately, Butterfree is not in the net and we can call it to attack.

"I'll help as well." Insey says as she throws a Pokeball, and we're surprised to see a Butterfree. "You caught a Butterfree?" Serena asks.

"I found her hiding behind the tree watching us, so I decided to check out. Then I captured her." Insey says.

My own Butterfree is trying to assure the other Butterfree that there's no need to worry, while Insey's own Butterfree is using Tackle on the helicopter. After assuring them, the Butterfree also joins Insey's to attack the helicopter, but the attacks are in vain.

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