Chapter 26

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We try to go to Route 12, but it turns out that the gate is blocked because of some people trying to fix the gate. So we decide to head back to Celadon City and head west to Route 16.

On the way, we see a house hidden at the route. "I wonder why is there a house?" Yellow asks.

"Should we check it out?" Serena asks as we nod. Once we go there, we see a woman there. She says, "Oh my, you found my secret hideout..."

We are surprised and I say, "I am sorry, we didn't mean to..."

"It's fine, children. Please don't tell anyone I am here. I'll make it up to you with this." She gives us an HM, much to our surprise. "This HM is for Fly, please put it to good use."

HM for Fly is actually useful, especially since we can use it to fast travel. We thank the woman before leaving the house. Next, we stop by a town called HopHopHop Town, we solve a mystery of the missing children, Officer Jenny also told us that she's detecting sleep wakes, which we think was one of the pieces of evidence. It turns out that the Hypno from the Pokemon Lover's Club is the culprit, and it tries to hypnotize Misty into thinking herself as a Dewgong.

After freeing them from the hypnosis, Team Rocket of course tries to steal the Pokemon again, but we stop them and send them blasting off once more. Then we also notice a Psyduck in the Pokemon Center, and it starts to follow us after Brock asks to take care of it.

"Well, you did ask Nurse Joy to leave it to you." I say.

"But Psyduck is a Water Pokemon, you've better take it, Misty." Brock says.

"Why would I want such a boring Pokemon?" Misty asks.

"Well, according to the Pokedex, Psyduck constantly suffers from headaches." Serena says.

"You say this thing is suffering from a headache!" Misty yells, but she accidentally falls to the ground with one of the Pokeballs falling off from her pocket, and it rolls in front of Psyduck before it gets sucked into the Pokeball.

"Oh no... now it's in my Pokeball?" Misty groans.

"Good work, Misty. You caught a Psyduck." Insey says.

"Now I'm getting headaches..." Misty mutters in frustration.

"But that means we have to find another Psyduck on our way..." Serena says to me, and I sigh.

And then we arrive at some sort of grapefruit forest, and we heard from a girl named Ruby that there is someone who has been stealing the grapefruits. Then another staff member calls her that there is another thief, and just when we arrive, we notice all the trees are torn off. And it turns out that the one who has been eating all the berries is a Snorlax.

"A Snorlax?" Yellow asks.

"Snorlax eats more than any other Pokemon after all..." Brock says.

"We have to stop that Snorlax immediately!" Ruby calls the staff to get rid of it, but they couldn't push it away.

"Well, I think Snorlax doesn't like someone pushing his lunch away..." Insey says.

"We have to do something, if we don't do anything, all the grapefruits will be gone." Then we decide to pick all the grapefruit for Ruby and her staff members. But just as we manage to stack a pile, the Snorlax comes and tries to eat the berries that we gather.

"It seems we have to battle it." Serena says. Much to our surprise, Snorlax just uses a Body Slam to knock out Pikachu and Meowsie at the same time. In the end, the Snorlax manages to eat all of the grapefruits in the garden.

"Now the whole grapefruits are gone..." Yellow mutters.

"This is just a part of the grapefruit forest, there are some more across the lake over there." Ruby explains, and we notice that Snorlax is standing at the side of the lake.

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