Chapter 15

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"So where are we going next?" Insey asks me, and I say, "I was thinking about going either Saffron or Celadon."

"Then I think Celadon might be better since it is a Grass Type Gym." Serena says.

"Then Celadon we go." I say.

When we walk on Route 11, we see a lot of Drowzee wandering around the area. Just then, Serena, Insey, and I notice that the others have fallen asleep.

"Guys? Are you okay?" Insey tries to wake them up but in vain.

I turn to one Drowzee and ask, "Why do you do that?"

But Drowzee is just tilting its head and we don't know what it means, Serena quickly opens her Pokedex and says, "I see, so you are hungry and you want to eat the dreams as food, right?"

But then Drowzee feels the pain as it is lying on the ground. Serena says, "And you must have eaten a bad dream. I don't know whose dream is a bad dream, but don't worry." She pets the Pokemon, causing him to look at her.

"You are an interesting Pokemon, do you want to join our team?" The Pokemon just gives a battle stance and I say, "So you want me to battle you first."

I decide to have Serena do the battle, and she uses Rattata to battle, and Rattata uses a lot of Dark Moves like Crunch and Assurance to deal some damage. And in the end, it evolves into a Raticate and finishes Drowzee, giving us the chance to capture the Pokemon.

Raticate: The Mouse Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Rattata at LV:20. It uses its whiskers to maintain its balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off.

Drowzee: The Hypnosis Pokemon: Psychic Type. Puts enemies to sleep and then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams.

Yellow, Brock, and Misty finally wake up and Brock asks, "What happened? Why are we sleeping on the road?"

Insey says, "Don't worry, you were put to sleep by Drowzee's Hypnosis."

Misty says, "Well, this route has a lot of Drowzee after all. But where is the one that hypnotized us?"

"I caught it, and thanks to it our Raticate evolves." Serena says as she shows them, they are in awe at the sight of new evolution as they continue forward.

Walking on the beach way, we decide to continue training, Insey already evolved her Pidgey into a Pidgeotto, and we also evolve our Spearow into Fearow as well.

Fearow: The Beak Pokemon: Normal Type. With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep aloft without ever having to land for rest.

Yellow is also training her Pokemon, and she is surprised to see Ratty evolving. Yellow says, "Ratty is..."

"Yeah, it's evolving. It's level 20 and evolution allows a Pokemon to improve its abilities and learn new attacks. This makes it more useful in battles." I reply.

But since she was hypnotized when seeing our Rattata evolve into Raticate, when Yellow sees Ratty as a Raticate, she starts to burst into tears.

"Yellow? What's wrong? It's just a Raticate! We've seen those before and we also have one with us." Serena says as I decide to pull her into a hug as she continues to cry on my shoulder before passing out.

"Is she scared of her Pokemon's evolution?" Insey asks. "I mean, that was quite unusual."

Misty asks, "I wonder what the big deal with her is."

After Yellow wakes up, she apologizes to us that she will not cry again, and Brock also suggests that she can use the Pokedex to cancel the evolution. Something that Yellow keeps a note on.

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