Chapter 36

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When we are searching for the Cinnabar Gym, we stumble across a man. He says, "Let me give you a riddle what do tourists think is hot and cool?"

"Uh... hot springs are hot and tourists think is cool?" I ask.

"That's right. You see, there is a volcano around here, so there are definitely going to be hot springs around here. But every year, more and more tourists start to visit, and now trainers don't come to the gym anymore."

"Really?" Yellow says, "But we're going to the gym, I heard that the gym leader is a guy named Blaine."

"You're right about that. And his gym is right over there." We notice a broken building and we gasp in shock. "That's it?" Brock asks.

"Blaine got tired of battling trainers who only want postcards or T-shirts instead of the Pokemon. That's why he abandoned the gym."

"But my Mom never told me that the Cinnabar Gym was abandoned." I say. "I'm not those trainers and I really want a badge so I can enter the League."

"I see. If that's the case, maybe you'll be able to find the whereabouts of Blaine in the Pokemon Mansion." The man says while giving a card. "And this is my card."

I look at it and it says Big Riddle Inn and we are confused, how come is this man blaming tourists while opening an inn at the same time? But just before we can ask him, he's already gone.

When we decide to go into the Pokemon Mansion, which is a good thing that it hasn't become a tourist attraction. But when we enter the building, everything looks burnt and damaged.

"This place is messed up..." Misty says.

"I wonder what exactly happened that cause the place to be like this." Serena says.

When we try to look around, we spot a Weezing and I say, "Team Rocket already has this Pokemon, but we haven't yet. So we're going to catch it."

I use Omanyte to battle, with the Rollout and the Spike Cannon, we manage to defeat the Pokemon and they even capture the Pokemon.

Koffing: The Poison Gas Pokemon: Poison Type. Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning.

Weezing: The Poison Gas Pokemon: Poison Type. Evolved from Koffing at LV:35. Where two kinds of poison gases meet, 2 Koffings can fuse into a Weezing over many years.

As we head upstairs, we also find some Burglars that are hiding in this place since it is a burned-down mansion, so we fight them and arrest them if they didn't run as fast as a Dodrio.

We eventually find a table that is full of broken diaries and research papers, we decide to read one of them. "Diary: July 5 We discovered a new Pokémon deep in the jungle."

"I wonder what is the new Pokemon that is written..." Insey says as she already finds another one and reads it. "Diary: July 10 We christened the newly discovered Pokémon 'Mew.'"

Serena says, "I wonder how long has it been written? Since we already know about the Pokemon Mew."

"Maybe fifty years ago?" I ask, "Since it is not that old of a paper..."

As we head upstairs, we hear galloping as we notice a Rapidash running by. "No way, a Rapidash inside of the mansion running?" Misty asks.

"Well, since this place is burnt, it might be a good place for Fire Type Pokemon to rest." Brock says.

"We don't have a Rapidash in our Pokedex list yet, so we're going to capture it." Serena says.

After we chase the Pokemon, we eventually get it into the corner, Serena sends out Omanyte to battle the Pokemon, but much to her surprise is that it evolves just after the battle is over.

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